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Why they won't make contact

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posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:11 AM
This is just my theory on why would they not make contact yet...... Feel free to find loopholes and tear it to pieces if you may wish. I always appreciate a new point of view on things.

The reason is Lack of Planetary leadership

Assumptions -
1) To some (if not all) ET civilisations, a planet would be what a country or state or even a county is to us.

2) Each planet would have a central authority responsible for it.

Now, if these were to be true, then Earth would be a pretty difficult place for them to do business (or whatever it is that they want to do).
For Example, If they want to set up bases in umm... say China, India, Iran, Antarctica and yugoslavia. Who would they go to for clearance??

The US? I think not. The UN? Nah...

And to set up a base, they would have to go through so much beauraucracy in each country (assuming that they are accepted as friendlies) that they wouldn't even bother.
Multiply that by all the countries on the Earth and you have a galactic nightmare as far as the Aliens are concerned.

Wouldn't they want to deal with a Centralized Earth Command than to bicker and bargain with ~150 Different governments?

I don't fully believe that the US government is in contact with the Aliens. But if it is, then I think that the Hegemonistic policies of this regime could also be just a long term ploy to take over the Earth to establish such a planetary command. (Now this is just utter wild speculation, but food for thought nevertheless).

Well, so until we have a peaceful Earth and a central leadership, (The UN would be ideal, if it were functioning the way it was meant to be) I don't think the ETs would even bother with us. They might as well take their business elsewhere.

Comments? Criticism?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:13 AM
How do we know contact hasn't already been made?

Edit: Added question mark

[edit on 14-1-2005 by shorty]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by shorty
How do we know contact hasn't already been made.

I'm not talking about those one off abduction reports and sightings kind of contact.
I'm talking about having an intergalactic terminal at LaGuardia and JFK kind of Contact, if you catch my drift.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Vivek]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Vivek

I'm not talking about those one off abduction reports and sightings kind of contact.
[edit on 14-1-2005 by Vivek]

neither was I.

I was talking about the possible treaty between the U.S govt and the greys.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by shorty

Originally posted by Vivek

I'm not talking about those one off abduction reports and sightings kind of contact.
[edit on 14-1-2005 by Vivek]

neither was I.

I was talking about the possible treaty between the U.S govt and the greys.

I know what you meant Shorty, What I'm saying is OPEN Public contact In the sense that You enter the conference room in your office for a meeting and your boss goes....
"Hi, this is Bob from the Detroit office, and This is our new Vendor - Zork from Planet Gizrook"
And you don't get into a fit, because you know what's going on. Catch my drift now?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:49 AM
Perhaps Aliens will only make public contact after we've reached a certain level of evolution?

For example, once we entered the nuclear age, it seems observation without interference increased drastically. And to this day it seems to be an area of interest to them (nuclear facilities).

Now, will the trend continue at the next scientific breakthrough?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:43 AM
I hope you will take the time to follow this little thought exercise. It represents my own thinking on this subject.

It follows the notion that in order to understand a mans action you'll first have to understand his intention. In this exercise I'm using this line of thought on government as well.

1# Who is the greatest authority, has the greatest voice, is most powerful nation in the world?

2# What makes this country so?

3# If someone else in the future would become more so than (what ever country you elected) is now, would they assume this position in favor of your current choice?

4# If huge ships from other civilizations were dekorating our pretty blue skies, who would by the above logic take over this position now in the hands of a certain country?

5# If it became public knowledge (as it should have been for many years ago) that we are not alone, that they are watching us, but that they will not show themselves to the masses until we are "ready" (not affraid), then who would you ask to merge the dispute between Israel and Palastine? who would you ask to help us end world hunger, to fight disease etc.?

6# Who would really loose authority and who would gain authority?

You now know the "why" for the cover up of extraterrestrial lifeforms visiting earth. If we were to "wake up" and feel that they were more than welcome, they would show themselves to the masses, and those in power now, would be exposed in all their previsous actions.
I guess now we know the reason why the 38'th level of "TOP SECRET" in america is named "COSMIC".



posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:46 AM
well if aliens are smart and have studied us for a while, they would have realized that we as people can be very ignorant, biased and prejudiced. They also probably realized that we humans tend to discount anything we don't understand.

Why would you want to make yourself known, if you know you will be shunned, ridiculed and made into an outcast?

If I was an e.t. and living on earth, I would just keep my mouth shut.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:07 AM
It is human arrogance that asks that question. We believe we are an intelligent spieces worthy of contact. However, one cannot speculate too much of an alien mindset. Thus, perhaps they do not consider us worthy of contact, much the way humans on earth do little to establish some sort of relationship with many intelligent animals.

Perhaps to the aliens, we are to them what chimps are to us: interesting but inferior creatures with rudimentary awareness that are worthy of study and exploitation, but little else.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 02:46 AM
thats why they are making nwo

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 11:52 AM
If I were an alien I certainly wouldn't care to "do business" with Earthlings, and it's unlikely I would find them fascinating enough to study for very long. I like the human studying chimps analogy.

Here is something that would really get my attention though. Lets say that the chimps suddenly developed a way to kill themselves off. A way that would destroy the planet and therefore have a direct effect on me.

If I were an alien who noticed that earthlings had developed the technology to kill themselves and destroy their own planet, I would start watching. If we on earth were to engage in full scale nuclear war, I think we could cause drastic changes to our planet. These changes could affect our entire solar system and who knows, neighboring solar systems as well?

Wouldn't you keep your eye on your neighbor if he had a stick of dynamite in one hand and a lighter in the other? Would you walk right up and start a conversation, "Hey Bob great weather, btw your not gonna light that thing up and kill us all are you?" Or would you just position yourself where you could keep a close eye on him?

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