Jesus definitely would have been intimate with at least Mary Magdalene. If you are the Son of God and have a chance to create a human seed that was
the line of God you do it and you don't tell anyone. It sounds all Davinci code but I just theorizing and saying what I think.
Jesus was a man. He is rumored to have kissed Mary on the mouth although I don't remember what book it is.
That is something that the strategically celibate (officially) Catholic church would never want anyone to know because if Jesus had a wife then no
reason for priests to be celibate. And anything that would prove anything doesn't exist so that's not going to change.
But even the strict Zaddikim allowed its church the right to marry although some communities may have been celibate so I see no reason why Mary
Magdalene and Jesus couldn't have had a secret wedding and even children.
Maybe the second coming will be through that line and not Jesus in the way that people expecting Elijah got John the Baptist, although I don't know if
they were related it is a similar scenario.