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Texas voter ID law

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posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 04:52 PM
I just read a news article concerning the Texas voter ID law has to change. This has to happen before the November elections. Before today a person wanting to vote in Texas had to show at least one ID that proves he or she is a resident of Texas. Texas has seven different forms of ID that are eligible. Well the Obama administration and the 5th Circuit Court down in New Orleans. Has made a ruling against Texas. "Opponents say it discriminates by requiring forms of ID that are more difficult to obtain for low-income, African-American and Latino voters". My way of thinking is if your a legal resident of Texas, you already are carrying one of the seven forms of ID. So how can it be discrimination and difficult to have one of those forms. The Justice Department and the 5Th Circuit Court judges are obviously trying to be very liberal and forcing Texas not to protect the voting rights of the legal residences of
edit on 7 20 2016 by Ceeker63 because: corrected link error

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 05:38 PM
Overturning it is a blatant excuse for voter fraud. I've treated some really poor people and I've never had anybody that's had a problem producing an ID.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 06:11 PM
A Texas ID is $16 and good for 6 years.. Only way it would be difficult to obtain one is if you don't have a US birth certificate or SS card. This whole ruling stinks of election rigging.

I mean really, if you can't come up with one of SEVEN valid forms of TX ID then you probably ain't from Texas. Race has absolutely nothing to do with how hard it is to get an ID.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Ceeker63

The 5th Circuit Court is considered one of the most conservative courts in the country. To say that Obama somehow teamed up with them to help shoot it down is pretty far fetched.

Meet the chief judge of the nation's most divisive, controversial and conservative appeals court

If one of the most conservative courts in the country overturned this law, then it really shows that the Voter ID law was nothing but a partisan/Republican agenda piece.
edit on 20-7-2016 by charolais because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 08:14 PM
but they didn't even ask last was the voter card they pic no name verify no address don't care....and the machines were biased all to hail....I was po'ed.....the page tried to get ya to go all one party and to back out was not I started piping////called a lady over..........

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 08:17 PM
Let me guess ... you also have to have one of those seven forms to claim any benefits, but no one claims that is bad. And if you are poor you almost certainly have your benefits which would mean you almost certainly also have ID.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 08:30 PM
Giving illegals voting privileges without ID is like Congress voting themselves a pay raises.....

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 09:39 PM
This same court should overturn ID laws for the purchase of firearms, alcohol, cigarettes, driving, etc. Any law requiring ID for any reason, those laws discriminate against the same minorities for the same reasons listed above.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Ceeker63
"Opponents say it discriminates by requiring forms of ID that are more difficult to obtain for low-income, African-American and Latino voters".

Wonder why they group African-Americans in there? Are they/were they African?

We all know it's the undocumented illegal immigrants the Dems are trying to get to the polls.

Honestly, I say let 'em vote. And when they fail to prove they're US citizens, summarily execute them on-the-spot for attempting to overthrow the US government. You see a bunch of people start running when the shooting starts ... they're guilty too. I know that's too mean. What I meant was round 'em up and put 'em to work building the wall.

LOL ... I need to send a note to Trump and see if he has a cabinet position for me.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Ceeker63

No one who is a citizen of the state, and a United States citizen as well, will have any issue at all providing proper identification. Even homeless people can get ID, for free, so it's not about income, either. This is just a way to allow non-citizens to vote, to try (again) to rig the election. Same crap we saw in 2008, and 2012, and heck, for that matter, back when the other Clinton was running.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Negative. Being poor does not qualify anyone for benefits in Texas. And neither does having an ID. A single person under the age of 55, with no disability and no children under the age of 12 living at home, might qualify for emergency food assistance for ninety days if they a) have a job working a minimum of 15 hours per week and b) have a permanent physical address that can be verified, either by a lease agreement or a utility bill in their name for that address. Homeless people, for instance, do not qualify for benefits unless they reside at a shelter and can prove it in writing.

I can only imagine that they are trying to make it as easy to vote as possible for people. It's a shame that they don't put the same care and concern out there for the people who are in dire need of assistance, yet unable to get it because of their living or job situation.

Priorities, I suppose. It's so much more important to get people in to vote than to make sure they've got food in their bellies and a roof over their head. Maybe they'll be thoughtful enough to provide refreshments.

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Uh, actually, no. I researched that a few months ago and found to my amazement that there's no picture ID requirment to get benefits in Texas. What suffices is a copy of a birth certificate and a phone bill to prove up residency. Birth certificates are flea market items and phony phone bills can be had at the same locations. Years ago, I was doing some "investigation" relative to a criminal court case and found over 100 people registered to a vacant lot in north east Houston.

The real reason the Democrats rail against the voter ID requirement is that they register bunches of people in multiple precincts under different names; they actually bus them about from one voter registration "drive" booth to another. In the past they got the names off grave stones in local cemeteries, hence, voting dead people. In some of the big metro areas, they record votes from the names on the registries whether the people show up or not. They were nailed at that in 2008 when the "count" of people entering a polling place was far less than the number of votes "returned" from that polling place.

there's no integrity in the voting systems.

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Uh, actually, no. I researched that a few months ago and found to my amazement that there's no picture ID requirment to get benefits in Texas. What suffices is a copy of a birth certificate and a phone bill to prove up residency. Birth certificates are flea market items and phony phone bills can be had at the same locations. Years ago, I was doing some "investigation" relative to a criminal court case and found over 100 people registered to a vacant lot in north east Houston.

The real reason the Democrats rail against the voter ID requirement is that they register bunches of people in multiple precincts under different names; they actually bus them about from one voter registration "drive" booth to another. In the past they got the names off grave stones in local cemeteries, hence, voting dead people. In some of the big metro areas, they record votes from the names on the registries whether the people show up or not. They were nailed at that in 2008 when the "count" of people entering a polling place was far less than the number of votes "returned" from that polling place.

there's no integrity in the voting systems.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 09:50 AM
If i was in charge of texas i would say screw you were doing it anyway. After the election if trump wins he will pardon the governor if he has to.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:08 AM
The little town I live in has required ID since I started voting. I see no problem with it and I'll explain.

Every store in town requires you to produce ID for beer. It doesn't matter if you are 21 or 91, if you don't have ID, they don't sell you beer. One store even requires you to swipe the ID at the POS Kiosk. I've seen just about everybody begrudgingly produce ID.

If they can do it for beer, they can do it to vote.

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