posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 09:26 AM
Well first off, I'd say Euthinasia is already a right. It's called suicide. But that's like the worst option you could imagine. Any extreme options
are often bad options for almost any area of life. The moment it's "do or die", well, what if you die? Like frig ever week I feel depressed and feel
like dying or giving up on life. Because life is hard. As a human life is hard, doesn't matter what your position or circumstance in life, you'll have
problems. But suicide isn't the answer at all. It's the act of a coward. Now if you're in savire pain, well that's tricky. However, pain can be
treated. Deceases can be healed. So again euthinising someone is not a good option. Because it's the extreme. Euthinasia should really never be done.
Like there's always a less absolute alternative. ie: you're in pain, well try canabus oil. That will take away your pain. Or you have a decease, well
look into natural remedies. There are cures out there for almost anything. Even not doing anything but just waiting. The placibo effect of just
waiting, and doing nothing cures like tons and tons of people. It's the "doing something" like kemo and radiation, drugs etc etc that tends to kill
people. But no sucide is dumb. It's like robbing a bank because you need money. You don't need to go to that extreme. There's safer easier, less
harmful alternatives. Like it's no just the person who dies, that effective tons of other friends and family too. now they have to suffer a lose. The
point is there's tons and tons of cases of people who were suffering some horendous decease and were on the brink of death. Any doctor and even loved
ones would have said "oh ya euthinaize" but the person fought on, slowly got better, and eventually even go back to a healthy normal life. But people
tend to always want to go to the extreme when it comes to trying to remedy lifes ills and pains. It's not the way to go. You don't throw the baby out
with the bath water.