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Question about mind control and who really fell for it

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posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 07:26 AM
I remember seeing a few threads about mind control, social engineering, and things of that nature. This is what gave me the inspiration to make this thread. I have some curiosities about this. So I'm presenting the ATS community with this as a way of learning more about it.

Is it possible that there are only a small percentage of people that fully fall for the mind control programs that have been supposedly employed by the alphabet agencies in our governments?

My thought on this is that they are looking to employ these people in high level positions within the alphabet agencies that are absolute loyal soldiers who will do as their told without questioning their masters.

This would provide the Masters a means of employing their social engineering programs on the masses without any obstruction. I believe that anyone with any kind of a conscience would be against the intentional manipulation of other people, knowing that these social engineering programs are designed to manipulate, hurt and divide the masses.

So my thought on this is that only a small percentage of people fully fall for the mind control programs and become absolute loyal soldiers in the mass manipulation of our society.

As for the sociall engineering part of it, these so called masters employ their social engineering tactics on The masses to divide and damage the masses to prevent them from finding unity amongst themselves for the purpose of improving society for the better. I believe that we as human beings have a great desire to improve our society to have the age old saying come true, peace on earth and good will towards all men.

We have recently seen the masses starting to wake up from these lies and manipulations that are being perpetrated by our governments the masses are beginning to demand the truth about things. It is my belief that people are beginning to unite in a way that is not in conjunction with the divide and conquer tactics that have been employed against them.

As I've said I don't know much about this subject, and I have curiosities about it, and I also believe that we as human being are inherently good that can be manipulated to do bad, but as people our conscience will eventually get the better of us and cause us to wake up.

Please add anything that you would think is beneficial to the sharing of knowledge about this.

edit on Sun20168V201608931 by DonVoigt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

Nope, I think that mind control is nothing but a clever arrangement of media + conspiracy theories. Media is used by the Elite as negative reinforcement ("this is what everyone believes"), and conspiracy theories are put forth by the very same Elite as a positive reinforcement ("but if you want to feel smart, this is what you gotta believe ").

These two, together, are pretty much making 99% of people fall for it.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: swanne

Hah, we are all mind controlled. They are always ten steps ahead, with backup programs.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 07:55 AM
It´s your subconcious that´s working with images. Find a way to reach the subconious and use words that trigger images and connect them with feelings. That´s part of how hypnosis works.

That´s why the subject really does not see the red pen in front of their eyes.
And that´s why they have glasy eyes. Look at someone who stares into infinity because he´s "in his own world".

You overload the concious and as soon as the subconcious kicks. Everytime you blink your subconcious is active for a split second.
One trick is to make the subject either uncomfortable, like shaking their hands a twad too long. The moment you see their reaction, the subconcious is telling them they don´t like it. If you then while shaking pull slightly at their hands everytime they blink, you will have a big chance of "knocking away" the concious. The hardest part is not to bring the subject into that state, it´s keeping it there.

Anyways, the subject has to allow it. At least with "simple" hypnosis. You would all be amazed what´s possible.
However, the subject will never do anything that is not somewhere in agreement of the subconciousness.

Like if you tell someone it´s so hot why not take their cloth off. If deep inside, they have no problem with being naked (although, not knowing it really) they will strip. If not, they will eventually break out of trance because "something is not right".

Same happens if you make one concentrate very hard (swing watch) and then let it swing out of their view while pushing them back on the forehead. This spawns several reactions in the body, one thing relaxation of the muscles and this activates other trigger mechanisms.

It also is possible to use triggers your parents set unvoluntary while you were a baby.
One example would be the "sch....." to calm you down.
edit on 14-8-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: swanne

I really don't think the number is quite as high as 99 percent, because I witness both kinds of people on a regular basis, people who have a conscience, and people who seemingly have no conscience, but I do agree that everyone can be manipulated, as well I think that there are some people who's conscience is stronger than that and absolutely refuse to choose to do bad things

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: verschickter

I remember reading that about hypnosis, that the subject has to be willing to accept the hypnosis otherwise the hypnotist will not be able to make them do their bidding, such as bark like a dog, or jump up and down on one leg, or other parlor tricks of that nature.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

So my thought on this is that only a small percentage of people fully fall for the mind control programs and become absolute loyal soldiers in the mass manipulation of our society.

The controllers of the narrative at the higher echelons are few and know exactly what they are doing. Their many underlings, minions, enforcers are more concerned wth doing their duty than understanding anything on a deeper level.

Just look at the distraction 'bill of fare' in todays society. There are a thousand dumb things providing endless, mindless entertainment between working hours, down time or off duty.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I agree that people are easily manipulated and distracted, this is why I limit myself to minimum exposure to these things, I don't like watching TV, TV equals mindless drivel to me, and the only 2 social media I involve myself in is Facebook which is my connection to my family and close friends, and ATS which is the ONLY media website that I have found that has a diverse range of intelligent people to involve myself in, I'm not a perfect person and I make mistakes, but I do appreciate T&C , manners guidelines, and the topics of discussion that I find around here. I work a lot of hours at my job, do as much my family wants me to do with them. Then I sneak in here to get my fix on topics that are not commonly discussed with family and friends.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:22 AM
I am afraid it works on billions of people out there, via greed.
Look at all those people that are programmed to work for money they need for things they in reality don´t need. They just "need" them because others have those things too. 99.9% of the humans worldwide are greedy egoists. Maybe the nature programmed us a long time like this, to survive, but nowadays it´s used to transform us to egoistic low wage slaves.

In the western nations a better job, a newer car, a bigger house is more worth than to share time with your family, you parents, your friends. People are programmed to even not build families anymore, because women and kids deflect you from being a working drone for the rich and powerful, the greediest individuals on earth. People forget that they have every hour of their life just once, and that one hour of this life is worth more than any boss could ever pay.

Most of us are programmed to make debts, because of greed. To be like all the others are, for having things one can´t pay for but thinks he has to have them(own by the Banksters then). People are programmed to forget that they became born to live and work to live. Today they live to work, for the profits of others. Sure people are programmed to not see the real perpetrators. To divide themselves because of such things like the political "Left" and "Right", for example.

So, this only can work with mind control and social engineering. Otherwise 99.9% of the mankind has to be dumb enough not to mention what happens. And i don´t think that we really are dumb like this, it must have other reasons that the masses don´t uprise, knowing who is guilty, that they enslave themselves and all that stuff.

Isn´t all that advertising everywhere and all the time mind control and social engineering, a tool of it? People are programmed by ads. They think they would need things, because these things are shown everywhere and all the time. And because all the other members of the grey mass have them. So people make debts to buy those things, via credit from the Banksters. That´s the moment people sell their lifes, make themselves slaves. That don´t live their own lifes anymore, but have to do everything to pay the debts.

Peoples opinions are programmed, remote controlled by mass media. Mass media tells the people who is evil and who is good, what is good for you and who is good for you. Who you have to dislike or even to hate. And who to worship. And so on and on.

Sure works that stuff on billions of people worldwide, and it works for a small, greedy and rich and because of that powerful circle of individuals. It works, because almost all the other earthlings dream secretly of becoming the same superrich and greedy individuals as those in that circle. It´s all controlled by humans own greed...

In my opinion...

edit on 14 8 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

I would highly recommended reading this book by Edward Bernays called Propaganda, this was written in 1928. When one factors in the MK Ultra and the more black budget programs, we truly have no idea where they have taken actual mind control to.

He was Freuds nephew and had a less then compassionate view of the masses.

How the elite control the minds of the masses. Propaganda pdf.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

This is the opening paragraph of the book in a chapter called "Organizing Chaos" to me this exposes his connections with the secret society doctrine of "Ordo Ab Chao" he was Freuds nephew.

They seek to control us through programming us into our basic animal instincts, hence the inundation with fear, sex, and violence, through media.
edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago08America/Chicago831amSunday9 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I do agree with that, I do the best I can to have what I need without taking it to excess. All throughout my life I've strived to maintain the maximum amount of so called free time. I maintain what I need in the event of social breakdown where commonly supplied services, water, electricity, food can be supplied from within my family unit, and I have a rather large family unit, all of which believe these things and do what we can to do as the boy scouts taught us, be prepared. As far as other stuff goes, I live in the first suburb outside Chicago city limits, and I rather enjoy things like stuffed pizza, cheesy Beef sandwiches, Chicago style hot dogs. But my favorite activities involve camping, hunting fishing at our families more rural properties, because i believe that maintaining our more simplistic family style life is far more important than the modern conveniences that we have all grown accustomed to.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

I have heard of this book before, I may have even had my hands on it, but I believe at the time when I was studying it I believe I chose more modern books on the subject, so I may have passed over that one, but it is something that I might have to go back and check out.

edit on Sun20168V2016141031 by DonVoigt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

You would be surprised what people are willing to do, deep down.
Nothing unethical of course, I always tape it and they can have a copy directly afterwards.
Make sure they feel fresh and relaxed when waking up and some even ask for more.

It´s when they want to give me money for it, that´s creepy.
I don´t do that. It´s all about positive feelings, no room for money.
It spawns expectations, that´s not good.

I also distance myself from all the youtube videos.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: verschickter

It is to my understanding that there are many possible benefits to hypnosis, many bad habits that can be changed. However I was always of the belief that I should never give up control of my own mind voluntarily for any reason, I believe that I'm the one who deserves to do the programming on this computer. Lol

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: solve
a reply to: swanne

Hah, we are all mind controlled. They are always ten steps ahead, with backup programs.

Solve I love your avatar which is a major league old school piece of classic mind control propaganda media.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

Consider early american frontier. Around 1780 eastern US give or take some penetration depth.

No banks out that far. The relationship between man and the land was totally different from the costal areas. Government was different, the idea of Federal was about zero, government was local. Little to hook people like this the mind.

So what do they do? They send in the banks to get people to trade their land for gold or paper and go into debt. Naturally these folks don't know that the banks control the other end as well and the people soon find themselves in hock and about to lose their land.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

Then I sneak in here to get my fix on topics that are not commonly discussed with family and friends.

Especially family and friends, huh. They would dispossess you in a heartbeat if they only knew the real you.

Ya gotta 'sneak around' to have your own identity.

Same here. In fact mine 'dispossessed' me a long time ago, and I'm better off for it. Got tired of not being me.

In a wider scope, the control freaks that claw their way to the top and impose their mind and their control on everyone else are the real problem. That problem began in their childhood when their parents ignored their feelings and imposed their will upon them, for their own good.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
Is it possible that there are only a small percentage of people that fully fall for the mind control programs that have been supposedly employed by the alphabet agencies in our governments?

My thought on this is that they are looking to employ these people in high level positions within the alphabet agencies that are absolute loyal soldiers who will do as their told without questioning their masters.

Probably not, and for a number of reasons. One, you don't want people in high level positions in a covert agency based solely on their ability to be controlled. You would want someone good at that position. You wouldn't pass by a young Vannevar Bush as the leader of your small unheard-of intel agency to get Frank the plumber, just because Frank is dissociative.

Two, anyone who can be controlled by you can be controlled by Them®, and thus poses a security risk.

Three, in general, my observation is that people who can be easily programmed up by traditional means are followers anyway, and will do whatever you want if you can gain their loyalty, which is often not that tough. Your very best hypnosis subjects tend to be rank and file cops and infantry. Generally if you're into a strongly hierarchic command structure, you're going to be easily led no matter how it's done.

Four, that sort of person is generally not a good leader anyway.

This would provide the Masters a means of employing their social engineering programs on the masses without any obstruction. I believe that anyone with any kind of a conscience would be against the intentional manipulation of other people, knowing that these social engineering programs are designed to manipulate, hurt and divide the masses.

People driven by a lust for power or money aren't generally going to let whatever is left of their conscience get in the way. You don't often rise to the top of the leadership pile by being Generalissimo Gandhi McBuddha.

So my thought on this is that only a small percentage of people fully fall for the mind control programs and become absolute loyal soldiers in the mass manipulation of our society.

Mine would be that a small percentage of people are hard hearted self-centered power seekers who become our favorite political party leaders. Or the rich cognoscenti behind them.

Please add anything that you would think is beneficial to the sharing of knowledge about this.

A person can be nice, people in groups are not.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: verschickter

I remember reading that about hypnosis, that the subject has to be willing to accept the hypnosis otherwise the hypnotist will not be able to make them do their bidding, such as bark like a dog, or jump up and down on one leg, or other parlor tricks of that nature.

Eesh, it sort of depends. The subject can be easy or tough. But given time and enough technological assistance, it's possible to do anyone, if you're willing to risk some temporary damage.

If they're cooperative, believe in taking orders from authority, trust the hypnotist and are a little dissociative, it's easy peasy to make them bark like a dog. However, depending on what you're wanting to do with them, a LOT of people can be snap induced to a shallow level.

The other thing you hear is that you can't make someone do something they wouldn't otherwise do, which is purest bull#. Sid Gottlieb demonstrated a fairly straightforward way to do that when he was dicking around with hypnosis during MK Ultra. You just convince them they're doing something else. Can't give an order that sticks to strip naked in the commissary during lunch hour? No probs. Tell them there's a new shower in the commissary, and that as they come into the room something has doused them with some sort of cleaner, and they have to wash it off. Off came the clothes, slick as could be. Can't order them to kill? Then tell them it's a game where they're supposed to find the victim and squirt him with a water pistol, and that everyone is in on it. And watch the secretary come up to the victim, pull out the starter's pistol, bang bang bang. Gottlieb had people doing all sorts of untoward crap, legend has it.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt
It´s not programming, it´s you programming yourself with help
You have full control, it´s more like guiding. You will never do something that you dislike. The one you show the world and the one you are, big difference. That´s a reason why almost everyone is happy after waking up, because there are no thoughts, no worries, for that moment. Totally relaxed.

It´s like when you take a walk and a deep breath, that feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. One thing I always here after reaching my hand to help them up, is how relaxed they are and you can see the joy in their face. It´s like a massage, but a mental one.

Of course, it´s up to everyone if he tries such a thing or not. It´s also not easy to find someone on the same wavelength. That´s why I only do it with friends, and only if they ask me. I never ask someone. It has to do with trust.
edit on 14-8-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

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