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Today I found out that there is no difference between a Feminist and a far right Islamophobe

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posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:49 PM
What's up ats? I am going to describe to you an altercation i had with a feminist today that made me realize that not only are feminists extremist, but they also think in almost precisely the same way as a far right islamophobe. Lets get started
. Ok this is how it started guys. Today i was scrolling through instagram when i saw one of the most ignorant horrific posts I've ever seen. This girl who happened to be a model posted the picture. It was a picture of a tampon and there was words written on it. These were the words " If only men were as disgusted in rape as they were in period blood". I couldn't believe what i was seeing. This women had just insinuated that men thought period blood was less cringe worthy than full on rape and that somehow this was a general consensus among men. I was very livid to say the least.

I scrolled through the comments before i decided to respond. I couldn't believe how many people were agreeing with her. There was one lone objector. This man stated that men are equally disgusted in rape as any sane person would be. She wasn't having it. She stated boldly if men cared so much about rape then why does it keep happening and why aren't they actively stopping it. She also stated that unless you are educating others on this 'rape culture' that you are implicitly supporting it. To this the man replied "How the # am I going to stop a rapist from being a rapist?". How is educating a rapist about rape culture going to stop him from raping? Hes a #ing rapist for christ sake. Did she somehow think if we educated rapist on rape culture that they would find the light and just stop raping people? This is how delusional these people are.

I finally decided to respond to her comment. I decided to show her how stupid her quote was by making one of my own. This is what i commented "If only Muslims were as disgusted in terrorism as they were in drawings of Muhammad"This is how you sound with your post. She didn't get it. I explained to her that she was using rhetoric that far right extremist have used when they target Muslims. All you have to do is replace men with muslim and terrorist with rape. Whats the Islamophobe proverb? "Why arent muslims doing enough to stop terrorism?" "Terrorism keeps happening, Muslims must do more to educate other muslims on their 'terrorist culture''. She was repeating verbatim what islamophobes have been saying for years. To which a sane muslim would reply the same way the sane man in the comments section replied to this completely deluded feminist. "How the # do i stop a terrorist from being a terrorist?'.
I explained to her that men are also raped. Not only are they raped but they are being raped at almost the same rate as women!
How could men not care about rape when they are also being raped? The muslim equivalent is that terrorists kill more Muslims than they do westerners so how could muslims not care about terrorism when muslims are the majority of the casualties? You wanna know her response? She said that the point i was making was irrelevant. She also said that men have been oppressing women for centuries and that that behavior has been inherited by the men of today! Is she completely and utterly #ing insane?! YES! She was strengthening my argument! I responded that they do correlate because she was using the same logic as an islamophobe. I gave her another equivalent to her rebuttal. "Muslims have been at war with westerners for centuries so the muslims of today also have that inherited hate for westerners". Another islamophobe proverb.

Her mind just could'nt understand. She was so indoctrinated her cognitive dissonance just kept kicking in. She couldnt even understand how they correlated EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS SAYING THE EXACT SAME THING THEY SAY. She then proceeded to block me. Do these people hae no reason or logic? They are nazis in disguise and they don't even know it. The worst part is they think what they are doing is inherently good. I came to the conclusion that these two polar opposite groups are the same. They use the same logic the same excuses. The only difference is that they cherry pick with this inherently flawed logic. Thanks ats for hearing my rant lets hear some opinions. Im going to work so probably wont respond til late night eastern time.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: christophoros

I'm kinda on your side with this one but your title is inflammatory and will cause all sorts of shenanigans. I concur her initial point is weak, badly thought out and inappropriate. However so is 95% of social media. I can't quite get the similarities to Islamic fundamentalism either, extreme views are one thing. Barbaric murder of others in the name of false deities quite another.

Take a deep breath, ignore and move's the tonic!

edit on 30/3/2016 by 0010110011101 because: Context

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:58 PM
Educating people about it won't stop it. But the least that could happen is what any sane man would do if he knew he was sitting next to a rapist ... likely beat the snot out of him.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:00 PM
I consider myself a feminist in the fact that I support equality for women and I think women are just as good as men, but some feminist rhetoric kinda confuses me. One lady I talked to told me that if I hadn't explicitly asked every woman I've ever had sex with "May I penetrate your vagina with my penis?" and she answered back with anything other than "Yes you may" I had committed rape.

I'm of the opinion that if i'd explicitly asked any woman "May I penetrate your vagina with my penis?" I would probably still be a virgin at 33.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:02 PM
Hardly chat up line of the year, granted.....! Also, is this just the first time or every time thereafter. My wife would hate me by now if the latter.....

originally posted by: Slanter
I consider myself a feminist in the fact that I support equality for women and I think women are just as good as men, but some feminist rhetoric kinda confuses me. One lady I talked to told me that if I hadn't explicitly asked every woman I've ever had sex with "May I penetrate your vagina with my penis?" and she answered back with anything other than "Yes you may" I had committed rape.

I'm of the opinion that if i'd explicitly asked any woman "May I penetrate your vagina with my penis?" I would probably still be a virgin at 33.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:07 PM
For every rapist there are 50 men who would be willing fight and risk their lives for her, but I can see that number dwindling as this sort of rhetoric becomes more prevalent.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:08 PM
Today i realized, the the US citizens are unique individuals..

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

Yeah, my husband would win dork of the year award if he was into that. I don't find that idea at all attractive. I married a man, not a submissive doormat.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

You sir are correct, well, I share your voice here

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:28 PM
I thought feminism was invented as a tool to destroy the traditional family unit and weaken society? Confusing traditional functional roles with sexism, which leads to support structure instability and in fighting. Divide and conquer.

Because if it was about equality it wouldn't be called feminism.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: christophoros

Sample size: 1

No reputable journal would publish your "study."

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:33 PM
Sad but true: Third wave feminism destroys real feminism and its toxic to the ideals of equality.

It has become a man-hating victim culture which is completely oblivous to facts.

The same keywords on heavy rotation: Patriarchy! Rape culture! Wage gap!
They even go against real and female feminists like Jessica Biel.
They come up with twitter trends like "bathe in male tears" and "kill all men".

if it s a subject you are interested in: google Milo Yiannopoulos he is just brilliant in arguing with these type of feminists. Being gay he has a good position, because they can't accuse him of being a rapist and the LGBT community is the only group they support.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:41 PM
Let us just say that extremeists of any sort sound remarkably alike, the words may differ, but the tone seldom does.

Regardless of its name, extremism is strident, uncompromising, and altogether uncomfortable in its tone. What that feminist is, is extremist. So it's not all that surprising that she would sound like an islamophobe, in tone anyway.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:07 PM

but they also think in almost precisely the same way as a far right islamophobe.

What is wrong with being an 'islamophobe' ?

Considering there is no separation of church and state within Islam. It's marriage made in hell of political beliefs and religious beliefs rolled in to one giant crap sandwich.

That has a horrendous track record of women rights.

That has a horrendous track record of gay rights.

That has a long tradition of RACISM.

Unless 'feminists' start throwing in acid in the faces of the men that refuse them,

Unless 'feminists' start strapping suicide bombs on, and starts killing themselves to get 72 virgins, and all that other rubbish.

Unless 'feminists' start throwing gays off roof tops.

Unless 'feminists' start driving trucks laden with bombs in to embassies.

Unless 'feminists' start hijacking air planes.

And the list goes on.

That 'comparison' falls flat on it's face.

I don't like feminists.

I don't like radical islamo FASCISTS clinging to the guns,quran,and religion.

That people is what the call a false equivalency.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:15 PM
Awesome thread, people like you give me hope... Because the bigot bandwagon is growing here on ATS. I still remember when ATS was a place where people did genuine research before making huge claims...

Now it goes like "20% of all muslims are extremist, 70% are moderate but they let the 20% do the dirty job for them (i.e they support terrorism) and 10% are actually nice peaceful muslims", that and some quotes from and can you start a thread and get 30 flags in no time ... Examples enough.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:04 PM
Feminist , Islamophobo...big hairy doofus, labels and more labile how about this for a label, The Worlds Strongest Vagina? Yeah? Russian gymnast Tatyana Kozhevnikova can lift a 14kg kettle ball with her private parts. She's set to show off

And from the Huffington Post no less!

You people need to lighten the hell up! You've got a front row seat to the freak show, so enjoy!

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

it just really disgusts me that there are women who think like this and this isnt a minority within the feminist community. Women are becoming scared of men and thats exactly what these social engineers want

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: neo96

are you also anti semitic because everything you wrote applies to jews too lol

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Slanter

Im a woman and i can tell you even i'd been in the mood i would very quickly develop an excruciating headache if a guy had to ask me that

Makes me think of a boyfriend i had when i was a young woman.A good person,he actually wanted to marry me,but i felt i was not yet ready for marriage.When we were in bed he would always,each and every time ask me: "May i?" I found that weird and awkward.If he had to have asked about the penis and the penetration bit,our relationship would have been Much shorter good grief

posted on Mar, 31 2016 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: christophoros

They both blame their shortcomings in life on the Patriarchy?

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