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Heavily Armed Police Appear Outside Ecuadorian Embassy In London

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posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Blueone

You haven't missed anything. I keep an eye on wikileaks twitter account, they're last tweet was a couple of hours ago, which I am still able to connect to.

Cheers for the reply. It's so hard to keep up nowadays - there's so much madness going on. I do feel Wikileaks is important. Just by the fact that the it seems to be agitating the power that be is enough to keep me interested.

posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I think that the armed guys are outside the embassy because they found out that Assange had a phone to hook up with.

posted on Oct, 22 2016 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: blackrabbit1
So nothing happening now, nothing happened 3 days ago. Please delete this waste of valuable web space.

how about we just delete this this useless post

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