Self-proclaimed intellectuals are accusing fake news of manipulating conservatives.
The president is accusing fake news of manipulating elections.
Media moguls are threatening to censor fake news.
The main steam media, the originators of fake news, are laughing at everyone.
On a scale from ebola to facial herpes, the main stream media ranks lower than rectal-projectile-vomiting.
They are pushing for censorship and . . . believe it or not. . .they are getting quite a few people to help them do it.
We have a choice.
Do we embrace freedom, all freedom (the truth, the crazy, the fantasy) or do we do as the media and their willing accomplices want and introduce
Do me a favor people.
Before you endorse or embrace censorship under any guise. . . use your god damned mind and think.
If (after thinking) you still want censorship, then go suck door knobs you pathetic cowardly losers. I don't even want to acknowledge your weak and
pathetic existence you puling, whiny, weak, simpletons.
If, on the other hand, you actually consider freedom, free expression, free speech, actual freedom, then I will consider you an ally and will always
have your six.
This is a rant. Don't get anal and content-check me. It will annoy me and I will verbally beat you.