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Carson: I’ll help Trump with Obamacare replacement plan

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posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:00 AM
Trump's take along with others on Failed Obamacare.

If there's the Will to repeal Obamacare, and there is, then it Will happen.

People don't want it, don't need it, and there is a much better way to build the health system because it's not working, it's robbing people of their hard earned money by the month i might add, and it's time to stop pretending it works because it doesn't.

By KYLE CHENEY 11/09/16 11:50 AM EST

Ben Carson says he’s still ironing out his role in the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, but one thing’s certain: He’ll have a role in helping craft the replacement plan for Obamacare.

“I think the replacement obviously must come first and it must be something that is very appealing and easy to understand. And then, only then, would you dismantle what’s in place,” the retired neurosurgeon said in an interview.

Asked if he intends to be involved in designing that plan, Carson said, “Yes, of course.”

Carson, who ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary, burst onto the national scene in 2013 when he rebuked Barack Obama’s health care law at the National Prayer breakfast, while the president sat a few feet away. He declined to say whether he was in line for a Cabinet role such as secretary of health and human services, or a broader advisory role.

Trump ran his campaign on a pledge to replace Obamacare with a simpler and less expensive plan. But he’s provided no details on what that plan would look like or how he’d handle the millions of people who have obtained insurance under the law. But the election of a Republican Congress ensures that he’ll have the best chance since Obamacare passed in 2010 to make that campaign pledge a reality.

“I think actually a lot of the people who have tried to demonize him will be quite shocked when they see who he really is,” Carson said. “He’ll be a very easy person to work with as long as you’re reasonable, as long as you’re fair.”

Carson also said he’d encourage Trump to shelve -- at least for now -- his campaign promise to prosecute Hillary Clinton

“That certainly should not be the first thing on one’s list,” he said, adding, “The concept of liberty and justice for all is important. Having standards that apply to everybody in the society obviously is an important thing.”

Secondary Sources:
edit on 12-11-2016 by JesusXst because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: JesusXst

I think over the last 30+ years we've debated this from every angle except the socialist angle.
Unless Carsons plan is going to be in the neighborhood of some sort of single payer/socialized system like the rest of the industrialized world, I predict it's just going to be yet another for profit idea that will only serve corporate interests.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:10 AM
Nice Speech from Trump in MI. on repealing OC.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: MrPlow
a reply to: JesusXst

I think over the last 30+ years we've debated this from every angle except the socialist angle.
Unless Carsons plan is going to be in the neighborhood of some sort of single payer/socialized system like the rest of the industrialized world, I predict it's just going to be yet another for profit idea that will only serve corporate interests.

I can't say that i agree with you.

There were doubters who didn't think Trump would become the 45th President either, but it happened.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:19 AM
If Dr. Ben Carson can't convince doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and device makers, to accept a 25% - 40% pay cut, there's not much he'll be able to do. The MEDICAL SIDE of the Affordable Care Act is Dr. Carson's forte.

For example, here is ONE medical patient in IOWA who incurred $18,000,000 (Eighteen Million) in medical bills, not in his/her life, but in 2015 alone!


The medical bills wouldn't have been anywhere near that expense if the Affordable Care Act didn't make hundreds of billions of dollars available to the Medical Profession and Industry.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: carewemust

edit on 12-11-2016 by missed_gear because: phone, wrong thread

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: carewemust

edit on 12-11-2016 by missed_gear because: phone, wrong thread

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: carewemust

edit on 12-11-2016 by missed_gear because: phone, wrong thread

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: JesusXst
Nice Speech from Trump in MI. on repealing OC.

Cool. A whole lot of idealistic fluff. Nothing new from the conservatives. I love how slimey Hannity slides in terms like "Obamacare premiums" - as if "obamacare" is even a thing to purchase. No, wrong fruitcake. Obamacare is the ACA and it doesn't set prices on anything. Those premiums are going up because the greed of the insurance companies dictates it. People have bugatti payments to make...that's why the premiums are going up.
There's a lot to unpack with this. First of all, Trump is already back-pedaling on those promises prior to being elected. Whatever roll Carson plays is going to end up being simply as counsel. He's not going to create anything.
Also, HSA's? really? That sounds all well and good, if you have the money to save up to cover the cost! Even if you're putting into your HSA the same amount as you were paying in premiums, one even remotely minor incident is going to wipe that account out.
Also, where in the world do people get the idea that opening up state lines for insurance is going to drive the price down? Health insurance isn't like a set of radial tires you can buy online. Insurance premiums are set at the prices they're set at in the states they do business in based on what that particular market can bare. You open up the lines and the insurance companies market has just opened up which means the average annual wage marker they're using to calculate these costs is going to go up, which means not one single insurance company has anymore motivation to keep the costs low.
Also, these costs are fluid. If one state has a lot of middle-aged people getting closer to age related diseases, prices are going to be higher than the state that has a lot of younger, healthier people.
This is just juvenile BS by the party of no and zero ideas.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: MrPlow

I predict it's just going to be yet another for profit idea that will only serve corporate interests.

What is wrong with something being for profit? If people don't buy it, it won't last. It is the truest form of democracy.

Unless Carsons plan is going to be in the neighborhood of some sort of single payer/socialized system like the rest of the industrialized world

Forcing someone to pay for something they do not want or need is indeed the socialist way.

If you believe in freedom of choice it should be a no brainer.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:35 AM
GOP had years to fix Obamacare. Instead they pouted and wasted time trying to repel it or worsening it. I have no faith in them.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:36 AM

What is wrong with something being for profit? If people don't buy it, it won't last. It is the truest form of democracy.

A persons health doesn't know anything about democracy. Good doctors don't get into this for the money and they sure as F aren't motivated by it. It's a deserved pay-off sure, but the best doctors do what they do to help. To move humanity forward. To advance everyones health. Because that's what they're here to do.
You can try to deny that and if you do, you're living in a really terrible bubble. Take a look at the medical professionals across the world that are not making the kind of profits we make here. They do it because they love helping people. Period. If you take the corporate tentacles out of that, those real doctors will still be there, ready to do their job. And that is how you weed the good health care out from the bad. Not the almighty dollar.

Forcing someone to pay for something they do not want or need is indeed the socialist way.

If you believe in freedom of choice it should be a no brainer.

Everybody needs health insurance. Every single person. You may not need it right now, but when you do, you will.
In fact, people only scrambling to buy health insurance when they need it is one of the major reasons why the prices are so high. Because they're not paying into the same pool as everybody else is and now they need to draw large amounts from it.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:41 AM
If Trump successfully repeals obamacare, he goes down as a successful president. The ACA is the worst tax to hit us since the introduction of income tax.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: Pyle
GOP had years to fix Obamacare. Instead they pouted and wasted time trying to repel it or worsening it. I have no faith in them.

That's very true, however they didn't have Trump. They had a bunch of Narcissistic Insiders who didn't give a crap about anyone but themselves.

Things are finally 'Changing' now.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: Pyle
GOP had years to fix Obamacare. Instead they pouted and wasted time trying to repel it or worsening it. I have no faith in them.

They didn't want to fix Obamacare with Obama in the White House. They wanted to wait until they had their team in charge so they could take all the credit.

That's politics.

Believe it or not, politicians love "leaving a legacy" and being remembered for things. It is one of the personality traits that drives politicians to seek office.
edit on 12-11-2016 by Kettu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: MrPlow

You have a right to your opinions. But give the guy a chance.

You've had nothing but idiots running the place for decades, so in your head, that's all you' think you're ever gonna get.

That's not always the reality of it.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: JesusXst

I got bad news for you the GOP in the house and Senate has not changed since then.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: MrPlow

Good doctors don't get into this for the money and they sure as F aren't motivated by it

Spending years and years in medical school without a payoff? Of course they're in it for the money. You're being delusional.

If they are so altruistic, why don't you ask them to move into a studio apartment and live on $500 a month. They might as well work for free, right?

Everybody needs health insurance. Every single person. You may not need it right now, but when you do, you will. 

I don't need it, and I shouldn't be forced to pay for it.

You believe somehow that you are helping me by saying otherwise. But all you are doing is justifying taking money out of my wallet.

Start a charity if you feel inclined. I would probably donate, if I had the choice. You're saying there shouldn't even be an option.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:55 AM
Well, I think I'm going to take a page from the Trump playbook in this new era of his.

If I'm not happy with my doctor, I'm just not going to pay him. He didn't make me better, so I'm not paying.

What say all of you? I'll pay if I'm satisfied with my medical care. That attitude seems to work for our new leader...

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:57 AM
How about this proposal:

- Free Housing for Serious Dr's without the high pay benefits. (you know, so you get Dr.s who actually give a crap about Health and making sick people well.)
- Free health care for those making below 40,000
- Create a health care system like that of Canada and the UK
- fill in the blanks.
- Stop handing out Drugs like candy to people who don't need it.

Just a few passing thoughts i have on the matter.

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