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Ladies; Get Your Birth Control NOW While You Still Can

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posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Exactly!! You have to pay for some old guy's boner pills and nobody gives a damn if you like it or not.

But when it comes to them paying for your Birth Control suddenly everyone gets all high and mighty about where their pennies might be going and all principled about you're sex life.

To me that is the hypocrisy about the issue which I find to be the worst part.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Lot's of things are sentient and we kill and torture them all the time without any care in the world.

Very true. I won't argue that.

Yet, at the same time, when we do care it is a matter of sentience. Sometimes people do care when say cows are mistreated in factory farming, or dogs left in hot cars. Sometimes people feel bad when they see a dead cat in the road. This isn't true for the blades of grass mowed down by your neighbor every Sunday, or if you were to see me uproot vegetables from my garden on the regular.

It's certainly true that people kill sentient beings without care. The important distinction though is that when people do care it's because that being is either sentient or they knew it once was. We do not react on the same emotional level when we step on a dogs tail versus when we step on a stuffed animal.

Our morality, in my opinion, all comes down to this. It's all a matter of sentience. In respect to other animals it's how similar we believe their sentience is to ours. The closer we think it is, the more of an emotional response, and the stronger the moral stance. .02

But if that is your only argument it's not consistent to make a difference.

A few posts back you mentioned you were personally pro-choice but didn't agree/want late term abortions. I think you said that? Would you say your reason (moral reservation?) for this stance has nothing to do with the later stages of development and its relationship to sentience? Or would you?

Just how sentient is a fetus really??? Do you remember anything from when you were a fetus???

I don't have memories before I was like 11, dude. No joke. Rough childhood maybe. I know that we never consciously remember being in our moms.

To cut to the chase here though, I would personally not condone abortions if the neuroscience showed it was during a stage in development when the fetus was conscious... to any degree. That's my line. The religious have their "divine spark of life at conception" and mine is whenever neuroscience says they're conscious.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

With all due respect your entire post, as well as train of thought, is completely born of ignorance. So let me school you a bit and then maybe you'll take your torch and pitchfork where it belongs - the medical establishment.

you are not going to let m go to sleep, are you? Let me adjust the trajectory of your pitchfork. The medical establishment is not the problem. The interference from the government is the problem. It stems from medicare/medicaid. If a doctor buys a shot for you, lets say flu shot, and it cost him $14 to buy. He can charge his office visit of $25, and the flu shot for $15. This will cover employees, electric, supplies, ect. lets say he sees 10 people a day. That would equal $400 a day. lets say this is the break even point of this business. Medicare and Medicaid will only allow a certain amount of money to be paid for each thing. Lets say flu shots will only pay $12, and office visits only $20. At the same patient flow, lets say 9 are medicare/medicaid patients, and one is you. Flu shots for the first 9 people go from making $1 to now loosing $2. So flu shot totals are now $-18 so far. Add the loss of the normal $1 profit and it comes to $27. Office visits cover basic expenses. So $180 total for office visits, which puts the cost to the doctor at $225, leaving $45 dollars in the hole. That is $72 loss on the first nine patients. You, number 10 come in and pay cash. How much does it cost you now? $25 office visit, $15 flu shot, and $72 to make up for government "free healthcare." Now $112 trip to get a flu shot is who's fault? Stop the government interference and your health care will go way down. These are the actual numbers for my father's doctors office when he first opened. You got the torch too close, it shed light on the truth.
edit on 9-11-2016 by bill3969 because: fixed math error

edit on 9-11-2016 by bill3969 because: more math errors and sleep typing mispelled words

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Lucid Lunacy

I actually agree with you completely. Yes, I'm against late term because of the development has progressed to a point of awareness which should be respected. That's exactly why.

I'm glad most states have later term abortions illegal unless for health reasons or safety. I think that is the way to go.

But I don't think early abortions is an issue like the Religious who see conception as life. I see life in a much more practical way though too. I can understand the point behind a mercy killing as well.

So I do care. Which is why I understand the other side of the argument. I just disagree in how far they try and push the idea. Saying some dividing cells or a zygote is the same as killing a baby is just stupid in my opinion.

Yes, it has to do with the awareness of the creature. Like you, it would influence my stance if science could show me at what point things like self awareness and consciousness came to be.

Interesting enough. I think it was the Jewish Religion that once thought humans didn't get a soul until after the first 40 days of life. Talk about a late term abortion right there.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: ezramullins

Child support payments? DNA testing? Jail for failing to pay!?!? That sounds like a PERFECT
solution. Why has no one ever thought of this before?

Wait... man bad...woman victim. Gotcha.

Sounds like a solution to me. All but the jail time since just wasting away in jail isn't supporting that child any and it removes the chance that they can actually get a job and pay for that kid now.

But as far as being forced to support the kid you created, hell ya!!! Man or Woman, I don't care. If the kid is with the dad, then hell ya the woman should have to pay. It's her damn kid too!! If the kid is in foster care, they both should have to pay. They made it, they should have to support it. So either they support it as the Parents or at the minimum they support it financially while someone else raises it.

I guess my attempt at sarcasm failed. Doesn't every state mandate child support?
It is hardly a new idea but I agree that jailing slackers is usually counter productive.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: ezramullins

Actually, I have no idea. I know my state does if you involve them.

I also know once you involve them they never leave their involvement and they make sure they get paid for their involvement too.

So once you sick the State on your baby making partner and they latch on to make them pay. A part of that payment that must be paid every month goes to them rather than the kid. So if you're the one who has to pay you're better off coming to an agreement with the other person between the two of you and sticking to it. Otherwise you'll be paying support plus a fee to the state or risk jail time.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

The way I see it, your 3 kids are taking up the resources I could have used to have 1 kid. Why did you need 3?? Why not just one or two?? Who's greedy now??? Who's supporting who now??? Maybe you shouldn't have such a big family so I could at least have a small one of my own. I could look at it that way but I don't. So why are you???

At the time, there was no issue. I was making enough to keep everything sane. It was interference that caused the problem from outside forces. I still pay for mine, and don't steal from others to cover it. I made them, I feed them. You will never be asked to support me. I will not accept it. I look at it that way because I am being mugged. Not by a crack head on the corner, but by the government who will collect with machine guns and jail time. It really makes me mad that something simple as stealing is considered right if you make the government do it. Then there is a silly argument over someones supposed rights to steal more of my money to slut around. The solution is simple, STOP STEALING!

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: bill3969

If you want to talk about someone stealing your money using the government as the go between, women using Birth Control is so far down the list as to not even matter.

You should more concerned with Government Money going to industries like Big Oil who are making huge profits and still getting Government money on top of it. Look at the Military Industrial Complex. Hell, blame Walmart for paying their employees such small wages that they still qualify for Government aid. Those employees actually work for a living and still get paid by the government because their pay is below poverty level while their employer is profiting Trillions.

There are money pits going on where your money is being pissed away that you should be mad about way more than some tax dollars going to help women.

Besides, if they stopped covering Birth Control do you really think you'd notice in what you pay??? Hell no. It's only fractions of pennies of what is being spent. Plus, without birth control being paid for how much do you think it would be costing you when all those babies start being born??? IMO, people should be encouraging the idea of free birth control. We're at 7 billion now. Take away birth control even a little bit and we'll see 10 billion before you know it and the Government will be stealing even more from us all just to maintain such a population overload.

I think you're looking at an issue but finding the wrong targets to blame for it.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: jellyrev

First of all, most of the people I know use birth control and condoms. It's just good practice. Secondly, some girls go on birth control to regulate their periods.

There is no reason to ban birth control as it helps many women out every day.
edit on 09pmWed, 09 Nov 2016 22:47:33 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: windword

No he's actually not doing that, he said it's up to each state to handle their planned parenthood. In 6 months from now you'll still see yours where it has always been.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Staroth

That makes sense, this thread does seem to be predicting something unlikely (although with Republicans through and through who knows what could happen)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: darkbake

I think at the very least people should take issue with their money being given to Corporations and Institutions way before concerns of it going to people.

I mean helping people is at least an effort to help a living creature, of which we are all part of that group. Way more goes to legal entities and War. Not even a living thing.

It's sad that people b*tch about helping other people but never say a damn thing about their money going to build killing machines or building another Corporate Headquarters for a Corporation which is already profiting Billions a year on it's own. What happened to our humanity and care for living things???

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Staroth
a reply to: windword

No he's actually not doing that, he said it's up to each state to handle their planned parenthood. In 6 months from now you'll still see yours where it has always been.

Planned Parenthood is federally funded through Title X Family Planning. Trump has promised to defund Planned Parenthood.

Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services.

Many states have already pulled their state funding from PP. If they lose federal funding too, the only service that they'll have left are abortions, that are already only privately funded. Trump can't stop that unless Roe V Wade is overturned, or the GOP gets their constitutional amendment.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 11:51 PM
This thread shows just how absolutely little Trump supporters knew about this particular part of him.

edit on 10-11-2016 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 11:52 PM
If you're talking to the women I saw in hillarys audience last night I don't think they have anything to worry about.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: avgguy
Why should your work pay for your birth control?

I don't see anyone complaining about Men getting Viagra through their Health Insurance.

Except not all plans cover those little blue pills. I'd have to pay 40$ a pill if I wanted Viagra. Try again buddy.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: BigTownSky
If you're talking to the women I saw in hillarys audience last night I don't think they have anything to worry about.

So good of you to come here with your woman shaming sexist opinion.

Because I'm sure the women are just falling all over themselves to get to you, right???

It wouldn't be a complete thread without comments like yours to give us focus on just how many knuckle dragging man/boy/pigs there are still left in the world.

Good job in tainting the image of all "real" men in the world today who's coattails you coast on.

You're not helping anyone with comments like that. So stop making them.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: darkbake

this thread does seem to be predicting something unlikely

Not really.

It's not like the OP pulled it out of his @#$.

Trump has voiced all of this himself. It won't happen with him directly, but through who he intentionally appoints. That's kinda the point here... the people Trump's appointing support the stances outlined in the OP post.
edit on 10-11-2016 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: rollanotherone

Some do though and nobody seems to complain about that or make it in to a national conversation do they??? Even when the cost of it per pill is far more than Birth Control for Women. Not to mention getting a boner is hardly as important as birth control for women.

Medicare covers Penis Pumps and Implants BTW. Because old men getting hard is so much more important than anything to do with women and birth control.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: mOjOm

Same old tired rhetoric maybe your cats care but I don't.

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