posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 04:47 PM
When you think about it clearly, almost every incident that has occurred in modern history has been shrouded in a conspiracy. The term modern history
can reach for 1000's of years depending on who you ask, making that itself a conspiracy.
When I think of what could be the very first conspiracy though, it starts with Adam and Eve and the story that has been told surrounding our very
existence. Some attribute our genealogy to Aliens. Some to God. Some claim we have evolved from Apes. Conspiracy #1.
Then it becomes an avalanche of conspiracies down the line like domino's falling one by one down the slippery slope of time, also, a conspiracy is
How we have measured time is questionable and has been altered throughout history. Calendars have been changed. Accounts of history have been
rewritten. Everything we do is based on a 12 month, 24 hour cycle. Invented. There was a time when clocks did not exist and the stars were used to
measure time. Then one day we started using astrological zodiac and gave names to constellations, tracking the Sun and planets. We incorporated the
Lunar cycle.
What about the theory of the Big Bang? Isn't that a conspiracy for the creation of time? If this Universe started with a Big Bang, what caused the
Big Bang to explode? Doesn't there have to be something of substance? Where did that come from? Again, whatever the truth is, will we ever know?
If there is evidence to prove this, who has it and where have they been hiding it? They claim to know how old the Universe is, how?
Much of what we think we know has been passed on from past generations, who got that information from previous generations and so forth, etc. I think
of it as that childhood game we used to all play when we would start in a circle by telling someone something and passing it on, by the end, the
entire original statement was not even recognizable to the person who started it, we called this game the telephone line.
History is full of stories that have been handed down, but we are willing to accept many of them as truth, even when there is evidence to the
contrary. The history of every religion that we are aware of today has been full inconsistencies and similarities that correlate to events from the
past. The Torah, The Koran, The New Testament and other religious accounts have eyewitness testimony from various sources claiming to have witnessed
certain events, none corroborated, yet taken as truth for generations to come, all while being translated by scholars and even being written as fact
with no way of knowing what was translated from different languages was even possible.
We have dealt with many recent events that are more convoluted than can be imagined and by recent I mean this past century or 2 or 3. Starting with
the oldest, The French Revolution and ending with the many "false flags" of the past say 20 years. Assassinations of presidents, AL & JFK, MLK and
RK, Y2K, 9/11, Multiple mass killings from Columbine to Orlando. The advent of the Internet has allowed for sites such as this to exist that are
capable of assimilating and conjugating the possible conspiracies involved with a multitude of theories about these events and more.
Global warming, geo engineering, big pharma, banks, stock market manipulation, insurance frauds, gun control, big brother, etc. The list is so long I
will not even try to write it all out. Needless to say, from the list of forums that are put forth here, conspiracies abound everywhere and no
subject is off limits. There are some that are not listed that should be, but can fall under sub categories. Pedophilia and Human trafficking or
abuse in general is a major conspiracy or 2 that involves many different types of groups from government agencies to clergy of all types.
The use of non profit organizations to cover up the human rights stampede in many countries goes on without oversight. The many wars for profit, over
oil pipelines and drugs and weaponry, again, reeking of conspiracy and including many of the same governments. Puppets manipulated by puppet masters
with guises and magic potions designed to cloud the judgment of those involved. Compartmentalized to keep the right hand from knowing what the left
hand is doing. Major conspiracies.
There is no stone that is NOT a part of a conspiracy. When you think you have all the answers and the truth has come out about any of it, just
remember, you are only being told what they want you to know and believe me when I say, there is a conspiracy there, too. One minute you are
convinced global warming is a problem and the next a new ice age is right around the corner.
Crop circles, alien intervention, Niburu, chemtrails, Ebola virus and Aids to Zika, an endless supply of conspiracies and for what? To keep us all
distracted from other agendas or all part of the same agenda? Conspiracy nuts? There is a reason. But what that reason is becomes unclear the more
conspiracies there are to unravel. The domino's never stop falling, they just go on and on and on.
I have been rambling about conspiracies and I have come to realize something, none of it matters. In the end the, the extermination of this planet
will continue until such a time when the only thing left will be a book written that will be rewritten and translated many times that will be used to
explain all the conspiracies to the next generations to come and they will have the same problem, what to believe about any of it.