So many of us live inside this safe zone, this comfortable place. Every now and then (or more often than not) we need to step just a bit outside this
circle. It's so comfortable and safe to stay just there.
Some step outside based on an adventurous soul, some just because it's a part of life. Rewarding always...but it takes a bit of thought and presence
of mind. Crazy is one thing, but "life" is something different. Sometimes its skeery to try, to rappel down that rock face, not knowing what below
holds. Sometimes you're afraid...gosh, I've been afraid, armored tanks running across the road I was going to work on, .50 machine guns cutting down
trees in front of me...snakes in the water outside my vehicle. Yes, I've been afraid..not scared to admit it either.
At the end of the day, life is rich. There is no regret, only regret if you wouldn't have taken the risk to begin with.
It's what makes life complete. It's not always pretty, and sometimes you've got a few scars to show from it, but at the end of the day it's part of a
person's "character", something which can never be taken away.
I leave you with this, just a simple video made of a drone in fireworks...just imagine your life, the risks...and the rewards!
We only have ONE life!
edit on 4/18/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)
A nice sentiment but not everyone views the rewards as worth the risk, myself among them.
There is very little I want out of life, ever has it been so. The things that most strive for and stoke their ambition for never made sense to me.
Leaves me in a life that I believe most could not handle.
Interesting post, and it makes me think of those who push things to the extremes, eg base jumpers, pot holers etc, who are into weird and dangerous
When I hear stories of someone who had an accident while doing one of these extreme sports, I just think "No #, Sherlock".
Yes, life is to be lived, and enjoyed, but IMO you always need to weigh up the risks involved to make sure the joy you get is more than the potential
loss of life, dismemberment or paralysis.
Each person needs to find what turns them on, for some "living" dangerously may be as much as trying out a new flavour of ice cream, and that is ok -
it is up to them to decide.
I don't see it as pushing things to the extreme. Leaving my safety zone... Is just maybe walking into something public, whether I have been there
before or not.
I am not good at talking to people. I have been on the same construction site for almost 3 years and have talked to maybe a dozen people ( not
counting the guys I work with... and I don't even know all of them) This job site has to have 3-400 guys easy. I am a foreman, I ran the night shift
for the 9 months it was on. Also I have worked construction sites of various sizes for 30 years. This is one of the biggest
I know my job, I have confidence in myself, I am fit and good looking, intelligent and articulate words well but when it coes to speaking to people,
outside my comfort zone.
edit on 18-4-2016 by tinner07 because: (no reason given)
I hear ya. Those "thrill junkies probably have issues too. I work 185 feet in the air at this job, on open steel, at night, up until recently. that
doesnt scare me.
Oh, I and I might have launched a Space Shuttle or two, built a bridge they said couldn't be built...lived in a place where they said I would surely
perish. Yeah, maybe it's just flying a drone, but you see; that's just it...sometimes it seems so innocuous in the moment. It's like that time when
you can ride on the big horse, or go home. It was a nice horse, but it might not have been. Who knew? It doesn't matter
Sometimes there are those who believe in greatness and will reach for the stars...and never stop until they get there.
The definition of the stars which are right for you are a personal journey.
I don't know if Gawd exists, or who's Gawd is right for you, but at the end of the day...we, as humans define our own lives.
We can live those lives under the cover of safety and security, OR, sometimes we can step outside of what is comfortable and truly experience LIFE.
It's really up to YOU! Go OUT THERE and DO IT!! matter what it is!!
Much love!
P.S....I would like to think of myself as a reasonably good photographer, but a much better observer of LIFE. Things didn't always work out perfect,
but I always learned something from them and wouldn't want it any other way.
edit on 4/18/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)
AND...when you believe in yourself and all you can do, when you finally see the light, you will see the sunrise wherever you are. A new day, making
you a better person, just a little bit; but that small "little" bit is the way forward to enlightenment and happiness in your soul!
I like the tone of your message and I can relate since today I got invited to go on a drive into the countryside then foolishly almost opted to stay
in town to take care of errands.
Turns out the ringleader of our roadtrip wanted to go up toward Mt Saint Helens. We stopped to jump into the ice melt river and my mother led the
charge while I filmed her on her phone cam and got a great video.
I had just donated plasma twice in the last 3-4 days so I did not want to risk going in but I sacked up and got halfway in.
The ever growing city gets me down as I always preferred the quiet life in the Cascades anyways but it really is a pleasure to get out there again
after so many years away not knowing if I would make it back let alone be able to live in the Pacific Northwest again.
Never stop fighting to get back up and get out there guys.