posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 03:38 AM
originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Azureblue
There was a deadly weapon involved and a innocent (child) and repeated warnings were given.
You cant save them all.
Even in the UK our police still shoot some every year. Stands to figure not all US police shootings will be unjustifiable.
Unless someone was a direct and credibly threatened all they had to do was get everyone to back away to take the pressure of the woman which would
likely prevent her from doing anything radical. The cop was not a risk because he could have could have simply backed away and taken cover.
its unlikely the child was at risk as how could she harm the child while holding shotgun gun? How heavy is a shotgun? It would seem a little difficult
to me for a woman holding a shotgun to use it on a child she was holding. For her to harm the child she would first have to put the child down and
then stand back and lift the shotgun with both hands.
Always strikes me as odd that there was and is never is anyone trained in the appropriate technique, there to talk the woman down which is how all
such cases were managed prior to cops being given guns. The public could have been instructed not to just back off but to back off a long distance so
the woman did not feel under pressure to do anything at all.
Its well known, the longer the person is left in these kinds of circumstances the less lily they will carry through any threat. The NZ police used
this technique right up to the mid 1980's I was once told.
On the other hand, suppose we wanted to get the woman killed ASAP because she was using up precious police time. The thing to do would be get her as
crowded as possible,heighten her stress, put her under pressure to do something so we can knock her over, have every man and his dog scream at her to
put the gun down, that will definitely wind her up to do something. As soon as she moves an inch, we then have justification to claim she was about to
harm somebody so bang bang, gotcha.
Now, that took exaclyyyyyyyyyy whatwasit? 28 seconds. Damnnnn. I reckon we can do it in 20 seconds flat next time.
Rightoh 10 buks says you cant.