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Electric Winds on Electric Worlds

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posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:00 AM
Mainstream science keeps saying, “We’re amazed at these findings; this is not what we expected.”

But alternative scientists are not amazed.

Physicist Wal Thornhill of the Thunderbolts Project explains in a two part Space News that the “electric wind” referenced in a Nature World News article dated June 21, 2016, “Venus’ Terrifying ‘Electric Wind’ Sucks Water from its Atmosphere” is, in fact, electric discharge. He is a proponent of the Electric Universe theory of cosmology, which makes much more sense than the standard, gravitational model.

It is time for advocates of mainstream scientific theories to stop their reliance on ridicule in an attempt to censor opposing views.

The standard model of cosmology needs to change. It is outdated.

Here are some talking points that mainstream science needs to focus on:

1. The electrical nature of mass and gravity

2. The Birkeland currents that are understood by plasma physicists

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

Just because mainstream scientists discover something new does not mean that any given fringe theory must be "true." MHD is a new field that can only be studied because increasing computer processing capacities makes it possible to model.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

The standard model of cosmology needs to change. It is outdated.

No, that is not how physics work. Just because something is old doesn't mean it has zero relevance. If you want to change the model you have to actually figure out a mathematical flaw in the current model and expand on that. Good luck.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Vector99

Exactly. Produce some equations that make specific predictions, devise a way of falsifying them, and then we can talk.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

" on ridicule"


Okay, I get the little dog whistle. But there is no politics, or "ridicule" only people who are trained in science studying with caution and trying to get people not to inject woo. This sounds like a weird attempt to set division on your terms where there was none. Scientists were being scientific.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Your use of the word "fringe" proves my point about ridicule.

Ridicule is a big problem in science.

It's been a problem for a long time.

When a critical mass of scientists open up their minds after decades of assuming that because something is accepted by the entrenched establishment, it's the best we have, progress will start happening.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Heh, they will be at it for a while. General relativity isn't a flawed model, yet the E.U. crowd (they are back?!?) seems to think it is. Pretty funny to see the elaborate youtube evidence proving Einstein wrong.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:21 AM
This is interesting news but definitely not a shocker by any stretch of the imagination. Infact I would go as far as to say the phenomenon should be expected on any exoplanet with a sustainable atmospere.

Mass, gravity, and electricity have always acted in concert. Those are what elements in their most broken down composition are made of.

Im no expert on plasma fields, but I do know they are just elements that have been excited to a threshold above or below their standard valence. Its not very hard to create a plasma.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

He was following your lead, probably. Fringe just means not studied thoroughly. Left alone. It does not mean abandon scientific procedure.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:30 AM
Someone tried to do this dog whistling stuff on another thread about wave particle interactions. Trying to start stuff only "here on ATS?"... I honestly don't see the fight going on anywhere else...


posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

Ridicule is a big problem in science.

Only for youtube scientists.

It's been a problem for a long time.

yes, those poor know-it-all youtubers get no justice.

When a critical mass of scientists

What? A critical mass of scientists?

decades of assuming that because something is accepted by the entrenched establishment

Yes, it's exactly that. it's not testable science by any means, it's establishment science with a critical mass of scientists.

Be careful, one of those critical mass scientists could go nuclear at any time.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: ConnectDots

Your use of the word "fringe" proves my point about ridicule.

It's not my fault if you think it is pejorative. I do not take offense at your use of the word "mainstream." You clearly mean it in a pejorative sense.

Ridicule is a big problem in science.

No, I have never seen a scientist ridiculed, even if s/he is proven wrong or their theories lie outside the mainstream. Although not many scientists accept MOND, no-one ridicules it because it does make falsifiable predictions, some of which have been observed. On the other hand, if someone makes a webpage or YouTube video that attacks "mainstream science" without providing a coherent theory....

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
The Birkeland currents that are understood by plasma physicists

Per Wal Thornhill:

It is now a century since the Norwegian genius Kristian Birkeland proved that the phenomenal ‘northern lights’ or aurora borealis is an earthly connection with the electrical Sun. Later, Hannes Alfvén the Swedish Nobel Prize winning physicist, with a background in electrical engineering and experience of the northern lights, drew the solar circuit. It is no coincidence that Scandinavian scientists led the way in showing that we live in an Electric Universe.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
Mainstream science keeps saying, “We’re amazed at these findings; this is not what we expected.”

But alternative scientists are not amazed.

Physicist Wal Thornhill of the Thunderbolts Project explains in a two part Space News that the “electric wind” referenced in a Nature World News article dated June 21, 2016, “Venus’ Terrifying ‘Electric Wind’ Sucks Water from its Atmosphere” is, in fact, electric discharge. He is a proponent of the Electric Universe theory of cosmology, which makes much more sense than the standard, gravitational model.

It is time for advocates of mainstream scientific theories to stop their reliance on ridicule in an attempt to censor opposing views.

The standard model of cosmology needs to change. It is outdated.

Here are some talking points that mainstream science needs to focus on:

1. The electrical nature of mass and gravity

2. The Birkeland currents that are understood by plasma physicists

Show me the equivalent of maxwells wave equations and you will have my attention

Show us ONE device any of you guys built using your science and you will have my attention

Until then you will never be taken seriously and rightly so

And FYI...getting results we didn't expect and adjusting our theories is part of the scientific process.

You know, the ones that came up with quantum mechanics ,which in turn enabled transistors to be built and computers t be built, or our EM knowledge that built the screen you are currently reading.

Again, you will NEVER be taken remotely seriously until you can show some of the building blocks of physics. MATHS

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Vector99
a reply to: DJW001

Heh, they will be at it for a while. General relativity isn't a flawed model, yet the E.U. crowd (they are back?!?) seems to think it is. Pretty funny to see the elaborate youtube evidence proving Einstein wrong.

I sure hope none of them rely on GPS. That would be embarrassing for them if they did. And hypocritical

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:46 AM

edit on 8/20/2016 by ConnectDots because: Deletion

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
The electrical nature of mass and gravity

Wal Thornhill regarding gravity:

What is gravity?

Gravity is due to radially oriented electrostatic dipoles inside the Earth’s protons, neutrons and electrons. [18]

[18] R. Sansbury, The Common Cause of Gravity and Magnetism, p 1. See

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 11:25 AM
This is going to be fun

I'm sure i have seen those vids before, need to check them out first, but there's a few things that stand out.
I'm not a great proponent of Thunderbolt because there's not enough real science involved, a lot of wishful thinking certainly. But there is a link between electric charge, mass & gravity. T.T.Brown coined the term 'counterbary' which became known as 'electro-gravity'. Having read most of his notebooks and performed the same experiments he did in the 40's & 50's i can verify 100% that his 'gravitor' worked, because mine did also.
If i had access to the same materials Lockheed use then i could build some serious flying gizmos.

Lets start with something simple, like Lifters. You know, those foil & balsa wood triangles that take off when HV is applied. It has been proven beyond doubt that ion wind is NOT powerful enough to make them fly. That entire Mythbusters episode was a joke. Wont lift in a vacuum? not entirely true since in a vacuum you can ramp up the votage to compensate for the missing dielectric (air in this case) and secondly all you need is a metal or other substance that has a very high K factor to replace the air with.
T.T.Brown's discs rotated in a high vacuum & went so fast that the project was immediately classified.
That was in 1956.

The very nature of electric charge has yet to be properly defined, some scientists think it may be a dimension in itself. I'm not talking how many coulombs on the surface of an electron, since that's too theoretical to test, in any case the electron is more of a cloud as i have pointed out many times in the past, so that means it's energy density could be way higher than calculated.

Another interesting property of electrons (and i still need to verify this) is their apparent ability to time-travel.
The proposed experiment can only send them forward, but that's not a problem, it's kind of easier to measure something happening tomorrow than trying to measure something that happened yesterday!
So the electric universe theory is right in places but has tons of faults also.

OK so let's get the popcorn out, enjoy the show, i'll get back later when i have made some notes.

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 11:31 AM
Thanks for sharing. I believe that much of the electric universe model is genuinely a true reflection of the nature of the physical universe. I find that the community which is promoting the theory are actually doing damage to their own credibility by stretching their interpretation via pure speculation (non-science) when they attempt to conclude that the ancient people of Earth witnessed plasma discharges from planets & thereafter referenced these effects as 'dragons', etc. They should stick to the solid, debateable & proveable theories of the root physics, and leave all mythological speculations totaly alone. They really do harm their case with that sort of thing.

One aspect of the theory which truly did convince me of the reality of the electric universe model, was their analysis & predictions concerning cometary nature, constitution & phenomenology. The recent NASA missions to examine comets have thrown up evidence which supports the electric universe model far better than the 'dirty snowball' theory which was institutionalised by Fred Whipple back in the 50's (not sure of the exact date of his postulations). Evidence such as electrical interference on approach to the comet.. Also the fact that the lander's feet could not enter the comet's surface properly, it was much harder than they had expected. Also the commonality of the 'lobe' shape of the comets, which quite cearly support aspects of the electric universe model. Also I believe there was scarring on the surface of the comets which gave evidence for electrical arcing. There were plasma jets also if I recall correctly (it's a long time since I last checked in on the subject..) Fascinating & provocative, convincing stuff.

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

edit on AugustSaturday1618CDT11America/Chicago-050031 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling, clarification

posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 11:55 AM
nah....all electric...
try to explain a brown dwarf without electric.....

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