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Stephen King Joins Hundreds of Authors in Open Letter Blasting Trump

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posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
So is Obama for many of the same reasons, but somehow they didn't see that.

I assume you have -credible- sources to back up the claim you just made? Lets see them.

originally posted by: Grambler I am so tired of these know it all's like these people or George Clooney or any other elites telling us little people how our beliefs are base and bigotted. Of course they think wanting borders to be enforced is base, yet how many immigrants are they moving into their mansions?
What? How does wanting open borders equate to having to take people into our homes? Apples to Oranges Comparison...

originally posted by: GramblerThis group protested Bush's war's (and I was with them) yet they are silent on the war crimes of obama.
What War Crimes? Please provide credible, unbiased sources to back up the claim of Obama commiting these War Crimes.

originally posted by: EdumakatedThe above quote sounds like typical leftist these days. Mr. King obviously has not seen the violent leftist protestors at Trump rallies, the shouting down and intimidation of people with differing opinions by leftists on college campuses and other venues, the leftist support and excuse making for radical muslims who are the biggest oppressors of gays and women on the planet.

Shifting the Spotlight much? This isn't about the supporters of either, but about Trump himself. Can you not speak on the subject without trying to shift the spotlight?

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: reldra
He's had 4 failed businesses out of what 100? He's a good businessman. Hate him all you want, but give credit where it's due.

HAHAHA!!! Try again. WAY more than 4.

originally posted by: xuenchen
I think these people need to publish their tax returns so others can determine their sincerity.

Hypocrites don't always tell the whole story do they

What? What do their tax returns have to do with this? Jeeze someone's REACHING.

originally posted by: OrangutangmanI'd support trump just over the wall idea. I'm sick of seeing the white English being being crippled by immigration and multiculturalism. Things felt multicultural 15-20 years ago. Now it seems more like those minorities are desperate to get control and dictate our countries. I'd vote for anyone who wants to put a stop to this multiculturalism crap. It feels more like a gentle take over than just people of different backgrounds coming together. Just look at the type of stuff that's happened during the presidency of the first African president.

Universal health care rammed down everyone's throat.
Legalizing gay marriage
Legalizing drugs
Guys who want to pretend to be girls should be allowed to watch your daughters in the bathroom. Basically Legalizing peeping toms.

There is so much wrong with this post...I almost don't know where to begin, so lets start at the beginning.
1. Yea, we know a Wall really works to keep people out huh? May want to look to history. It doesn't.
2. Why is there a problem with Universal Health Care?
3. What is wrong with two people getting married? How does that infringe upon your rights, and what extra rights does Gay Marriage give homosexuals that others don't have? (Hint: NONE)
4. LMAO!!! So misguided. Marijuana is a drug, but so are perscription medicines; which usually do more harm than good in the long run....

Smh. I applaud the Authors for standing up, but to me, voting equates to choosing your own next Master...i'm good on that.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

What do you want to understand about me. I do think trump is an out of touch elite. He is one of the only one of them who is at least giving credence to the issues that many average Americans are facing. I personally don't like him as a person, but I hate the establishment and so I am rooting for bernice and him. I will probably end up voting Gary Johnson again as I have in the past two elections.

I was against Bush vehemently when he was in office. All of these entertainment people were shouting him down as a war criminal and divider. But when Obama took office, all of these people went silent. Where are the protests songs for the innocents in Yemen or Libya that Obama has bombed? At this point, I realized I had been had. These people don't care about justice, they care about their team winning.

So I am angered when they claim a moral high ground over people that deal with the real world. They claim in this letter to be for openness and fair debate, and yet they leave their side shut down debate and refuse to criticize them. That is what angers me.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: reldra

A terrible businessman

He's had 4 failed businesses out of what 100? He's a good businessman. Hate him all you want, but give credit where it's due.


Just for realities sake...
...Trump Steaks, Trump Travel, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump Board Game, Trump Magazine, Trump University, Trump Ice Water, Tour De Trump, The Trump network (Vitamin Pyramid Scheme), Trump New Media...and that's all before you even get to his 4 bankruptcies in the hell do you fail at running a casino? Four times!

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Indigo5

I will probably end up voting Gary Johnson again as I have in the past two elections.

Lots of talk about Gary lately...even saw a couple polls that ran him 3-ways Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson

I was against Bush vehemently when he was in office. All of these entertainment people were shouting him down as a war criminal and divider. But when Obama took office, all of these people went silent. Where are the protests songs for the innocents in Yemen or Libya that Obama has bombed? At this point, I realized I had been had. These people don't care about justice, they care about their team winning.

I understand the beef, but I think you get lost with the "these people" definition...Ditto "Elite"...And the "Wealthy Gated Community" residents thing you floated. I acknowledge it's convenience to lump everyone together for easy dismissal, but in my humble opinion we are all more intellectually honest with ourselves when we examine the veracity of a message on it's own actual merits first...before dismissing it as "these people"..

In this scenario...the list of 600+ authors includes a lot of people that are likely frying Spam in some dingy apartment hoping to sell their first well as folks like Stephen King (who the press obviously cited to bait the headline)

So I am angered when they claim a moral high ground over people that deal with the real world.

The moral high ground is there, occupied or not. I would not blame those who choose to stand there. Often those that plant their flag on the moral high ground take a lot of fire. It's an exposed position. Sometimes those folks stand by themselves on that ground, but do so anyways.

They claim in this letter to be for openness and fair debate, and yet they leave their side shut down debate and refuse to criticize them. That is what angers me.

Who is "their side"? That seems to be a struggle for the polarized these days...A healthy chunk of conservatives...both "blue collar" and mainstream are vocally against Trump....and not for Bernie or Clinton either..

Who is "their side"?? Must they call out everything in this country big and small to demonstrate their neutrality?

I think it is fair to say that Trump simply represents a... "presence"... that is unique to American Politics in the past 50 years and thus merits being singled out no matter what your politics...nothing to do with "sides"..

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: jjsr420 6HO2PjMAhVIziYKHUu6BLEQFggcMAA&usg=AFQjCNFzM9eu6xpf-Mfu_WizAO_CzDdrvw&sig2=FAoXg9Cr4zTKZz4yVxzFkg hUKEwir96HO2PjMAhVIziYKHUu6BLEQFggkMAI&usg=AFQjCNFKn8uy4_RnkD8rMkwnyDackobHlw&sig2=FchZi53tUncBmIf-yDW7Dw ir96HO2PjMAhVIziYKHUu6BLEQFgg8MAk&usg=AFQjCNEVbpxHSEauYA8aCZ8PZ6cMJD4o0w&sig2=zyJDzw7Ep7MmqflLhorx5Q 0ahUKEwir96HO2PjMAhVIziYKHUu6BLEQFghAMAo&usg=AFQjCNG38gyBql2TKNw3CqdOBw45o1J8tA&sig2=CPsMT55xSYNZ9IIIi6nbyw &ved=0ahUKEwir96HO2PjMAhVIziYKHUu6BLEQFghEMAs&usg=AFQjCNG_HrHIAWGO_tmc4g4HXNpnR-6zAA&sig2=cZoVrK2bK9XPzdr2ay2T3g fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCCEwAg&usg=AFQjCNH2aCLvivu-jmlXC1Z8KUGGRzkh3g&sig2=LR7acIrZCmC38rFxY8J1xA ing-bushs-war-crimes-with-drone-bombing-campaign&ved=0ahUKEwi8m_er2fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCCUwAw&usg=AFQjCNFJoAKVbxajBdGWuXHJ09oXYjkbVw&sig2=78jLW5h27 W3bs7MiYSoh6Q UKEwi8m_er2fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCC4wBg&usg=AFQjCNGnQIbXtvbUF3rdPBMM4Y-jacj-TQ&sig2=7nkVUeUM1ihjdsMDkN54Fg crimes/&ved=0ahUKEwi8m_er2fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCDMwBw&usg=AFQjCNFHzDdKCxxneJySnt1JtjFbx6VBPA&sig2=7uAwCq5L_nj78YG9kjOmcg ace-prize/&ved=0ahUKEwi8m_er2fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCDcwCA&usg=AFQjCNHc_vTMsDMR00mH58XDwSuFHn7oSw&sig2=T8Iz2QorXmNazzUmAUMQAw 2fjMAhUTfiYKHbfpB0A4ChAWCDswCQ&usg=AFQjCNGNjKohI6PDK7a62VGUIP_UN-Vz1A&sig2=03A1ivBMqcyuPxjliZLmwQ icans-drone-strikes/&ved=0ahUKEwjgkpPq2fjMAhVMKyYKHbS3DE44FBAWCB0wAQ&usg=AFQjCNHUUUllouwZAqltAAdASDQqCB26CQ&sig2=jslQiNjzFOn9l8vUvy1dwg Pq2fjMAhVMKyYKHbS3DE44FBAWCCkwBA&usg=AFQjCNGrrfVPf7Yd5xQPvWKOoGw9cjKwng&sig2=YmXot6Al61YQjUUETUEKGA octors-without-borders-un-says-us-bombing-inexcusable-and-possibly-criminal/&ved=0ahUKEwiU_5iK2vjMAhWB2SYKHSLGAXI4HhAWCCMwAw&usg=AFQjCNHONFpeu-deiTOut gAe8H3-bkHYWA&sig2=QgsXZfTl3jtj1ZkBHUuqog

Sorry I am on mobile. Here are just a few of the many sources that show Obama's war crimes. How did you not know of these?
edit on 26-5-2016 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:45 PM
All these Trump lovers just be honest with yourself

You could go ahead and lie to us but ask yourself inwardly this question...don't lie to yourself

How would you view Obama or even Hillary if he said some of the things Trump has said:

Calling people pretending to be someone else and praising himself

Saying what he said to Megan Kelly being on her period

Suggesting a ban on a religion with almost 2 billion adherents

Mocking a disabled man

Mocking the looks of Fiorina

Mocking John McCain

On and on and on

edit on 26-5-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Though you might be confused since you got stars (LOL...anti Obama stuff doesn't even have to working links to get stars)..and since you are on mobile just wanted to make you aware...Those links landed as a whole lot of 404 errors.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I can't click a single one of those links lol. I'll wait till you're at a computer, and can fix it, then i'll read through them. =)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:49 PM
It's so good to see so many of our right-wing friends here getting on board the "Trump Train."

It was only a matter of time. All that pretend disgust and distrust has just blown away in the wind, right?


These people a) have the right to assemble b) have the right to speak freely and c) have the right to publish their beliefs in order to sway the opinions of others.

It's called the First Amendment. Read it sometime.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Absolutely Obama should be held accountable for War Crimes. 100%.

But see the difference is, Obama didn't come out and advocate for war crimes and then get elected by voters who wanted those war crimes.

Trump supports torture, even if no intel is gained, because they deserve it. He supports targeting and killing innocent family members of terrorists. His reasoning is, they don't have to follow any rules so we should fight dirty too. if Obama said that crap, he would not have gotten the vote. But Trump... the more violent he talks the more his followers love him for it.

That's a big F-ing difference. They WANT violence. And they would happily support War Crimes.

edit on 26-5-2016 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I thought the disabled thing was over the line l, the rest is in bad taste but didn't offend me. How many leftists mock trumps hair or skin tone? Why is it ok for this, but if trump says something about someone's looks, its sexism or over the line.

And I am sure you will find that most trump supporters would agree with me, they are fed up with pc culture.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: BlueAjah

I never understood why celebrities think their opinion means anything about anything.

You seem to think your opinion means something and yet you still say the above.

Exactly how different do you think you are??

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:53 PM
I apologize for my links not working thanks for all for letting me know. I suck on mobile (not like I am great on a computer). Unfortunately I won't be near a computer until Sunday but you can just Google Obama war crimes and see a ton of links, mainly from left wing sources.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: spiritualzombie

No Obama is worse because he duped people. I disagree with trumps torture policies but at least he is open about it.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:00 PM
Let's see ... a list of grievances, followed by a statement, followed by signatures ...

That reminds me of something ... something in history ... it'll come to me ...

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:00 PM
Trump supports torture

Has said we should have kept Iraqi oil, as if this country didn’t do enough to destroy Iraq

Trump IS NOT a good human being no body I would want to represent me as a president saying thingS like

we should have kept the Iraq oil

Torture the relatives of terrorists

Fine, if you want a bad human being as president then you MAY NOT be a moral human being yourself, with all due respect

Examine your own heart

Put yourself in the place of the people who Trump has cavalierly used to get the nomination

No body's perfect but People should aspire to a higher ethic

edit on 26-5-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Willtell

I thought the disabled thing was over the line l, the rest is in bad taste but didn't offend me.

You weren't offended when he said John McCain wasn't a war hero, cuz he got caught captured. He was a "loser"?

He was an American Soldier that spent over two years in a Vietnamese Prison camp being tortured...Something Trump also advocates.

I don't even like McCain and that deeply offended me...

You OK with a guy who says that as the Commander and Chief of our armed forces?

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Trump said to kill terrorists relatives and you are furious. Ok that's your right. But Obama actually does kill them and you have nothing to say.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: spiritualzombie

No Obama is worse because he duped people. I disagree with trumps torture policies but at least he is open about it.

Obama is terrible for deceiving voters, agreed.

And Trump AND his supporters are horrible for actually advocating war crimes, torture, and murder.

It's one thing to get deceived into a war crime, thinking you were voting for peace. It's another thing to actually consciously vote for it.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

So what is was a dumb comment. Again barring an unforseen circumstance I am not voting for trump. But I have heard presidents say dumb things before (Obama, bush, etc.).

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