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Police Respect Poll Shows Near-Record-High Attitudes Toward Police

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posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Tell me which shooting of an unarmed man you feel was murder?

Only one or two "suspicious" (excuse me, "questionable"), according to you. Which two?

I can only think of the one actually. I would guess there are more but I am talking about ones in which we have the clear facts from both sides.

Very few of these have actually been heard in court. And I mean open court. Let a jury decide, not a 'police review board'. Thats like letting gangs decide if their members are guilty.

Justified killing, no need of court trial. Case closed... so say the gang review board..

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Tell me which shooting of an unarmed man you feel was murder?

Only one or two "suspicious" (excuse me, "questionable"), according to you. Which two?

I can only think of the one actually. I would guess there are more but I am talking about ones in which we have the clear facts from both sides.

Very few of these have actually been heard in court. And I mean open court. Let a jury decide, not a 'police review board'. Thats like letting gangs decide if their members are guilty.

Justified killing, no need of court trial. Case closed... so say the gang review board..

Well in those cases which you cite, if you would rather take the word of am uneducated repeat criminal felon (many of which lately have an agenda) over the words of sworn LEO then that is your choice. Yes there are cops who lie, but there are doctors who lie, bag boys who lie, across the spectrum. You have to look at the big picture as a whole. And as a whole, cops kill a tiny fraction of Blacks compared to the real life culprits which is other Blacks.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Thank you for the link. I'll try to watch it tonight. Just the thought is absolutely chilling...

It reminds me of the claims that the fluoride added to water supplies in the USA is really done to make folks compliant. In that context, I find it interesting that us Zonies (folks from Arizona) are considered somewhat... um... er... non-compliant in so many ways by the rest of the country, and very very few folks here drink tap water just because it tastes so darn awful! Pretty much everyone drinks reverse-osmosis treated water -- many of us have our own RO systems under the sink -- which effectively filters fluoride from the water. It's just speculation on my part though... at least until someone proves or disproves it!

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

If there really are things like that going on then of course it should be addressed and investigated. I know our Gov has tested things on all of us, our troops as well. We are all cattle to them.

Unfortunately, those responsible for investigating and fixing any problems are the same ones who are responsible for creating the problems to begin with. Just look at Flint and the grand clustercluck there. The problem was created by government officials, ignored by government officials, and covered up by government officials -- long after they knew it was a problem!

Violence, especially towards whites, was very prevalent even in my dad's days in the 60's and 70's, so unless they were spiking the water back then also, it still doesn't explain everything.

It was actually even worse back in the day. Not just the water, but lead-based paint, vehicle emissions, etc. I believe it was the late '70s when it was finally acknowledged to be a huge problem and clean-up efforts began.

There are Whites who live in these areas as well, and should be poisoned as well, but I do not see them attacking people in droves.

Yes, but I don't believe to a very great extent -- especially 50 years ago. Most inner cities today were the ghettoes of yesterday, where the Black population was forced by law to live (at least partly the result of sundown laws that forbade Blacks from being in certain parts of town after sundown). Those laws have been struck down, but the legacy lives on.

I also suspect that there may be differences in how such chemicals/environmental factors affect different races. For example, the MMR vaccine study which (reportedly) showed a huge difference in adverse reactions in Black boys less than 36 months, but not Black girls or White boys. If true, that is quite significant. But it cannot and will not be studied if we will not and do not even recognize and acknowledge a potential problem.

I believe there is much more to it than just that.

Definitely. But I also believe some people do know there is a problem and it's being covered up by many people for many reasons. Especially for profit.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker


I am medically retired off of 'TheJob' from a med.-lg. Ca. City which prides itself on being "A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic diverse community" We once led the league in murders Per Capita in the 90s at the end of "The Crack War" Some ATS™ members may construe My thoughts as having a bias but I'm fittin to type it anywhoo...

'The Crack War' was an off-shoot of the larger con "War on Drugs". This was when the Urban (read: Black or 'other'; non-affluent; non-voter) user of Cocaine was incarcerated into PRISONS while the sub-Urban (read: White; affluent; voter) coc aine user was granted PROBATION for using the same drug, coc aine. The Urban "rocked" it up and made 3x-5x more $$$ than in the subUrbs where the coc aine was hydrochloride or "powder/whiff". These folks are just NOW getting out of their incarcerations.

There isn't more dope being used in the low income housing, they just get 'hit' more often because these folks are less likely to hire a Private Attorney to fight the beef. So these cases are adjudicated as being "convictions" when in 'most cases' these have been handled with "plea bargains" More than 90% of those incarcerated are there on a "plea bargain"

Here is a movie that paints a pretty realistic picture of this phenomena:

A trailer for the movie:

And the movie itself:


Proud Member of LEAP• Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: intrptr

Thank you for the link. I'll try to watch it tonight. Just the thought is absolutely chilling...

It reminds me of the claims that the fluoride added to water supplies in the USA is really done to make folks compliant.

Thats why I always recommend doing a RO on any taps for the "A.M. pipe cleaning" I typed to You for Your Bro..

The Nazis™ were reported to add fluoride to their drinking water too... Unknown if 'they' took that trick with 'them' when 'they' established our 51st state, Israel™... Allegedly.

Stay Hydrated... (after the RO if You're a 'tapper'....)

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 10:02 AM
Respect through fear is not really respect at all.

I know plenty of non criminals that fear the police to the point where some say they would never walk past police with their hands in their pockets.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 10:13 AM
It could be most US citizens can understand why a black man was shot after he robbed a store, choked the store owner, was walking down the middle of a street, and then charged a police officer. That doesn't mean the officer shouldn't be investigated in each case, but 9 times out of 10 it's pretty understandable.

You don't think it's ridiculous for a black mob to destroy their own community after a black criminal was shot who was not complying with the police? And on top of that they typically target white people for violence.

Why don't they instead go protest outside of the police station? Or at the Mayor's office/house?

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: JimNasium

Thats why I always recommend doing a RO on any taps for the "A.M. pipe cleaning" I typed to You for Your Bro..

I remember that... (thank you!)... and remember thinking "good thing we use filtered water anyway." The significance is even more clear to me now. With all the chemicals and hormones and prescriptions being found in our water supplies, Heaven only knows all the chemical reactions taking place in our bodies.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Well in those cases which you cite, if you would rather take the word of am uneducated repeat criminal felon (many of which lately have an agenda) over the words of sworn LEO then that is your choice.

Thats subjective. The fraternal brotherhood of police is the biggest toughest gang around.

According to proponents anyway. And all the fraternal brothers that look the other way should rethink their gang-- I mean brotherhood.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Yah must see, especially the interview with one hi level dealer / cook that outright fingers the government and its "chemist" for doing the same exact thing you mentioned in your previous post.

Controlling populations through 'chemical warfare' by means of drug supply and addiction.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

I can only think of the one actually. I would guess there are more but I am talking about ones in which we have the clear facts from both sides.

Down to only one now. I bet it would go to zero if you had to swear in open court. Clear facts are only established in a court of law, none of these made it that far. I mean open court with sworn testimony, eyewitnesses, forensics and most importantly cross examination by both sides, under oath.

Your 'clear facts' are behind closed door 'police after action review boards'. How "clear" is that?

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