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Show Me Islam In The Stars?

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posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 03:28 AM
The Signs and Constellations were first designed and named; then, the pictures were drawn around them respectively. The the truth was enshrined and written in the heavens where no human hand could touch it. In later years, when Israel came into the possession of the written scriptures of truth, there was no longer any need for the more ancient writing in the heavens. Hence, the original teaching gradually faded away, and the heathen, out of the smattering they had heard by tradition, evolved their cosmogonies and mythologies.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: newnature1

So funny

Muslims Jews

Jews Muslims

Holy hell


On all other continents too, and they all had their astronomers of the day.

Just take a look at puma punku ET connection

Or Chinese astrology

People are so bent on Muslims and Jews it ain't funny
edit on 16-4-2016 by ChloeTTR because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: newnature1

I gonna change it to i believe and i think.

There are stars, planets and moons in our wast cold and dark universe. The Phoenicians or Canaanites as you might know them were nomadic tribes with a warlord, they hunted, gathered and fought for centuries. Eventually they saw to the south a land were bread, honey and milk flowed the streams up north and south.
The traveling merchants painted their wagons with stories about were they traveled, and the nomads thought, maybe if we by brute force can steal their might.

The holy books are created from Abrahamic teachings and scriptures, they all follow the stars. Maybe its you who just want to see it differently.

Neolithic societies emerged to the east, not the middle east. They bartered with people and set up a dogmatic culture using a monotheistic religion, so the nomadic tribes wouldnt rape, pillage, steal and murder. But as all underdeveloped cultures they wanted more. Eventually brute force overcame the teachings of the old, and it took a while before the word of Christ saw a new dawn.

You see, men who seek power will always use brute force to have it, but when they die, so does their empire.

To really say to the fact, we really dont know.

To answer your question, the Quran does have stars written in them.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 05:27 AM
christianity in the stars

This particular sign happened thursday september 29th 2011

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: newnature1

Islam in the stars...

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Derailing a topic with a musicvideo isnt contributing, anything else on the topic you wanna add?

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: Mannegishi

not particularly thanks for asking

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

then i recommend opening a book or two and share your wisdom afterwards instead of a narrow p.o.v

start with sufism
edit on 16-4-2016 by Mannegishi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: newnature1

I'll just place this here:

China got there first

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

Im a idiot sometimes, of course the rice came from china and not, milk honey and dried fruit came from india. However the merchants were pakistani on colorful wagons. The first who probably understood how to build a neolithic society with rice/grain was the chinese by using a calendar.

Weather that is comfortable for humans is also good for wheat. Wheat needs 12 to 15 inches (31 to 38 centimeters) of water to produce a good crop. It grows best when temperatures are warm, from 70° to 75° F (21° to 24° C), but not too hot. Wheat also needs a lot of sunshine, especially when the grains are filling. Areas with low humidity are better since many wheat diseases thrive in damp weather.

wow im retarded, im soooo retarded sometimes..

Extend this to the regions of the nile, and egypt and.. yeah its a gigantic working, wheat field. me stupido
edit on 16-4-2016 by Mannegishi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: newnature1

Ok: Arabic Star names, A Treasure of Knowledge Shared by the World

Ptolemy's book was translated twice into Arabic in the 9th century and became famous. Many of the Arabic-language star descriptions in the Almagest came to be used widely as names for stars. The leading expert on star names in Islamic astronomy, the German historian Paul Kunitzsch, has identified two traditions of star names in Muslim heritage. The first is the traditional star folklore of the Muslim peoples which he has named "indigenous-Arabic", the second being the scientific Islamic Arabic tradition, which he designates "scientific-Arabic".

If that was not exactly what you are looking for, Ghost147 has used this pic before:

Link to bigger image link
edit on 16-4-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter


Asian settlers

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: reldra

scientific islam = Sufism

scientific Judea = Kabalah

scientific Chrisianity = Atheism

and so it goes on..

I have ptolemys almagest book next to me

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: ChloeTTR
a reply to: newnature1

So funny

Muslims Jews

Jews Muslims

Holy hell


On all other continents too, and they all had their astronomers of the day.

Just take a look at puma punku ET connection

Or Chinese astrology

People are so bent on Muslims and Jews it ain't funny

After Yahweh gave up on the nations, he made a promise to Abraham. Yahweh’s promise to Abraham is formalized in a ritual ceremony called a suzerainty covenant. The patriarchical covenant, which is a covenant in which a superior party, a suzerain dictates the terms of a political treaty usually, and an inferior party obeys them. The arrangement primarily serves the interest of the suzerain, and not the vassal or the subject. So Yahweh is making a land grant to a favored subject, and there’s an ancient ritual that ratifies the oath. In this kind of covenant, the parties to the oath would pass between the split carcass of a sacrificial animal, as if to say, that they agree they will suffer the same fate as this animal, if they violate the covenant. 

Abraham cuts sacrificial animals in two, and Yahweh, but only Yahweh, passes between the two halves. Only Yahweh seems to be obligated by the covenant, obligated to fulfill the promise that he’s made. Abraham doesn’t appear to have any obligation in return. In this case, it is the subject, Abraham, and not the suzerain, Yahweh, who is benefited by this covenant, and that’s a complete reversal of this ritual ceremony.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: newnature1

I gonna change it to i believe and i think.

There are stars, planets and moons in our wast cold and dark universe. The Phoenicians or Canaanites as you might know them were nomadic tribes with a warlord, they hunted, gathered and fought for centuries. Eventually they saw to the south a land were bread, honey and milk flowed the streams up north and south.
The traveling merchants painted their wagons with stories about were they traveled, and the nomads thought, maybe if we by brute force can steal their might.

The holy books are created from Abrahamic teachings and scriptures, they all follow the stars. Maybe its you who just want to see it differently.

Neolithic societies emerged to the east, not the middle east. They bartered with people and set up a dogmatic culture using a monotheistic religion, so the nomadic tribes wouldnt rape, pillage, steal and murder. But as all underdeveloped cultures they wanted more. Eventually brute force overcame the teachings of the old, and it took a while before the word of Christ saw a new dawn.

You see, men who seek power will always use brute force to have it, but when they die, so does their empire.

To really say to the fact, we really dont know.

To answer your question, the Quran does have stars written in them.

A figure of speech relates to the form in which the words are used. It consists in the fact that a word or words are used out of their ordinary sense, or place, or manner, for the purpose of attracting our attention to what is said.

In Genesis chapter three, we have neither allegory, myth, legend, nor fable, but literal historical facts set forth, and emphasized by the use of certain figures of speech. When Satan is spoken of as a ‘serpent’, it is the figure Hypocatastasis or Implication. An implied resemblance or representation.

Other figures of speech are used in Genesis 3:14-15, but only for the same purpose of emphasizing the truth and the reality of what is said. “Thou shalt bruise his heel”, it cannot mean his literal heel of flesh and blood, but suffering, more temporary in character. 

“He shall crush thy head”, it means something more than a skull of bone, and brain, and hair. It means that all Satan’s plans and plots, policy and purposes, will one day be finally crushed and ended, never more to mar or to hinder the purposes of God. 

This will be effected when Satan shall be bruised under our feet (Romans 16:20). This, again, will not be our literal feet, but something much more real. The bruising of Christ’s heel is the most eloquent and impressive way of foretelling the most solemn events; and to point out that the effort made by Satan to evade his doom, then threatened, would become the very means of insuring its accomplishment; for it was through the death of Christ that he who had the power of death would be destroyed; and all Satan’ power and policy brought to an end, and all his works destroyed.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Belcastro
christianity in the stars

This particular sign happened thursday september 29th 2011

The history of Genesis chapter three is intended to teach us the fact that Satan’s sphere of activities is in the religious sphere, and not the spheres of crime or immorality; that his battlefield is not the sins arising from human depravity, but the unbelief of the human heart. We are not to look for Satan’s activities today in the newspaper press, or the police courts; but in the pulpit, and in professors’ chairs. Whenever the Word of God is called in question, there we see the trail of that old serpent?

Genesis 3:14-15 - What literal words could portray these literal facts so wonderfully as these expressive figures of speech? It is the same with the other figures used in versus 14, “On thy belly shalt thou go”. This figure means infinitely more than the literal belly of flesh and blood. It paints for the eyes of our mind the picture of Satan’s ultimate humiliation; for prostration was ever the most eloquent sign of subjection. Ps. 44:25 denotes such a prolonged prostration and such a depth of submission as could never be conveyed or expressed in literal words.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: newnature1

Islam in the stars...

I play a mean Jews Harp to that song.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: TechniXcality

Derailing a topic with a musicvideo isnt contributing, anything else on the topic you wanna add?

The stars were all named by God, Psalms 147:4. Most of these names of the stars have been lost; but over 100 are preserved through the Arabic and Hebrew, and are used by astronomers today, though their meaning is unknown to them.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Mannegishi

not particularly thanks for asking

They did a great job on Turn The Page.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: newnature1

You see if you talked like this where i live, you would be put in a psychiatric hospital. If i talked like i did, where you live.. Well it goes the same way.. or even worse..

But going towards your point of view, do you think you sound rational?

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