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Dallas PD Headquarters on lockdown SWAT Deployed

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posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Year by year, an increasing demographic of indoctrinated "snowflakes" coming into the propaganda sphere of SJW's, a sphere which is system wide now across universities, and now being shoved down the throats of even kindergartners,

But before the SJWs there was the generation that couldn't count without a calculator or couldn't work out the change to be given back if their cash register had a power failure. These were the workers who cant understand or see no wrong in governments bailing out Banks and CEOS or why & how their accounts were syphoned by dubious charges and fees. The SJWs as a phenomena I suspect is a reaction to a powerlessness felt by them.

They have been herded into a skewed viewpoint/reality lacking critical thinking skills, whilst living under the surveillance Corporate/Fascist State. They dont even bother knowing their "rights" and are easily malleable in "group think". They have there 5 minutes of fame social media, rarely effecting lasting change

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Then comes the days these lot get the Nuclear Football in their possession.

But you're assuming that who gets the football will not toe the line. Being a seasoned ATS'er surely you know the decisions are worked out in advance at the Bilderberg meeting?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: onequestion

originally posted by: texasgirl
From what the local news is reporting there is a report of a group from Houston heading to Dallas headquarters making a very serious threat.

SWAT is on top of buildings armed and with binoculars.


This is utterly stupid.

The media needs to be accountable and George Soros needs to be in prison.

It's not the media's fault how could they be held accountable for telling us cops are out in thr streets trying to kill black people?? Never mind thr fact that over half thr people they shoot are white. The media created a false narrative that many have bought in to. Yes police may be quick to use force but this is more about a change in society than cops targeting blacks.

Police have to deal with people who would rather shoot an officer than go to jail. There was a time when a police officer didn't need to worry about being shot interacting with the public those days are over. It's been relegated to thr Andy Griffith show where he didn't even carry a gun. Small town police didn't need it everyone knew them.

The new attitude is police have become the enemy and people see them as the enforcement arm of thr government. The reality is quite different police would be the ones defending your city if people were to attack it. They are litterally the last line of defense.

Want to see what happens when a police force is attacked by the population just look at Baltimore. I grew up near there Baltimore used to be a safe place. Now you have police resigning and taking early retirement. They can't find enough officers willing to work there. This means there standards lower and we get chaos in the streets. I have relatives that live in Crofton they won't even go into Baltimore any more. This is what happens when police stop doing there jobs because the public won't allow them.

Cops are out on the street trying to make them safe for law abiding citizens.

There are situations where the cops unlawfully shoot people, either in error, panic, or for some rotten apples, on purpose.
However, this is not a racial issue. More whites are killed by police than blacks. You just don't hear about them and George Soros is not funding white terrorist groups to kill police.

The problem for the black community is blacks killing blacks.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:58 AM
I live in Dallas and happened to drive by the DPD when this was happening. Cops everywhere, probably 50-60 standing out front of the building. 10-15 cars, 10 or so motorcycles, all the lights on, all that. really creeped me out because this was before anyone knew what was happening.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:26 PM
I do not approve of our Police getting shot dead, nor do I approve of the Police murdering unarmed suspects.
I also do not approve of the x-military personnel that have been trained to take a human life with no more thought than stepping on a cockroach and then coming home with P.T.S.D. and being hired as Police Officers whom have the propensity
to shoot unarmed citizens, like they were terrorist in the Middle East carrying bombs inside their clothing.
If it is not the failure of Debriefing, then it has to be a failure in the Psychotic-Analysis that approves them for duty as an Officer on the Police Force.
I also do not approve of murdering the terrorist when they are outnumbered and surrounded with no place to go.
It is impossible to question a dead anything, ask Lee Harvey Oswald.
If I have hurt the members of the PD in any way, I am sorry, but I'm not the one who sent you over there to help me steal
the Middle East natural resources, so the other guy could not have them and, I get rich off your blood.
I wanted to send this to Jesse Ventura, but this is all I could find.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: avgguy

I do not approve of our Police getting shot dead, nor do I approve of the Police murdering unarmed suspects.
I also do not approve of the x-military personnel that have been trained to take a human life with no more thought than stepping on a cockroach and then coming home with P.T.S.D. and being hired as Police Officers whom have the propensity
to shoot unarmed citizens, like they were terrorist in the Middle East carrying bombs inside their clothing.
If it is not the failure of Debriefing, then it has to be a failure in the Psychotic-Analysis that approves them for duty as an Officer on the Police Force.
I also do not approve of murdering the terrorist when they are outnumbered and surrounded with no place to go.
It is impossible to question a dead anything, ask Lee Harvey Oswald.
If I have hurt the members of the PD in any way, I am sorry, but I'm not the one who sent you over there to help me steal
the Middle East natural resources, so the other guy could not have them and, I get rich off your blood.
I wanted to send this to Jesse Ventura, but this is all I could find.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:32 PM
Law enforcement is one of the government institutions standing in the way of a communist take over, it is logical that it is all out attacked. They got ideology covered in the universities, infiltrated elections the only things left in their way is law enforcement controlled through local government and armed citizens. Every radical revolutionary movement in recent history was organized and run by commies, BLM is no exception. Citizens right to bear arms is being all out attacked from the federal level politicians that have been bought off.

Use logic, the big picture is plain to see.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

that's not logic that's cold war fearmongering tactics

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Law enforcement is one of the government institutions standing in the way of a communist take over, it is logical that it is all out attacked. They got ideology covered in the universities, infiltrated elections the only things left in their way is law enforcement controlled through local government and armed citizens. Every radical revolutionary movement in recent history was organized and run by commies, BLM is no exception. Citizens right to bear arms is being all out attacked from the federal level politicians that have been bought off.

Use logic, the big picture is plain to see.

This appears to be exactly what is happening.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:40 PM
All things being equal I would rather the psychos attack police than a group of unarmed civilians in some McDonalds, at least the police can defend themselves.

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