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The WingMakers.a alien time capsule

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posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:22 AM
link I just ran into this vary weird story.I am wondoring if anybody has seen it before and is this story real.

[edit on 21-1-2005 by slayerfan]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:24 AM
Can you give us a brief description of the WingMakers?

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:28 AM
Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most
intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret,
unacknowledged department of the NSA - responsible for extraterrestrial contact
and technology assimilation - took the discovery into their laboratory for the
purposes of their own agenda. This secret organization is known as the Advanced
Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity
until now.

The discovery - referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project -
consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge,
natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this
massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that
was of indeterminate origins. In each of the 23 chambers were found wall
paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most
appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race.
It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time
capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th
century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded language found within
the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO. It was then that it
was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future
version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called
themselves, WingMakers.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:31 AM
Is this what was in an old episode of In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy? It sounds familiar...

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:45 AM
"I’m still into all kinds of interesting metaphysics. Which reminds me. IF you don’t have enough to do some time and you want to read some VERY interesting stuff, go into Check out the 2 interviews and go into Ancient Arrow Project, then click on Philosophy. FASCINATING stuff. I’ve got all the info here and have been pouring over it and turning everyone I know onto it. I’ve received constant gratitude from people who are haveing fun reading the stuff. To give you an idea, it’s about a time capsule found in New Mexico, containing 23 caves, each having a wall painting, an artifact, music and an article of philosophy and poetry in them. (The paintings and poetry are like nothing on this planet.) The space was taken over by the ACIO, a section of the NSA (National Security Agency) and subsequently taken over by a secret group within the ACIO called the Labyrinth Group. This latter group’s goal is to produce time travel. The time capsules are from people 750 years in our future, who came back to around 850 BC and planted the info in New Mexico. There are 7 total time capsules, this being the first. Dr. Anderson, who decoded the optical disc found in the last cave, defected and went to a journalist named “Anne” to tell his story. There are 2 interviews Anne got on the net before she had to go underground. We’re all waiting for more, but meanwhile I can guarantee you’ll be entertained 1000X more that watching anything on TV. Check it out. Then let me know what you think."

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:53 AM
Wouldn't these wingmakers not be of the future but of our past, but were so advance we belive they are from the future?

I come to my conclusion that there has been prior advance civilizations and science backs this theory. For repeatly you've herd that in just 100 years man has leaped into from scribbling on paper with ink and a feather to cyborg talking....U got mail......

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by slayerfan
This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

Why? What was supposed to have plausibly resutled in a secret portion of the super secret NSA being revealed?

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time
capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th
century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO.

Wait. The story was that the ACIO was in charge of the operation from the begining, why did they only get the stuff in '97? How do we know it was carbon dating that confirmed the results? Is the test paper still available?

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:28 AM
There is another recent thread about this where I posted a link to a site where the registered owner of the site sheds some light on this Wingmaker stuff.

Look it up.

It seems to be a rather elaborate hoax setup by artists to sell their stuff and also as a story line for a future movie/book.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:58 AM
I'd have to agree that it seems like a well thought out business platform. Being a musician (among other things) I listened to the music, which certainly nothing that someone now couldn't do with a bit of talent and money (sounds ain't cheap bubba).

I like how in depth it was at least. If you are goin to do something like this, at least make it interesting. And they did.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Interesting, devices that are advanced yet they still scribbled heiroglyphics on walls...??? Yeah..ok... They should probably concentrate on more plausibility...

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 08:46 PM
yeah plus look at supposed artwork there all done by same guy.
just an attempt to sell the music and art....
hoax alert,

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 09:51 AM
I read the whole wingmakers story a few years ago. I would love to see a movie about it!! I know it's a hoax, but it's fascinating...
IMO it was also created to get people to think differently and more openly.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:32 AM
hoax or not, who is funding this, the web sites are well done...

Something just seems off..

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by porschedrifter

They probably just have a web designer in their midst, or have made enough money off the merchandising to pay for them. The old site from years ago was pretty hokey. Haven't looked at the updated one though.

Still, I'd pay it no mind, as many have already stated, it's a hoax mate.. but the premise is certainly interesting.


posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:52 AM
This was a uncovered as being a hoax a few years ago!
Some nice artwork and music but that was about it.
I remember getting all excited at the time that we may
have discovered something incredible,unfortunately just
another chancer trying to make a quick buck!
Oh yea check out the prices of these "supposed" chamber
paintings on the site!

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Elmer_Dinkley]

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