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North Carolina Has declared a State of Emergency After Violent Clashes

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posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 10:16 AM
Reldra. we looked at same dash cam? The mans arms werent ABOVE HIS HEAD they were horizontal toward the door.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:38 AM
So it descended into chaos with some people setting trash cans on fire. I'll bet better than half of these protesters are drunk or stoned and have nothing else to do besides go to "The Protest" and act like jackasses and see what they can loot or vandalize. The media being there likely eggs on the stupid ones to play chicken with the cops and their the ones getting hauled away. With enough repeat footage of screaming people running from a cloud of tear gas or a guy breaking a window and a garbage can engulfed in flames it ought to keep their ratings up. My sympathies however to the man who got shot.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: korath

A riot once in a while to set things on fire, loot and feel animalistic! cheers.
edit on 22-9-16 by Substracto because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:35 PM
So, I was going to start a separate thread based on the clips in the below link, but i stopped myself. figured sharing it here would suffice...

Wanna see animals at work? Watch the below clips in the link.. disturbing for sure

Link to videos

Can anyone explain to me how acting out like this will change anything positive for their cause?? Just blindly attacking white people who have ZERO to do with any of these shootings is somewhat alright in their twisted minds?

In Chicago, 545 homicides in this calendar year alone... Only 6 have been from the police... Sounds like police are out to get everyone (rolls eyes)..
edit on 22-9-2016 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: EternalShadow

If I knew for a fact, (which it is) that 13% of the population is committing around 50% of all murders nationwide, that 13% would make me very nervous and highly suspicious no matter who I am.

I understand those are the numbers and conclusions thrown around, so I understand why you believe that's true. But, actually, no, you don't know that for a fact. That entire 13% of the population is NOT committing crimes, much less murder. Rather, in truth, a disproportionate percentage of all crime (including murder) is committed by a small subset of that 13%... Specifically, the gang members.

And if you dig deep, you will also learn that proportionally, White gang members ( bikers, skinheads, etc) commit an even higher proportion than Black gang members.

Oh I see. So according to your 'assessment' of the problem, statistics and facts are just thrown around to sway public opinion, and we shouldn't ever rely on national crime rates because obviously those numbers are made up to discredit and slander certain racial groups.

I guess in certain instances, when you set out to 'learn' about the world around you, one can apparently decide, whenever it's convenient, to simply ignore the fact that the sky is blue and grass is green.

Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind on my journey to enlightenment. There are no facts, especially if those facts tend to put others in a bad light. Got it.

edit on E30America/ChicagoThu, 22 Sep 2016 14:34:37 -05009pmThursdaynd02pm by EternalShadow because: add

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: BiffWellington

originally posted by: EternalShadow

Law enforcement has every right and duty to be HIGHLY CAUTIOUS considering a supossed 50/50 ratio of making it home alive after every interaction.


I'm not sure you know what 50/50 means. I'm not an expert, but if half of all police officers in the country were killed at work yesterday, and then half of those remaining were killed today, seems like we'd be hearing about it.

Actually I do, and my comment is related to interactions with a certain racial group that's committing around 50% of murders nationwide.

A cop might logically think...."Let's see...around 50% of all murders are committed by this certain race, which might indicate that I should be on my toes considering that they only represent 13% of the population."

Yeah, I would be thinking 50/50 or even higher if it were my life on the line. Better to be safe than sorry since its so popular and cool to be a thug.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

Please. Expanding on statistics is the exact opposite of denying statistics.

The 13% referenced refers to the entire Black population as a percentage of the entire USA population. Do you really believe that entire 13% -- in other words, every single Black person -- are murderers??? Of course not. You know damn well that not all Black people are murderers... and you should know that not even most of that 13% are murderers. Begin with the fact that the vast majority of murderers are men, and you cut out about half of that 13%.

And if you actually took the time and interest in understanding those crime statistics, you would also know that several studies show that although most murders are committed by Black men, it is a very small proportion of Black men committing the murders, concentrated predominantly among gang members within the inner cities. Again, cutting that 13% significantly.

There is a very big difference between "most murderers are Black" and "most Blacks are murderers" -- and those statistics prove the former, NOT the latter. If you cannot/will not/do not make that distinction, that's on you.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: EternalShadow

Please. Expanding on statistics is the exact opposite of denying statistics.

The 13% referenced refers to the entire Black population as a percentage of the entire USA population. Do you really believe that entire 13% -- in other words, every single Black person -- are murderers??? Of course not. You know damn well that not all Black people are murderers... and you should know that not even most of that 13% are murderers. Begin with the fact that the vast majority of murderers are men, and you cut out about half of that 13%.

And if you actually took the time and interest in understanding those crime statistics, you would also know that several studies show that although most murders are committed by Black men, it is a very small proportion of Black men committing the murders, concentrated predominantly among gang members within the inner cities. Again, cutting that 13% significantly.

There is a very big difference between "most murderers are Black" and "most Blacks are murderers" -- and those statistics prove the former, NOT the latter. If you cannot/will not/do not make that distinction, that's on you.

Actually no, it's not on me nor anyone else to be responsible for the decisions and actions of any racial group or "sub-group", if you want to split hairs to ease the dilemma.

Let's be honest, almost all of blacks have embraced this thug culture of guns money, criminality, and disregard for life because, 'money over everything'. So you have non-criminal blacks emulating criminal blacks and getting caught in the crossfire because it's impossible to discern who's who. Great way to hide amongst the sheep if you ask me. I know personally by real street people, that major reason why blacks have dreads and wear the same garb is to throw off eye witnesses since everybody looks the same.
Statistically, those that speak a dress a certain way are thugs period. However, those that are just trying to fit in and are not criminals get the same heavy handedness from law enforcement. Since there's no difference between the criminal and the innocent, the innocent one is used to promote the criminal one (and vice versa), and that's why protests and parades for criminal thugs are so rampant.
ITS CULTURE!! Or the lack thereof that puts your sub-group, amongst the 13%, at risk!
It doesn't matter what you do or say or wear, all that matters is that you are black, but those things are defining an entire race in this country because the race will not distinguish themselves between the two.

So yes, statistics count...and yes, not all blacks are murders or criminals, but if it quacks, walks, looks like a duck, know the punchline.
edit on E30America/ChicagoThu, 22 Sep 2016 16:50:14 -05009pmThursdaynd04pm by EternalShadow because: add

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:04 PM
Saw the helicopter vid of this. his left hand was down and hidden.

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