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Donald Trump: Gnawing on a Bonehead

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posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: ipsedixit

originally posted by: In4ormant
People just forget what it was like to have a president with balls.

Shurely Hillary Clinton is just as capable of reminding them as Donald Trump is.

Yeah Hillary has balls...
Like when she had Debbie Wasserman Shultz step down and replaced her with Donna Brazille.
That takes balls.
I hope the Bernie people cut them off.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: openyourmind1262

Yes I am a Canadian citizen.

The question of why would any foreign national be concerned with American politics should be obvious to anyone. American politics effects the whole world. As an American you probably are not aware of this but America is a very important place. That's why I'm expressing myself about it. Everyone, everywhere has a dog in any major American political fight.

This is particularly true for Canadians. I actually like Trump because he favors the Keystone XL pipeline, vetoed by President Obama. Unfortunately there is more to the overall political situation than just the pipeline.

America is a big deal everywhere, even if Americans don't realize it.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:46 PM
Yes we do in fact QUITE totally believe HRC is too dangerous to believe otherwise.
I'm not an ignorant man ,I'm well read and many more like than don't once they know who I really am.
She is beneath me entirely ,without any redemption possible.

edit on 24-7-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: ipsedixit

Thread has just started and you have used two DNC talking points.
- Donald Trump's 'dark side'.
-Blame the Russians for what the DNC and Hillary did.

Have you read about how the DNC wrote false news stories and gave them to Reuters?

Why back something that stinks this much?

The real outrage is Politico submitting stories to the Dems for approval.

The media is the in the tank for Clinton.

The media is corrupt and an enemy of the free Republic.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: In4ormant
If you had to replace Kennedy with Hillary or Trump in the Cuban missile crisis.........


Hillary/Bill vs Trump/Putin? lol.

It's very hypothetical. Trump gives the impression of being cooperative with Russia, more so than Hillary. It's a tough question. I think we are past that stage of human history. I really can't make up my mind on your question.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Did not know about false stories, but I wouldn't be surprised if either side did it. Politics in America, as many have pointed out, is at something of a low water mark for modern times.
edit on 24-7-2016 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: ipsedixit

Many including myself don't like trump.

However, Hillary and the DNC have done the impossible and made trump look like a cub scout.

I will agree

I don't prefer either. The masses were once again manipulated into choosing a couple of the worst candidates we have seen in this country's presidential elections (aside from a few others.. some people like Ted Cruz may actually be worse than Hillary)

Why? Well, probably because their last names are familiar. That's about it. If people actually cared about their vote, neither Clinton or Trump would be anywhere near the nomination, but especially not Clinton. Trump could still pull some votes but not many.

Yet, here we are. No one with any common sense can look at Hillary's record and history in the public spotlight and even pretend to support her. The biggest problem is that every issue people think they have with Trump, Hillary has said or done the same or worse. This is where the propaganda machine comes in and you have people who actually go out of their way to convince themselves that Hillary is somehow being honest this time, that the evidence against her doesn't exist. I've seen many well written opinions against Trump, yet none stack up to Hillary's offenses.

The worst truth about this election is that Trump is only electable simply because of Hillary.

If Hillary were to be gone tomorrow, Trump would be too. He could not win, not even come close, if he had a decent opposition. Doesn't even need to be a great candidate. Just an OK, average, toe-the-line candidate would be enough. Just can't be someone that has issues going more than a few months without lying, manipulating, discriminating and scheming in the name of more political power.
edit on 7-24-2016 by UnknownQuantity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Indigent

Trump reminds me of a Successful Businessman running for Public Office after seeing his Beloved Country Turn Towards Tyrannical Anti Capitalistic Socialism which is trying to Destroy the Very Fabric of American Society . He's Got My Vote .

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
a reply to: butcherguy

Did not know about false stories, but I wouldn't be surprised if either side did it. Politics in America, as many have pointed out, is at something of a low water mark for modern times.

Yeah... wouldn't be surprised if 'everyone does it'.
But there is proof that Hillary's team did it.
So back the bad guys, I guess.

Did you hear that they emailed homophobic slurs?
Might want to investigate what is in the wiki leaks stuff.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

I have fought and fought and fought with every rational bone in my head, to show that Hillary is not suitable to be President of the United States.

I have tremendous respect for Drudge as a political analyst and historian and Drudge is convinced that Hillary would be very dangerous for America, that she would degenerate into an overreaching fascist strongmwoman, and would resonate with and strengthen every worst impulse to racism, isolationism, militarism and bellicosity to which America is susceptible.

I find American biblical-isms slightly nauseating but for the sake of authenticity, I will use the word, in saying that, at least Hillary has "rebuked" the candidacy of Trump, but the mere fact that there is a Trump candidacy, inspired by Hillary, illustrates my point, derived from Drudge, that a darker aspect of American society resonates with Hillary.

Is Hillary the first candidate ever to be endorsed by "a Socialist"? You see what I mean?

One thing I have noticed on ATS, since Hillary announced her candidacy and began to show her campaigning style during the primary contests, is that the message being sent out by many of Mrs. Hillary's supporters might be summed up as, "Don't pay any attention to what Hillary says. She is what America needs and is going to do a good job."

If Hillary was in concurrence with that attitude, all of his campaign speeches could be factored down to, "Trust me. Vote for me. I will do what needs to be done to get America back on track."

Now that Hillary is the nominee, having come from the political funding and paid for others for her own nomination, she will drastically scale back the stylistic infelicities (which are as disagreeable to me as to most serious people, but are just part of her shtick). She is not ideological and will make the system work — she is, as she never tires of telling us, a deal-maker. In foreign policy, she will be neither trigger-happy like George W., nor an other-worldly pacifist like Obama.

This kind of thing is distressing to those of us who are not personal acquaintances of Hillary, or family members, like Hillary's enthusiastic child, or pie eyed optimists like many Hillary supporters on ATS.

There is nothing positive about Hillary for a rational voter to cite as a reason for voting for her.

It is not a plus for Hillary to think that things are a mess. Everybody thinks that things are a mess. Hillary is just joining the club.

Hillary has said a lot of things, on the other hand, that might cause a voter to be wary of her. Her views on economic matters are disturbing because, for Hillary, doing quid-pro-quo thru the Clinton Foundation is just another tool in her toolbox.

That might work well for politicians, but in the international arena the repercussions of unilaterally doing favors for all your IOUs are more serious. It becomes harder to do hide your funding when you are known as the world's biggest gold digger.

That is an element of Hillary's campaign that is not just "shtick" and that rational voters will hold on to.

Of course we are still at an early point in the campaign. Hopefully Hillary will flesh out her illegal activities, but probably not.

Hillary supporters just know that Hillary will do the right thing, handle America's problems successfully, renegotiate the trade deals in ways that will improve America's position without unduly tipping the balance on the world's applecart.

Hillary's support is largely faith based, you see.

I'm sorry folks but that is just a little too much in the vein of a famous anarchist for me.

I can't back this kind of person. I don't care how many Clinton Foundations she's built.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: UnknownQuantity

Most of the polls on during the primary season, put Sanders further ahead of Trump than Clinton.

It's a whole new ball game now, though. The Trump/Clinton debates are going to be deadly exchanges.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
a reply to: UnknownQuantity

Most of the polls on during the primary season, put Sanders further ahead of Trump than Clinton.

It's a whole new ball game now, though. The Trump/Clinton debates are going to be deadly exchanges.

I disagree with much of what Bernie stands for, but if it were him vs Trump, I would not be voting for Trump.

I don't think Trump would stand a chance come November if it was Bernie instead of Hillary. And the proof is there when we see how much the DNC has to do just to manipulate support for Hillary.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

Bernie " I Really Am a Commie " Sanders is Yesterdays News . Irrelevant as a Second Place Finisher in a Two Man Race .

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Did you hear that they emailed homophobic slurs?
Might want to investigate what is in the wiki leaks stuff.

That kind of thing really doesn't move me as much as more substantial issues. I know it is wrong but I'm sure it occurs on both sides. Donald Trump is accused of making misogynistic slurs, but I don't really care about that. Sexual assault accusations against him I take more seriously, but what I really take seriously are policy questions.
edit on 24-7-2016 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Many saw Chavez as the outsider that ran for public office to save his beloved country from nefarious groups that wanted to pervert all that the nation once was, he din't.

That's the image they want to sell after all

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: oletimer

At least you read my post. You must be a whiz with a coloring book.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: ipsedixit

originally posted by: butcherguy
Did you hear that they emailed homophobic slurs?
Might want to investigate what is in the wiki leaks stuff.

That kind of thing really doesn't move me as much as more substantial issues. I know it is wrong but I'm sure it occurs on both sides. Donald Trump is accused of making misogynistic slurs, but I don't really care about that. Sexual assault accusations against him I take more seriously, but what I really take seriously are policy questions.

I am not surprised that you are okay with it.
You are okay with politicians writing our news how they see fit, what's wrong with some homophobia? Would racism be OK too?

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: LifeMode
Convicted or not, she committed perjury, multiple counts.

If you look intot he multiple times Trump has been called into court to testify for one of his mafia friends, your answer would not be 'no'.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
I have fought and fought and fought with every rational bone in my head, to show that Donald Trump is not suitable to be President of the United States.

I have tremendous respect for Webster Tarpley as a political analyst and historian and Mr. Tarpley is convinced that Donald Trump would be very dangerous for America, that he would degenerate into an overreaching fascist strongman, and would resonate with and strengthen every worst impulse to racism, isolationism, militarism and bellicosity to which America is susceptible.

I find American biblical-isms slightly nauseating but for the sake of authenticity, I will use the word, in saying that, at least Donald Trump has "rebuked" the candidacy of David Duke, but the mere fact that there is a Duke candidacy, inspired by Trump, illustrates my point, derived from Tarpley, that a darker aspect of American society resonates with Donald Trump.

Is Trump the first candidate ever to be endorsed by "bikers"? You see what I mean?

One thing I have noticed on ATS, since Donald Trump announced his candidacy and began to show his campaigning style during the primary contests, is that the message being sent out by many of Mr. Trump's supporters might be summed up as, "Don't pay any attention to what Donald Trump says. He is what America needs and is going to do a good job."

If Donald Trump was in concurrence with that attitude, all of his campaign speeches could be factored down to, "Trust me. Vote for me. I will do what needs to be done to get America back on track."

Even Conrad Black (yes I know who Conrad Black is and something of his roller coaster life) has written an anodyne estimation of what a Trump presidency is likely to bring, without any reference to Mr. Trump's actual statements, other than a dismissal of them as "shtick".:

Now that Trump is the nominee, having come from the political wilderness and paid for his own campaign, he will drastically scale back the stylistic infelicities (which are as disagreeable to me as to most serious people, but are just part of his shtick). He is not ideological and will make the system work — he is, as he never tires of telling us, a deal-maker. In foreign policy, he will be neither trigger-happy like George W., nor an other-worldly pacifist like Obama.

This kind of thing is distressing to those of us who are not personal acquaintances of Mr. Trump, as Lord Black is, or family members, like Mr. Trump's enthusiastic children, or pie eyed optimists like many Trump supporters on ATS.

There is nothing positive about Mr. Trump for a rational voter to cite as a reason for voting for him.

It is not a plus for Mr. Trump to think that things are a mess. Everybody thinks that things are a mess. Trump is just joining the club.

Trump has said a lot of things, on the other hand, that might cause a voter to be wary of him. His views on economic matters are disturbing because, for Mr. Trump, defaulting on debt is just another tool in his business toolbox.

That might work well for property developers but in the international arena the repercussions of unilaterally devaluing all your IOUs are more serious. It becomes harder to do business when you are known as the world's biggest welcher.

That is an element of Mr. Trump's campaign that is not just "shtick" and that rational voters will hold on to.

Of course we are still at an early point in the campaign. Hopefully Mr. Trump will flesh out his economic ideas, but probably not.

Trump supporters just know that Mr. Trump will do the right thing, handle America's problems successfully, renegotiate the trade deals in ways that will improve America's position without unduly tipping the balance on the world's applecart.

Trump's support is largely faith based, you see.

Meanwhile, what has Mr. Trump been up to lately, that might indicate what sort of hand would be on the tiller in a Trump presidency?

Donald Trump plans to create and fund super-PACs specifically aimed at ending the political careers of Ted Cruz and John Kasich should either run for office again, after both snubbed the Republican nominee during his party's convention this week, a person familiar with Trump’s thinking told Bloomberg Politics on Friday.

Donald Trump confirmed his plans during an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" broadcast on Sunday, saying "I'll probably do a super-PAC, you know, when they run - against Kasich for $10 million, to $20 million against Ted Cruz."

Trump added that there may be "one other person that [he's] thinking about" starting an outside group against, but that unnamed individual is "such a small person" that he "hates to give him the publicity."

Former nomination rival Jeb Bush is apparently not the third person being eyed by Trump, even after skipping the convention and refusing to back the Republican nominee. On Friday Trump said he “does not care” about targeting t Bush because the former Florida governor is already “destroyed.”

I'm sorry folks but that is just a little too much in the vein of a famous German dictator for me. (If you'll forgive a Canadian reference, even Conrad Black had enough humanity in him not to wreck Peter C. Newman when he had the chance to.)

I can't back this kind of person. I don't care how many hotels he's built.

You have written an excellent post. Trump doesn;t really have any specific ideas and when he starts to shape one, he changes it the next day. I feel it is dangerous too.

I see today he wants to halt immigration from 'any country that has been touched by terrorism, even our allies including France and Germany'. That is very telling of the nationalistic fervor he intends to begin.

So many will not see, no matter how well it is shown.
edit on 24-7-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

Correct, I did read it, and color inside the lines well.

Sorry Ipsedixit, it bothered me to do that to you, because I like you. As I read your post though, it struck my funnybone when the realization dawned how interchangeable those two name are. Had to do it. Had to.

Anyway, I thought you might smile a bit about the Drudge being a historian thing... Sigh, guess more time spent on the context may have helped with that, but, in my defence, I was coloring your book pretty quickly.

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