posted on Nov, 28 2016 @ 05:25 PM
Time has robbed the valentine candy hearts
of their words and sentiments,
only their chalky sweetness remains,
words of love disappearing, replaced with pain.
I remember laughing at country songs
and their inevitable focus on love lost
but today's pop radio plays the same
broken hearts and lost hope refrains.
Why do we keep singing the same old lyrics?
Where is the science that will release us?
Will the next drink or hit deliver me
from suffering loneliness and despair?
Clocks and watches are ticking,
growing older reduces opportunity.
Will love truly come in good time,
when time appears to be running out?
Love songs are like salt on my wounds,
their promises of eternal love and care,
of intimacy and passion sound like an ad,
I find myself without the funds to buy.
Christians will encourage me that God loves me,
counselors will question my commitment to find love,
friends will try to drag me out to meet someone,
meanwhile I grow less and less inclined to search.
My landlord forbids pets,
I can't afford to move,
I speak to strangers,
I make eye contact with children.
Their smiles and bright faces,
partially heal my soul and temporarily soothe my heart
I would lay my life down for any one of them,
but their parents rightfully question my interest.
I guess this time of year
I will once again ring with pain.
I find myself once again
begging for a handout.