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Mary Magdala, more important than you might think

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posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 04:42 AM
Ohh and in case some people dont understand.......

Dan Brown writes thriller fiction....

Fiction definition.
1. literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
2. something that is invented or untrue.

If someone thinks Dan Brown's books are about real tangible stuff... based in reality..... a mud cake is he/she.

Dan Brown writes for fun and profit. For thoughs whom believe his books are real, their not. Just well written stories..... i know shock horror hay, but yeah just interesting made up stories.

Should give them a try, chances are youd like them.

edit on 22-8-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: coomba98

Nobody cares about Dan Brown and everyone knows that already.

What was the point of that are you under the impression that he isn't famous as an author of fiction?

You look like you are trying to save people from something but everyone knows that and assuming that they don't is the same as saying that they live in a cave.

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: coomba98
a reply to: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser

Eeer Padawan your blood pressure has risen again. Calm down youngling.

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: coomba98

Ahh. Another rude person with no knowledge to add just petty jealousy in the form of "insults" (I use that word lightly as your not making any sense).

Where am i rude young Padawan? Where in that post does it allude to a lack of knowledge? Where do I allude to jealousy?

You making things up again? Yeeerp Padawan sure is isnt he.

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: coomba98

I take your obvious envy and whatever else that was as a compliment.

Where am i envious in that post?

If you take any of that post as a compliment then you have some serious issues Padawan. Serious issues

If your going to insult Padawan than grow a brain and do it right, Padawan.

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: coomba98

You are more than welcome to think I am making it up. Everyone but you and Reggaeman gets it and you're both rude immature childish and !g8@r6n?, that type of behavior doesn't give me any urge to compile

Never said you were making it up. Re-read it and stop making things up... lol. And where am i rude?

Informing you how threads work is rude? What side of the bed did you get out of Padawan?

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: coomba98

Say pretty please with a cherry on top, apologize for your rudeness and immaturity and I will link this m.f. up.

Now thats just crazy talk Padawan. Crazy.

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser

originally posted by: coomba98

originally posted by: Now Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: Raggedyman

Books. Buy em, read em or Google it with the information I provided.

It's very easy, not even something anyone but you doubts or has asked for proof.

Padawan, if you create a thread and people ask for proof or evidence were you come by an opinion, than the onus is on you to provide.

Saying things like:

originally posted by: Now Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: Raggedyman

I simply don't care if someone of your manner believes what I said I know I didn't just invent it to make a thread.

Just show you dont understand how these thing work.

Or it just proves your making stuff up.

Coomba98... sorry

Summers Eve.
(Your female friendly companion)

Hi. I am only quoting you so you don't delete evidence of your rudeness and immaturity on what was a peaceful and productive thread about a maybe historical Mary Magdalene.

As soon as you say "Sorry I was rude, immature and attempted (poorly but you can leave that part out) to insult you by changing your screen name."

P.S. consider yourself lucky I am not a snitch because I could, if I was, rat you out to a mod.

Quote me all you want young Padawan. Allll you want..

And stop saying im insulting you... that hasnt started yet. 😀

So Padawan, where did you come by the premise of this thread? What dots have you crossed recrossed backwards crossed then sideways crossed to then be joined together.

Coomba98... sorry

Summers Eve
(Your female friendly companion)

Obsessing won't help you. You are obviously jealous because you responded to the accusation as one who had been exposed and defended (tried to) yourself as such.

Only you just piled on to the evidence.

And changing my screen name? Is that not the act of someone who is angry at someone (who they don't know to boot) and is out to make me look bad and probably wants to get my thread shut down (out of envy).

I'll answer my own question, definitely.

Also rude, immature and probably against the rules. Your welcome (for not ratting, I don't snitch).

You have been gotten to and you should have let it go, I called you out for what you are and you're pi$$ed!!! Lmfao to the bank!!!
edit on 22-8-2016 by enterthestage because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2016 by enterthestage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser
a reply to: coomba98

Nobody cares about Dan Brown and everyone knows that already.

What was the point of that are you under the impression that he isn't famous as an author of fiction?

You look like you are trying to save people from something but everyone knows that and assuming that they don't is the same as saying that they live in a cave.

You cant speak for everyone Padawan. Plus you brought him up. And it seems you believe what he writes is real. Strange Padawan strange.

Gotta say i love your rants. How old are you? Do you have a Casey Jones complex thing happening?

That cool man.

Your awesome Padawan.

Master Coomba98
(Your Force induced Master Master)

edit on 22-8-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: enterthestage

Ohhhand Padawan.....

A Summers Eve for you.

Master Coomba98
(Your Force induced Master Master)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: coomba98

It's pretty easy to in this instance. Also this thread isn't about Dan Brown, someone only made a stupid remark that I get my theology from Dan Brown.

I don't have a theology and I don't like Dan Brown as I have said already. Nothing theologically related to him was mentioned either and your entire comment about him was useless.

Try using your time in a way that isn't useless and stop letting me get under your skin. I can assure you all you are doing is feeding into my need for something to laugh about and no matter what you do it won't bother me.

This is an appropriate time to let you know that I have to ignore you because this type of immaturity you are trying to rope me in to participating in could get the thread shut down. So you will be embarrassing yourself and not me as I won't even notice you or read anything you post based on your history in this thread.

If you need a friend I am here for you as I hate to see someone who is in your mental state and couldn't live with myself if I didn't offer my guidance.

edit on 22-8-2016 by enterthestage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Padawan enterthestage Googlemiser

You dont get under my skin Padawan. Stop reading my posts in anger. Try humor.

Ohh and i dont need a friend. I have God thank you very much.

Master Coomba
(Your Force Induced Master Master)

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 08:17 AM
The world!!!

What a wondrous place.

Mary Magdalene has been an inspiration to men and women alike and we love her (I do at least). So I dedicate this thread and a blessing to the woman who Jesus loved and who annointed him in an act of admiration and of deeper meaning.

I hope people enjoy this thread and let praises be offered on high for the blessed of Magdala. We don't need to ''know" her history to know she was of utmost importance to the Messiah.

Bless one, bless all and praise the Most High God the Great Invisible Spirit.

Let it be so.

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: enterthestage

Perhaps, she's here now!

There are a few so sure that she has been reborn. Perhaps she's already done what she was meant to do.

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 09:39 AM

According to Nostradamus (one interpretation) she is late to return...


The illegitimate girl so high, high, not low,
The late return will make the grieved ones contended:
The Reconciled One will not be without debates,
In employing and losing all his time.

Just found it as I was researching her some more..thought I'd share...



posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: enterthestage

Everyone loves Mary Magdalene so I thought I would share something I noticed from the ancient lands of Sumer and Canaan.

In the book of "The Coming Of The Saints" by John W. Taylor and I think it is dated 1909. Not quite sure of that date but in his book he references Mary Magdalene well over fifty times and it will astound most laypeople to learn of this biblical woman. I am trying to cut this short so as not to bore you but you can download this book on the internet in both text and or Kindle as well as some other methods. Would encourage anyone interested in the Bethany family and where they went after Jesus died and where they themselves died, to give it a read or I believe it is still in print at Amazon.

Here are several inserts of what John Taylor wrote.

Drusilla, a member of the Herod family, married a
Roman, Claudius Felix ; Eunice, a Jewess, married a
Greek and became the mother of St. Timothy. Herod
Antipas himself married the daughter of Aretas, King of
Arabia, and (according to the History of Rabanus), Mary
of Magdala (Mary Magdalene of the Gospels) was the
daughter of a Syrian and a Jewess, her father, a Syrian
prince or ruler, having married a Jewish maiden who
traced her descent from the royal family of King David.
(the woman who was a sinner,
pardoned by our Lord, and who afterwards
followed Him through His ministry.
In tradition we are told that the mother of Mary Magdalene was
of the blood royal of the House of Israel, and therefore distantly
Mary Magdalene related to St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin (see " Life of Rabanus,"
cap. i.).
For, according to a very old tradition (accepted by
such writers and fathers of the Church as Tertullian, St.
Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, St. Gregory, the
Venerable Bede, Rabanus, St. Odo, St. Bernard, and St.
Thomas Aquinas), St. Mary Magdalene was none other
than St. Mary of Bethany.
" It was that Mary which anointed the Lord." Then
Mary of Magdala (or Mary Magdalene) and Mary of
Bethany must apparently have been one and the same
— u Mary of Bethany

You can download this work and gather the over fifty references of Mary and build a very good thread. She was an amazing woman and truly a saint if there is one.


posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: riley

Someone said earlier that Miriam Magdala was the Goddess Sophia earlier and I agree. I think that Sophia has been many women since first being temporarily in Eve although she had to escape the body because Yaltabaoth was going to force himself on her.

Last thing she did before she left was leave the Spirit here and it's here now. Sophia is ascended but wisdom and Spirit are all That's needed if we use it.

Miriam Magdala was like the apex and no equal is going to appear. You'll have to settle for second best.
edit on 22-8-2016 by enterthestage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: enterthestage

Second best? You were doing so well but assumed it's all about my ego.

I do have an aversion to the very common "the last messiah", "the last prophet". As though all of humanity will just come to a screaming halt one day and never evolve spiritually because a chosen one is not found. There is only an apex based on learned preconceptions.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 01:57 PM


posted on Sep, 17 2016 @ 10:59 AM
Mary Magdalene is the daughter of God.

The 7 demons cast from her were not actual demons but an initiation into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

She was no prostitute, that's Catholic propaganda not supported by the Gospels.

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