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[Vid] Keith Lamont Scott shooting. Officer seen planting gun?

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posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

This will be Ferguson all over again. The Police have no choice now except to release their footage. Probably won't help much though. It's not definitive, but not looking good for the cops. There must be a reason they won't release the dashcam footage. Very suspicious.. Not responsible of the media to speculate on it with tensions so high already.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

yeah but the thing is from 1:58 until the camera pans back into center (around 2:08), nobody's legs moved. Who do you think kicked the gun? The only guy I see moving is the one in red, and it's only his arms that move.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:44 PM
This has been shown on ITN in the UK, the reporter does allude to it being something thrown down by the officer, the report does not specify what the object is though. More to the point, I can't view the second video as it seems to be blocked by a false adobe flash player over a adobe flash presentation.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: jaynkeel
......otherwise it would be mindboggling to think most cops carry around an unlinkable gun to use as a plant. AR

Do cops ever accidentally shoot someone who they think is armed, but isn't? Yep.

Alabama Teenager Fatally Shot After Police Officer Allegedly Mistook Cellphone For A Gun

SAPD chief: San Antonio police officer thought cellphone was gun before fatally shooting man

Video Emerges of Florida Cop Shooting Unarmed Black Man Holding Cell Phone

Georgia teen holding Wii remote shot by cops at his front door

To me, the family's video evidence seems to show the weapon being placed at the scene.

edit on 23-9-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

I don't want to argue with you but I've watched that 10 second section about 2 dozen times and it's just not possible that the gun was kicked away from his shin. There is nobody in the area to kick it. I don't see how it possibly could happen.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

I set the speed to .25 and played it several times and my response was... WEIRD!

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

there are cases where drop guns were discovered.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: charolais

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

yeah but the thing is from 1:58 until the camera pans back into center (around 2:08), nobody's legs moved. Who do you think kicked the gun? The only guy I see moving is the one in red, and it's only his arms that move.

Watch the shadows on the victim's butt. Also the Black officer is motioning to the gun and the officer with the red vest. I will admit by watching closer the black officer didn't kick the gun away. at 2:07 you can see from the shadow increasing on the victim that the officer with the red vest moved in closer to the victim to kick the gun further away from the victims leg. watch again. The shadows show the truth.

edit add: also watch in slower motion how the cop on the right is telling the cop in red vest to get that gun aside. Earllier, he looks like he was telling the officer who steps over the victim to not step on the gun. 1:56-2:08 makes more sense if watched closely.
edit on 9 23 2016 by CynConcepts because: (no reason given)

edit on 9 23 2016 by CynConcepts because: egad win 10 sucks!

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:51 PM
Now, were all those cops wearing body cams, or werent they? If they were I can't see how they'd try this kind of crap. If they didn't....

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:52 PM
What you are circling is not the gun.

In the wife's video the gun is seen between the feet of the red shirt guy.

What you are circling is a latex glove dropped by the officer.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: charolais

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

yeah but the thing is from 1:58 until the camera pans back into center (around 2:08), nobody's legs moved. Who do you think kicked the gun? The only guy I see moving is the one in red, and it's only his arms that move.

Watch the shadows on the behinds butt. Also the Black officer is motioning to the gun and the officer with the red vest. I will admit by watching closer the black officer didn't kick the gun away. at 2:07 you can see from the shadow increasing on the victim that the officer with the red vest moved in closer to the victim to kick the gun further away from the victims leg. watch again. The shadows show the truth.

edit add: also watch in slower motion how the cop on the right is telling the cop in red vest to get that gun aside. Earllier, he looks like he was telling the officer who steps over the victim to not step on the gun. 1:56-2:08 makes more sense if watched closely.

The guy in red is a full 2 strides away from the victim's shins when the gun suddenly appears. Unless he had 6 ft long legs again I don't see how it could happen. It happened so quickly.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I believe the cop that shot him had no body cam. They have dashcam footage but say it doesn't show the gun.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Why is the publics copy (dashcam and officers) not being releasrd?
They need to release them and get the speculation over.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: charolais

originally posted by: CynConcepts
Honestly, on the first video that shows the scott family footage can anyone capture 1:58 and you will see the gun is laying right there on the right side of his body by his shin on the pavement. I just started using this stupid win 10 pc and alt prnt doesn't work like before! Aargh. The gun is there the whole time and not dropped by anyone. It just gets kicked aside.

yeah but the thing is from 1:58 until the camera pans back into center (around 2:08), nobody's legs moved. Who do you think kicked the gun? The only guy I see moving is the one in red, and it's only his arms that move.

1:56-2:08 makes more sense if watched closely.

I agree that this section is extremely critical, I just disgaree with what happened. It's not feasible to me.

The other odd part is the gun doesn't slide along the ground, it looks like it is being dropped from the bottom right corner of the video. If I were better with video editing and cropping I would try to take that part out, but it's beyond my skills.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I could easily believe the cops threw that gun down. The cop in SC who shot that black man in the back was recorder doing the same thing throwing down a weapon.

This is a well worn method of cops

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: whyamIhere

there are cases where drop guns were discovered.

Wow. I had read about drop guns before but never knew they were that prevalent until I read your link. Crazy. I wonder in how many cities this is a common thing for police to have?

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I am just tired of the media creating "sensations" that divide our nation. I have learned from ATS to always look at the shadows more than what someone tells me what I am supposed to look at.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: charolais

Unfortunately the only time she drifts the camera away from the scene is when the gun appears, go figure!

I did figure. Did you really think a wife would vid her husband holding a gun ? Negative.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 07:00 PM
You are focusing on and circling a glove not the gun.

This article includes stils from the video and arrows pointing to the gun between the feet of the guy with the red shirt. -belong-to-scott/

edit on 23-9-2016 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
It's incredibly unwise for MSNBC to be speculating on this and adding more fuel to the fire.

It seems this is what the MSM agenda is all about these days. Create the narrative and perpetuate it.

Why do you think the POTUS is trying to give away the Internet? It's because MSM is dying due to sheer disbelief in everything coming out of their mouths. No Internet = more lies propagated and swallowed whole.

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