a reply to:
Night Star
I'll give you three guesses.
Actually, like I said, it was boring. There was one report that got investigated and turned out to be some street lights. It was good investigating.
Another was a tiny speck in a photo that didn't seem worth the effort of messing with equipment that wasn't working. There was a crew from a psychic
investigations newer effort type of show, but while they have nice equipment and great interest, they were all young enough to not seem to know that
that puppy's been around the block for the last 100 years and then some. Plus, there was a member of the crew sharing her story -- just for us --
which means to me, "which part?" and she got rather emotional as part of her story happened years ago but seemed to "continue" last night...but when I
asked if her own crew had gone to investigate her bedroom, they sort of began to change their body language while they couldn't decide which foot to
place their weight on, while they looked like they wished that no one had thought of that, and hemmed and hawed until the subject was morphed to
something else, at their great and visible relief.
There was something devoid of logic in the whole thing, that left me feeling rather alien myself, as there were some truly intelligent people both in
the audience and facilitating the meeting. Which makes me wonder if I overestimated the whole bunch, including myself. But we've made friends with a
couple there, and this is what keeps us going there. Plus that expression they use in Trading: "The fear of missing out."
I hate to say it, but the best part was the french fries. They were hot and greasy but not salty enough (don't forget I'm a salt water fish!) and
shaking the salt shaker was just useless motions, that apparently have been going on there for some time. I debated if I should just pretend that they
were salty enough but then decided that this was as good as the meeting was going to get, so I unscrewed the bottle and saw this mass of salt that had
the texture of wet sand. I debated for a moment and then thought, the hell with it, and stuck my fingers into it and grabbed a huge, huge pinch of wet
sand-ish salt and sprinkled it on the french fries. Oh my God, that was good!
I guess MUFON meetings are like that stupid line from Forest Gump. Some meetings are better than others but you never know what you're gonna get. It
was better years ago when it was run by civilians. But soon there were too many of them and they needed to get organized. Then I guess someone higher
decided to organize it from the back ground. Then the good guys left and it morphed into something strange, where you just pretend that it isn't. And
then it settled to something that the new people think is run by civilians -- feeling the need to get organized.
And the beat goes on....and the beat goes on...
My "current theory" is that the preverbal "it" is sort of organizing itself as no one is truly in control of anything anywhere, which is sort of scary
and sort of comforting at the same time. I think that as far as the alien agenda is concerned, there isn't any. They are here and have been all along.
We just never, and then seldom, bumped into them. Then they had one of those screaming sessions like Drew Barrymore did in ET, and then everyone hid
for a while and then took a breath and began to talk, first veiled and then eventually less so. But back then it was at the level of a few, and
everyone was sworn to secrecy, complete with real and imagined threats, but now it is growing exponentially and the big guys are getting nervous. Why?
Because everyone is second guessing how everyone else will react, while others are sort of deciding a pre-emptive strike in how to pre-manage the
reaction, but they aren't keeping up fast enough with how quickly people themselves are evolving -- or de-volving. Plus there are so many levels of
this that it has long been out of control -- not that it ever was. The issue is no longer the aliens. The issue is who has clearance and of what and
where do they look for guidance anymore, with so many now dying off or speaking out. The genie that was once in the bottle is now obese and the bottle
fell onto the floor and got kicked aside a long time ago. It's a Mexican stand off that goes beyond Mexicans and the other side can float rather than
stand, but otherwise, some are waiting for the other to flinch while others just yawned and went back to sleep.
So...calling Superman...but instead of him showing up, what do I get? Images of Shirley Temple in black and white singing, "It's the good ship,
I think I'm going off the deep end...God I hope I can swim!
Um...were you looking for, "The meeting was great!"....wince....
Syx! You out there, buddy? Can you come and do some distracting acrobatics while I slip away again?