a reply to:
Ok this Mandela effect is a fairly new concept to my mind but I can tell you that from MY perspective the BIBLE HAS CHANGED.
Now bear in mind I had a very bad time in my life when this became noticeable to me.
Back in the 1980's I read the old King James version of the bible many time's (well ok the New testament many time's and about half the old textament
several time's) despite it's grammatical structure and language being completely archaic to a modern English speaker.
Now I read a passage in the book of Revelation several time's (each time I read the book) that talked about one like unto the son of man whom came
down from heaven and overcame the beast and the kingdom of the beast, how like the beast he had a number but unlike the beast whose number was six
threescore and six (described as the number of A man - A man being singular or his number alone - and that of his followers whom accept it and damn
themselves) this being's number was Seven Threescore and Seven (which was described as THE number of man - not singular so you can infer that it
therefore is the number of everyone that does not accept the beast).
Now being archaic the term Score has long gone out of common usage in the English language so unless it was specifically tought most people assumed
it had to do with Scores when you are numbering in tallies, however as you know it really mean's twenty so the two opposing numbers are 666 and 767
not as was common and probably as a result of this now missing section of the revelation 666 vs 777.
Now I remember an interview on the BBC, Panorama if I remember correctly on BBC 2 back when we had all of four TV stations in the UK, this interview
was in the 1980's with the controversial leader of the white separatism movement in South Africa whom were opposed to the abolishion of apartheid, his
name at least in this reality was Eugene Terrablanche (his second name apparently translated as White Earth or soil so whether that was his real name
or not is neither here nor there), now in that interview he was asked by the BBC interviewer why is movement used a NAZI swastika if like he was
claiming they were Not nazi's and Eugene Terrablanche reply was based on a twisting of the now now missing section of the book of revelation in which
he described the White man as 777 (note his error as well but it was useful as there flag was a three armed swastika but otherwise identical to a nazi
flag from WW2) and he also claimed that the Black man was 666 which infuriated me to no end and to the point were I felt very angry and frustrated -
being at the time far more religious than I am even now, I was to say the least outraged by his statement.
Here is a short page on there movement, if that is not NAZI then I do not know what is as it surely look's like it to me.
So other changes, well I can go into the vision of God that Jacob had at Bethel, seeing the servant's of god (Angels) ascending and descending from
heaven on the ladder to and from all part's of the world, God or the being he saw not in heaven but OVER it, his throne like a sapphire and an
emerald, all in white with a golden belt around his chest, his eye's blazing white and his face like the sun, his hair and beard white and a crown
like a rainbow over his head but with more colours, his hand's and feet like burnished brass reflecting the light of a furnace etc, etc.
SO given that the idea of Mandela's was not known to me I sought an answer I could rationalize (after going crazy for a bit) and the only thing I
could think of was this, this is just a hairbrained idea bare in mind and not proven and also potentially not provable just like the effect you are
trying to prove.
For me the only answer that fit was based on Quantum theory and the whole concept of branching reality's creating parallel world's/universe's.
I thought surely that can not be the case as it violated the concept of conservation of energy unless each reality then only has half the energy of
the previous shared reality so therefore was only half as real but there must be something to counter it or the law's of reality would surely have
failed long ago in such an infinite branching process making our reality more ghost like and only extant as a potential rather than a solid form.
That something could only be the formation of Black Hole's (not brown holes or Quasi Black holes only the real thing will do here) some where out
there in the cosmos.
As each black hole form's it produces a narrow shell around itself a region of space called the event horizion and at the event horizon the universe
more or less ceases to function as all matter and energy are drawn to oblivion or are they, for me this took the form of IF the same black hole exists
in multiple reality's, which it obviously would then at the event horizon they are then drawn back together, a pulse of gravity roll's out across the
universe like a ripple at the moment this black hole is born and the parallel reality's are then literally ZIPPED back together, a guy walking down
the street in one reality has his newspaper in his right hand and in another he has it in his left hand but as this ZIPPING together of these two
reality's takes place only one reality can survive the merging, he remembers strangely holding it in his right hand but for some reason he now has it
in his left hand.
Of course for some of us the effect can be much more traumatic.
Take this example, I truly do believe this woman is telling the truth.
My idea would posit the potential that she did not jump from a parallel reality but rather she remembers a parallel reality that no longer
For most people these changes which may be happening all the time go un-noticed such as remember that they left there key's on the table and then
finding them in there coat pocket (which may be simpy forgetfulness but also may be a result of a reality merging).
NOW I may be completely wrong in my theory but will swear to you that this was in the bible that I remember.
But think about it, every possible action really takes place and each different outcome is a different reality?, if this theory is parallel reality's
is correct then there must be a counterbalance of some kind in nature, a mechanism to merge just as often as it diverges but maybe more powerful in
it's effect like this mutiple reality merging caused by the quantum event of a black hole's formation may trigger?.
edit on 22-8-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)