posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 05:54 AM
I read up to page #7 and skipped to here. There are right wing nutters and left wing nutters, there are dem's & rep's that will vote the party's
line. I'm a Republican, but in my town-county's elections I will vote for a Democrat for a public position or office if I believe that
they will do a better job or have some of the beliefs that I think are closer to mine, or have what I believe to be better for our area. I have some
family members, that will vote straight republican down the whole ballot, not knowing anything about the people and don't care because they are
Republican's..... we have plenty of crazy ass, trash talking far right loon's....but so does the left....but we need free speech, like it or not...and
a whole lot less of political my opinion, and we all know what opinion's are like ( ××× ××××'× ) and everyone has one.
Including me...