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New insurance premium letter nearly gave me a heart attack

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posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:02 PM
Just a quick bit about me relating to insurance : I'm 28 years old with no chronic illness. Single and no dependents. I've only been in the hospital once in the past 8 years which was for some gastrointestinal bacteria build up, which was not too serious in the long run. Aside from the hospital visit, there was one other incident where I went to a doctors office for a rash on my arm. Turns out it was eczema.

I just got a packet from my health insurance provider today, which had information regarding upcoming premiums for 2017.

I used the marketplace to find the plan I am currently on. The year before this, the premium was roughly $180/month. That plan was also from the marketplace.

Aside from the increase in monthly premiums, the only other changes to the plan are that my deductible will be lowered from $6,500 to $6,000.

This is a ridiculous premium increase. There's virtually nothing in this change that benefits me. Looking over some of the recent news articles about these increases, other states are in for a much larger increase to.

The $40ish dollar increase from last year to this year wasn't too bad, but over $110 increase this time? I dread what the next insurance letter will say this time next year.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:04 PM
I'm so sorry. That really sucks.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:07 PM
That's a considerable price hike, and the deductible makes the plan not even worth it.

I opted for the tax penalty this year, was a lot cheaper.

Not obligated to pay the penalty either, just don't expect any tax refunds ever again.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:11 PM
It might get worse, let's see how the election turns out.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: buni11687

Sorry friend. I have to pay for a family plan. I am fortunate to work for a better company that provides, however we split my insurance at $749 each, so yeah 1500 for a family of 3 a month!

We own a very small farm and my mortgage is $300 less per month...way to go Washington!

Big government sux, both parties suck...theres the real issue.

Again, i feel your pain

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: buni11687

Before i disclose any further, question........ are you on facebook? (not that i want to know your account name but something interesting showed up in my local news today regarding insurance and facebook)

Could be tied if you post there regularly, apparently

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:21 PM
Welcome to Obamacare and you know what? That's a cheap rate. Consider yourself lucky.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:21 PM
You and I are now paying the insurance companies additional premiums, because their values have taken a hit on the stock markets.

Of course those de-frauding the insurance companies also contribute, and the rich are the largest of the claimants, but let's not focus on that.
edit on 2/11/16 by Cobaltic1978 because: Bloody I-Pad!!!!

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

I did post a small rant on FB a few minutes before I started this thread. Here's what I posted on my FB feed:

"When your health insurance premium was $180/month a year ago, then went up to $225 this year, and then get a letter in the mail saying it's going up to $340/month next year...."

Haven't posted a rant or the picture I took on a news FB comments section yet.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: buni11687

Don't have a heart attack!

You will really pay for it next year.

My insurance is ridiculous as well, through employer, BCBS, $5000 deductible.

It's ridiculous, although, it has paid for itself this year all in all with two children.

I know that it is going to get worse soon though.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: buni11687

I don't know if this will make You feel better but that will be My intent.

On December 21 1995 I drove My BMW™ through an Eucalyptus tree while en route home from My job as a cop assigned to Patrol.

On December 21 2001 while assigned to "Special Investigations" My back/neck were injured beyond repair while serving a Search Warrant at a house where both the manufacturing/sales of methamphetamine took place. My job was to 'ram' the door using a 78# 'key'. I then was attacked by a PitBull who was just doing His job all cranked up. I was off of work until March and then I started doing Physical Therapy for 21 months; 4x a week; 2 hrs. each session. All for naught as I was finally "Medically Retired" Sept. 01, 2004.

Part of My retirement included "Health Insurance" until I'm dead. Then My Wife gets it.

When I first moved to Flori-Duh I was prescribed 7 Rx meds. Chronic Pain (2) Hypertension(2) High Cholesterol Sleep PTSD. It was a complete nightmare. I then started meditating and then not too long after, had quite an "Epiphany".
I lost 70# My b/p went from 140/100 on the meds to 120/68 on NONE. Cholesterol went from 373 to 153. The Psychiatrist took Me off the medication for that. On occasion, I will travel to a Cannabis friendly State and get a cannabis fix for pain but am a regular user of the LEGAL CBD oils. I KNOW cannabis has been extremely instrumental in My getting "healthy"

Then in February of 2014 I started getting $1207/month stolen from My retirement check for "Affordable Healthcare".

I had to move from Sonoma County Ca. to less expensive Flori-Duh and I've started to research further the idea of 'living abroad' Uruguay for example. 22-1 exchange rate and Cannabis friendly government.


P.S. I hope You never NEED the services that go along w/the HEFTY bills

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:29 PM
Like the Supreme Court said, "It's a tax."

Thanks a lot, 0bama!!

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
That's a considerable price hike, and the deductible makes the plan not even worth it.

I opted for the tax penalty this year, was a lot cheaper.

Not obligated to pay the penalty either, just don't expect any tax refunds ever again.

I just completed mine today after a couple weeks of fuming. Lowest possible rate was $902. That's with all deductibles being topped off max just so I don't have to pay double for that. Now I no longer have a co pay. It's all deductibles now. If I wanted a decent plan, I would be paying twice that amount at $1800. ..and that "decent" plan sucks! Deductible is still 1600!

With either plan, I'm probably better off just going to a witch doctor.

ETA - Some of you are looking at this and thinking it's low, but this is actually just the medical part and that's bi weekly. Fortunately my employer pays the other half. In total, I'm paying a good bit more for everything else combined.

edit on 2-11-2016 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:33 PM
You mean Obama really don't care?

-I knew it

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

I had to move from Sonoma County Ca. to less expensive Flori-Duh and I've started to research further the idea of 'living abroad' Uruguay for example.

I've floated the same thoughts. Depending on how the next few years go (not just health insurance related, but other personal life stuff), I may end up giving some serious thought into living abroad. Time will tell.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: buni11687
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

I did post a small rant on FB a few minutes before I started this thread. Here's what I posted on my FB feed:

"When your health insurance premium was $180/month a year ago, then went up to $225 this year, and then get a letter in the mail saying it's going up to $340/month next year...."

Haven't posted a rant or the picture I took on a news FB comments section yet.

Here's a snippet ..... it's from the UK and about Motor Insurance, however ....... as Facebook is global and insurance is, well, insurance, it may cut across borders and the differing policies provided, be it motor, home, health etc ....

"The computer algorithms were set up to consider the driver's social media entries to judge elements such as their level of organisation.
For example, an entry that invited friends to meet up and included a specific time and location suggested a more organised individual who might therefore be less of a risk as a driver."

Now, how the FK can an algorithm judge you on posts on Social Media? no idea!! but someone, somewhere has worked something out.

It is stated that Facebook refused "Admiral" (the insurance company) the right to use the app on privacy and T&C issues.

In this day and age though, who knows what goes on behind digital doors

Insurance and Facebook Posts

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: buni11687

BCBS OK raised my son's Premium from $253/month (2015) to $289/month (2016), and now to $432/month for 2017. That's about 71% in two years.

I guess come 2018, at a modest average of the increases of 2016 & 2017 (38.5%), I should expect to pay about $600 per month?

In 2019, again, $828.27 per month....? That'd be more than my Mortgage Payment! For 1 insured child without pre-existing conditions.

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: buni11687
Just a quick bit about me relating to insurance : I'm 28 years old with no chronic illness. Single and no dependents. I've only been in the hospital once in the past 8 years which was for some gastrointestinal bacteria build up, which was not too serious in the long run. Aside from the hospital visit, there was one other incident where I went to a doctors office for a rash on my arm. Turns out it was eczema.

I just got a packet from my health insurance provider today, which had information regarding upcoming premiums for 2017.

I used the marketplace to find the plan I am currently on. The year before this, the premium was roughly $180/month. That plan was also from the marketplace.

Aside from the increase in monthly premiums, the only other changes to the plan are that my deductible will be lowered from $6,500 to $6,000.

This is a ridiculous premium increase. There's virtually nothing in this change that benefits me. Looking over some of the recent news articles about these increases, other states are in for a much larger increase to.

The $40ish dollar increase from last year to this year wasn't too bad, but over $110 increase this time? I dread what the next insurance letter will say this time next year.

The problem is and always has been the insurance companies..

They preform no medical service. They are only paper pushers and they keep over 25% OF ALL MONEY SPENT ON HEALTH CARE..

That means that health care period, costs AT LEAST 25% more than is necessary.

We have got to go single payer like every other modern country..

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: buni11687

How nice.

You're now paying for someone else's health coverage.

Isn't socialism wonderful!

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: buni11687

Sorry friend. I have to pay for a family plan. I am fortunate to work for a better company that provides, however we split my insurance at $749 each, so yeah 1500 for a family of 3 a month!

We own a very small farm and my mortgage is $300 less per month...way to go Washington!

Big government sux, both parties suck...theres the real issue.

Again, i feel your pain


How about this idea....Don't pay for insurance!

You don't need it! It might actually be CHEAPER
just to pay your no-insurance fine under Obamacare!

If enough people do that and BUY NO INSURANCE from ANY provider,
the insurance providers either lower their prices of they will go bankrupt!

That's all you have to do!

People just don't need insurance AT ALL !!! SO DON'T BUY IT!

Did people have insurance in 1776 at the Birth of America?


So why get it now?!

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