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The Case Against Reality A professor of cognitive science argues against it

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posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: wasaka

But being in such a bubble doesnt really help anyone... it just forsakes everyone for ones own egotistical happiness, and tat in turn is what has made the world "crazy" seeing reality for what it is and waking up others so they are not subjected to te craziness is like being the very medicine to end or at least lessen the crazy as long as one possibly can... without retreating into bubbles and letting the world(s) of others needlessly burn.

Should one be compassionate to oneself and seek a bubble when tey feel out of balance to achieve balance again? you bet, but eventually no bubble is needed as there is no way to become unbalanced...

We are all on a Hero's Journey.
We all have lessons to learn, and beliefs to unlearn.
We all have to stand in opposition to false authority.
We all have to walk in our liberty and self autonomy.
We are all on a journey home -- sojourning on Earth.
Not waiting to die, but waiting to be born.

MPR:3:30 - "The one water is in all things, yet in all things it is different. So it is with the Great Soul and the souls of men. The wise man, who is conscious of his soul within him, will commune with it and never neglect its needs. For if a man cannot awaken his soul before his body falls asunder, he will not awaken it thereafter, and it will return to the waters of the Great Soul Sea."

MPR:3:14 - "The soul is your to fashion; it can be made radiant by goodness, beautified by virtue and glorified by love. It can be hideously deformed by vices and passions and twisted into a form of distorted horror by meanness and hatred."

MPR:3:19 - "The sold is not born, nor does it know itself as a soul. The purpose of its earthly journey is to awaken it to self-awareness and to provide it with the ability to continue existence in the Region Beyond the West. Therefore, how could it enter upon earthly life with these things? Were they already there, life and Earth would have no purpose."

MPR:3:32 - "Rejoice in the sure knowledge of your soul's indestructibility, but let your joy be leavened by remembrance of your responsibility for it condition.

edit on 5-5-2016 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: wasaka

Such nonsense is swapping one belief for another belief using different terms in a hush lil baby dont say a word mommas gonna ... well been there done that and dishonesty doesnt buy anyone anyting it just inherits a legacy of deciet... free will is continuing that nonsense to control and manipulate or break the mould and experience free will. Im aware of this meme banter and dogma and it comes from people that have given up and have instead chosen to play the game and PT Barnum people because they rationalize such dishonesty as they deserve it... with a follow up of because they are too stupid to know better. Well using ignorance to ones own advantage falls under the whole alpha and beta "meme" people like to throw around... like theres no escape from egotistical puff adders preying on people they deem inferior... well its still food chain and ignorance preying on ignorance out of greed stiring others to hate over these ingrained "memes" is still a diet of ignorance... if one does not think so then the very delusion of such a "crazy" world still has one firmly in its grip. Im not buying it and no one else should either... this isnt meant to be mocking but this bird has no cage for momma

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: wasaka

Such nonsense is swapping one belief for another belief using different terms in a hush lil baby dont say a word mommas gonna ... well been there done that and dishonesty doesnt buy anyone anyting it just inherits a legacy of deciet... free will is continuing that nonsense to control and manipulate or break the mould and experience free will. Im aware of this meme banter and dogma and it comes from people that have given up and have instead chosen to play the game and PT Barnum people because they rationalize such dishonesty as they deserve it... with a follow up of because they are too stupid to know better. Well using ignorance to ones own advantage falls under the whole alpha and beta "meme" people like to throw around... like theres no escape from egotistical puff adders preying on people they deem inferior... well its still food chain and ignorance preying on ignorance out of greed stiring others to hate over these ingrained "memes" is still a diet of ignorance... if one does not think so then the very delusion of such a "crazy" world still has one firmly in its grip. Im not buying it and no one else should either... this isnt meant to be mocking but this bird has no cage for momma

The distinction is dogma vs dharma

You can not solve your problem while being involved with them. Meditation will raise your conscious self to a higher state of awareness above the surface of the ego mind. At this level above discursive thought the mind can access Universal Intelligence, a place where pure understanding about your problems exits.

In Chapter One we introduced the idea of Something New, now we introduce something old. Meditation has been around a long time. It is the ancient science of healing. It is the way we contact Source, it is the skylight to “other” by which we receive Light. It is the door to Intelligence, which one can be trained to open at will.

A great and terrible fear keeps us grounded in logic. It is the terror of being groundless, even for moment, that cause us to avoid meditation like the plague. The ego hates feeling groundless, and will find logical reasons to run away.

That is what we do. We run away. The Stoic philosophers had it right, we can not run from terror any more than we can our own shadow. It is ever with us. We must therefore train ourselves to sit still, to face our fears, and look deeply into the mirror. What we see there is not a monster to run from and hide, what see is merely the unpleasant facts of who we think we are in this world. This can be hard to do, because we don’t like certain things about ourselves.

The Stoic courage and love of virtue can do a lot of good for anyone who would apply themselves to the task. What can do even more good is Groundless Meditation, where the motive is healing for the soul not a balm for the emoting of the Pain Body. With the right motive we get results. Wanting to feel better is often a motive for meditation, but such a motive will not produce virtue. One must cultivate a Stoic like attitude and be willing to suffer, for that is the secret to genuine spiritual growth which brings peace, joy, and happiness. We are released from the bondage of fear when muster our courage and face that enemy, be it real or imagined.

Buddhist teachings, like the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path, implies that those who study such things should not pick them up as a dogma to believe, but rather as wisdom to follow. This doesn’t mean avoid them, it means don’t become attached. Don’t pick them up as if they are another religious teaching to hold on to and argue with others about, as if to say, “I have the right teachings finally!” To identify with any concept in this way is to misses the point entirely. What we see here is a very clear distinction between dogma and dharma.

As we let go of our old way of thinking, as we walk the path of peace, we are becoming aware of the dharma. In so doing we can share this dharma with others, however it would be a mistake to equate this “teaching” with the Western idea of dogma. Dharma is not a "something" to believe (as a doctrine is, or like some fine-point of theology would be), on the contrary, it would be more accurate to say the dharma is what "something" is not. In other words, dharma is "the NOTHING" that remains when "the SOMETHING" has been removed. Stated another way, dharma is the spiritual truth that remains when all the false-authority and delusions (like vanity and conceit) are removed. This the path to Satori.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: wasaka

Save it ive no problem, you saying there is one makes it really yours and well since the problem is yours? Youre very much welcome to keep it.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 08:29 AM
Here's an article from 2007 that supports what Hoffman is saying. The truth is, local realism is dead. Even back then this was known and before that but people want to hold onto the local universe being objectively real.

Physicists bid farewell to reality?

There's only one way to describe the experiment performed by physicist Anton Zeilinger and his colleagues: it's unreal, dude.

Measuring the quantum properties of pairs of light particles (photons) pumped out by a laser has convinced Zeilinger that "we have to give up the idea of realism to a far greater extent than most physicists believe today."

They came up with a similar test to Bell's, to see whether quantum mechanics obeys realism but not locality. Again the experiment involves comparing two quantities calculated from measurements on entangled photons, to see if they are equal. But whereas in Bell's test these quantities are derived from the so-called 'linear' polarization of the photons — crudely, whether their electromagnetic fields oscillate in one direction or the other — Zeilinger's experiment looks at a different sort of polarization, called elliptical polarization.

Like Bell's, Zeilinger's equality proved false. This doesn't rule out all possible non-local realistic models, but it does exclude an important subset of them. Specifically, it shows that if you have a group of photons that all have independent polarizations, then you can't ascribe specific polarizations to each. It's rather like saying that you know there are particular numbers of blue, white and silver cars in a car park — but it is meaningless even to imagine saying which ones are which.

If the quantum world is not realistic in this sense, then how does it behave? Zeilinger says that some of the alternative non-realist possibilities are truly weird. For example, it may make no sense to imagine what would happen if we had made a different measurement from the one we chose to make. "We do this all the time in daily life," says Zeilinger — for example, imagining what would have happened if you had tried to cross the road when a truck was coming. If the world around us behaved in the same way as a quantum system, then it would be meaningless even to imagine that alternative situation, because there would be no way of defining what you mean by the road, the truck, or even you.

Subsequent experiments have made the situation code red for those who want to try to hold onto Newton's hand. It's like saying the wave function of a pair of dice contains all of the outcomes (2-12) that can occur. When you square the wave function, you get the probabilities of each of these outcomes occurring. That's it though. The dice don't exist until you decide to roll or measure the dice. Then one of these outcomes is measured.

Measurement makes the situation uncertain. The wave function evolves in a deterministic way according to Schrodinger's equation until a measurement occurs and the system becomes uncertain and indeterministic. So the relationship between the wave function and it's observable properties are not deterministic.

So the CVS on the corner or the Arena downtown is just a construct of an intelligent mind. Downtown doesn't have any objective meaning outside of a consensus of intelligent minds giving meaning to the word and place we call downtown. It's the illusion of separation. This is why Scientist sound like Mystics or Plato and the allegory of the cave when talking about quantum mechanics and the nature of reality.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Thing in its self or beyond description or as realatively seen a sum or total of its parts... so its basically all none and some to summarize the above.

All matter is a fluctuating potiential.

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