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An endless supply of conspiracies and for what?

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posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 04:47 PM
When you think about it clearly, almost every incident that has occurred in modern history has been shrouded in a conspiracy. The term modern history can reach for 1000's of years depending on who you ask, making that itself a conspiracy.

When I think of what could be the very first conspiracy though, it starts with Adam and Eve and the story that has been told surrounding our very existence. Some attribute our genealogy to Aliens. Some to God. Some claim we have evolved from Apes. Conspiracy #1.

Then it becomes an avalanche of conspiracies down the line like domino's falling one by one down the slippery slope of time, also, a conspiracy is time.

How we have measured time is questionable and has been altered throughout history. Calendars have been changed. Accounts of history have been rewritten. Everything we do is based on a 12 month, 24 hour cycle. Invented. There was a time when clocks did not exist and the stars were used to measure time. Then one day we started using astrological zodiac and gave names to constellations, tracking the Sun and planets. We incorporated the Lunar cycle.

What about the theory of the Big Bang? Isn't that a conspiracy for the creation of time? If this Universe started with a Big Bang, what caused the Big Bang to explode? Doesn't there have to be something of substance? Where did that come from? Again, whatever the truth is, will we ever know? If there is evidence to prove this, who has it and where have they been hiding it? They claim to know how old the Universe is, how?

Much of what we think we know has been passed on from past generations, who got that information from previous generations and so forth, etc. I think of it as that childhood game we used to all play when we would start in a circle by telling someone something and passing it on, by the end, the entire original statement was not even recognizable to the person who started it, we called this game the telephone line.

History is full of stories that have been handed down, but we are willing to accept many of them as truth, even when there is evidence to the contrary. The history of every religion that we are aware of today has been full inconsistencies and similarities that correlate to events from the past. The Torah, The Koran, The New Testament and other religious accounts have eyewitness testimony from various sources claiming to have witnessed certain events, none corroborated, yet taken as truth for generations to come, all while being translated by scholars and even being written as fact with no way of knowing what was translated from different languages was even possible.

We have dealt with many recent events that are more convoluted than can be imagined and by recent I mean this past century or 2 or 3. Starting with the oldest, The French Revolution and ending with the many "false flags" of the past say 20 years. Assassinations of presidents, AL & JFK, MLK and RK, Y2K, 9/11, Multiple mass killings from Columbine to Orlando. The advent of the Internet has allowed for sites such as this to exist that are capable of assimilating and conjugating the possible conspiracies involved with a multitude of theories about these events and more.

Global warming, geo engineering, big pharma, banks, stock market manipulation, insurance frauds, gun control, big brother, etc. The list is so long I will not even try to write it all out. Needless to say, from the list of forums that are put forth here, conspiracies abound everywhere and no subject is off limits. There are some that are not listed that should be, but can fall under sub categories. Pedophilia and Human trafficking or abuse in general is a major conspiracy or 2 that involves many different types of groups from government agencies to clergy of all types.

The use of non profit organizations to cover up the human rights stampede in many countries goes on without oversight. The many wars for profit, over oil pipelines and drugs and weaponry, again, reeking of conspiracy and including many of the same governments. Puppets manipulated by puppet masters with guises and magic potions designed to cloud the judgment of those involved. Compartmentalized to keep the right hand from knowing what the left hand is doing. Major conspiracies.

There is no stone that is NOT a part of a conspiracy. When you think you have all the answers and the truth has come out about any of it, just remember, you are only being told what they want you to know and believe me when I say, there is a conspiracy there, too. One minute you are convinced global warming is a problem and the next a new ice age is right around the corner.

Crop circles, alien intervention, Niburu, chemtrails, Ebola virus and Aids to Zika, an endless supply of conspiracies and for what? To keep us all distracted from other agendas or all part of the same agenda? Conspiracy nuts? There is a reason. But what that reason is becomes unclear the more conspiracies there are to unravel. The domino's never stop falling, they just go on and on and on.

I have been rambling about conspiracies and I have come to realize something, none of it matters. In the end the, the extermination of this planet will continue until such a time when the only thing left will be a book written that will be rewritten and translated many times that will be used to explain all the conspiracies to the next generations to come and they will have the same problem, what to believe about any of it.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Nice post, conspiracies will always exist whether it's veiling the truth or wishful thinking of some kind.

A good conspiracy usually has a bit history and a good bit of history has conspiracies! It's difficult to compress and the reasons for a conspiracy are numerous, from Lilith and the garden of Eden to the Mandela Effect. They all have a theme. I think that theme is control.

Whether it's power, money, knowledge or any other seemingly controllable commodity, it's always about control in some element. I've read some good conspiracies in my time, a particular favourite is the "real" reason the USA was formed and how the "free-thinking" man has done exactly what was required of him without even noticing he/she has been played.

We play into conspiracies ourselves too, everyone loves a good story and the more drama the better. Sometimes we can get so out of touch with reality in our tin foil hats, sometimes we let our minds get the better of us and throw logic at the neighbours.

You're right though, non of those conspiracies matter nor do any. What matters is facts and call me deluded but I dare say in this age of freely sharing ideas and knowledge people are actually wanting to be logical. We'll keep rewriting the books as we learn more, people will always scream at the experts "Bah what do they know!" though at the same time we have a lot more people wanting facts and tangible evidence...

Whistleblowing,usually (nearly always) is frowned upon. We have a saying in the UK "nobody likes a grass" but at the same time "grassing" people up (whistleblowing) is one of the most important things in tackling and creating conspiracies. You mentioned conspiracies around paedophilia, this is a great example of whistleblowing historically and presently.

Knowledge is power, it's why I encourage free-thinking and critical-thinking. Some don't want you doing that, some want you to ascribe to an agenda... As Tupac Shakur sang, some things will never change. I think we are making progress though.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Always the official story and the real story. What is important to the mind benders, their spinning and painting and pure bullsh*t. And then there is the real story.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

What about the theory of the Big Bang? Isn't that a conspiracy for the creation of time? If this Universe started with a Big Bang, what caused the Big Bang to explode? Doesn't there have to be something of substance? Where did that come from? Again, whatever the truth is, will we ever know? If there is evidence to prove this, who has it and where have they been hiding it? They claim to know how old the Universe is, how?

I had a theory when I was about 12 that all matter eventually ends up in one big black whole, a bit like Pandora's box in reverse. I've later found out that space is expanding and matter exists in "pockets" that constantly drift away from everything else in existence, the power of gravity ensures pockets remain pockets although the odd bit of matter might end up hurtling through space. In a sense, my reverse Pandora's box idea wasn't entirely wrong. Matter will keep blocking together due to gravity in a almost rinse and repeat fashion, to over simplify things, this is how matter has evolved over time. Apparently, eventually everything will lose it's strength over time, atoms won't even have the energy to be atoms. Basically decay, everything has it's limits.

I'm no physics or astrology expert but that makes sense to me. Where all that energy came from I don't think anybody knows. The science is based on what we know and we know very little. It's fun to speculate.

As I said though we'll rewrite our books on the universe as we do everything, we have dark matter and possibly other dimensions to throw into the equation as we learn more. Space is fascinating.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Logarock

The old goats have been caught out a few times on historic allegations found to be true, unfortunately after said goat is dead and justice cannot really be accomplished but still...

Truth can be officially recognised but it takes a lot of effort and as I posted earlier a lot of stigma is still associated with whistleblowing. They say every story has two-sides, it's BS. Stories are much more multi-faceted... The real story, the official story etc.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

nice thread, you crushed the "conspiracies, conspiracies, everywhere but not a drop to drink" idea. The ones that are just theories, we will probably never know the truth.

And many who have discovered the truth about other conspiracies, are called "paranoid".

And then there are other conspiracies which have been passed off as legit and not suspicious, because the perpetrators tied up loose ends and they are the only ones who know the truth.

The life as a conspiracy "theorist" can be frustrating, I'll tell you that at least.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Throughout time immemorial the human nature has tried to quench it's thirst for facts by searching for answers to life itself, to no avail. Birth is a conspiracy. Life is a conspiracy. Facts allude us and laugh at our disdain. All we are taught is a conspiracy. There are those that know the truth about our existence, but refuse to share, why?

We can not handle the truth they say. It would turn our world upside down and inside out. Conveniently spoken. The fact is they are right, we would not accept the truth even if we were slapped in the face with it because we are conditioned now to believe everything is a conspiracy.

If we were told facts, would we believe them anyway? Which facts are real and which ones are made up? If you tell me a shooter was mind controlled into a mass killing am I supposed to think otherwise? If you tell me there was a lone gunman when it makes no sense, should I believe it? If you tell me Muslim highjackers with box cutters were responsible for 9/11 am I supposed to just accept it because that is the OS? The beg us to be conspiracy nuts. To many facts are put forth that make absolutely no sense and yet many believe them.

Why? Because to believe otherwise is unfathomable. Question any of it and get labeled as tin foil hat wearing bat crazy conspiracy nuts. I don't know, but sometimes I think being crazy makes more sense.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: FamCore

Thanks for that. I get a gold star for reinventing the wheel. Conspiracies have been around for as long as we have existed and many people think it just started out of nowhere. We have the Internet now, when before it was all completely media controlled and before that it was controlled by religion and money. Anyone with an opinion can launch a website or a blog and make whatever facts they want to to fit any number of situations and all of them could be true or false, or half true or half false. Or not one ounce of truth and completely fictional.

Think about all the things we have been taught, even the simplest things, like 1+1=2, or the ABC's, or colors, they only exist because we were taught them. Languages and what we read or write has been taught. What if we were all just deaf or mute, do we stop being who we are? Do we stop knowing what is right or wrong? The very lives we live have been constructed from thin air and force fed us. We really could be a computer simulation designed to create the very conspiracies we are faced to confront, just to see how we react.

Life is such a mystery and no matter how much we believe or not about any it, the conspiracy will rage on. Absolutely mind boggling to me, daily.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: Logarock

It is as if they want to see how much they can feed us before we get so bloated we throw it all up.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Conspiracies will not Last Forever . In Death , All will be Revealed.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Conspiracy Theories are an industry, run by those who profit by them, like Alex Jones, Brietbart, FOX'NEWS', the NRA... All of their efforts are design to separate you from your money, either by buying the conspiracy theorists' propaganda, or the products the conspiracy theorists try to sell us, (like fire-arms). Alex Jones, for example, doesn't actually believe the insane garbage he spews. But his 'fans' do, and they buy his crap, and his sponsors' crap, and those fans probably have lots, and lots of guns. If this site really wanted to talk about conspiracies, we'd be talking about the connections between all of them. But instead, we talk about what the conspiracy theorists want us to talk about.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

What about the theory of the Big Bang? Isn't that a conspiracy for the creation of time? If this Universe started with a Big Bang, what caused the Big Bang to explode? Doesn't there have to be something of substance? Where did that come from? Again, whatever the truth is, will we ever know? If there is evidence to prove this, who has it and where have they been hiding it? They claim to know how old the Universe is, how?

On that, they invented the beginning and end as a means of control. You're seeing clearly enough. The alternative to what they teach us is eternity and infinity. The universe has always been there, it goes on forever, life has pretty much had forever to spread everywhere.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 12:25 PM
The real story of us will never be fully revealed in this world, only the aware will ever truly get it, and they are far and few between, always watching.

posted on Oct, 11 2016 @ 12:28 AM
True enough. I think the most interesting is 9/11 though. Because it was so out in left field, and they pulled it off. Like think about it. Most people actually think there were plane? Then some believe maybe it was planes and controlled demolishion. Others maybe just Crtl/demo. But most don't really know. It's just awsome in it's magnitude. It's way over the top. Like to pull something like that off is off the charts. Leaving everyone confused and bewildered. Even the conspiracy theorists. The only people who know much are those that have watched enough films and really studied all they can. Which is very few. Like that's maybe 1% at most, not even. Like that's just masterful deception. And coming from your own ghahvergnment like I when how would that effect a person phychologically to know that they're own gv is wiling to do this kind of stuff? It's like finding out your parent is a phychopath that eats children or something. hmmm okay now I get it, so that's why they believe the MSM narrorative. because to think otherwise would be too damaging to the phychi. Easier to believe the lie and pretend that nothing nafarious happened. Like that's really what's happening here to a large degree. It's just weird to analyse it and consider the possibilities of the event. So when are they gonna eat their own kids, ha ha ;-) Cuz that's what's coming.

posted on Oct, 11 2016 @ 12:29 AM
True enough. I think the most interesting is 9/11 though. Because it was so out in left field, and they pulled it off. Like think about it. Most people actually think there were plane? Then some believe maybe it was planes and controlled demolishion. Others maybe just Crtl/demo. But most don't really know. It's just awsome in it's magnitude. It's way over the top. Like to pull something like that off is off the charts. Leaving everyone confused and bewildered. Even the conspiracy theorists. The only people who know much are those that have watched enough films and really studied all they can. Which is very few. Like that's maybe 1% at most, not even. Like that's just masterful deception. And coming from your own ghahvergnment like I when how would that effect a person phychologically to know that they're own gv is wiling to do this kind of stuff? It's like finding out your parent is a phychopath that eats children or something. hmmm okay now I get it, so that's why they believe the MSM narrorative. because to think otherwise would be too damaging to the phychi. Easier to believe the lie and pretend that nothing nafarious happened. Like that's really what's happening here to a large degree. It's just weird to analyse it and consider the possibilities of the event. So when are they gonna eat their own kids, ha ha ;-) Cuz that's what's coming.

posted on Oct, 11 2016 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Anything which prevents us from taking productive real-world action is always encouraged.

And chasing after the unattainable (most conspiracies, all religion, all spirituality, philosophy et c) keeps anyone with 2 brain cells which can find each other effecrively neutralized.

Its the ugly truth very few discuss or act upon.


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