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The Easter Egg Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 07:57 PM
The Daily Star is reporting that both Cadburys and Nestle have dropped the word "Easter" from their eggs so as not to offend non-Christians.

This prompted “angry and frustrated” campaigner David Marshall to set up the Meaningful Chocolate Company, in which his Fairtrade charity “Real Easter Egg” puts the religious message on to the packaging.

He said: “It’s deeply disappointing and shameful that some of the biggest companies in the country are censoring the centuries’ old tradition.

“It shows they’re insensitive and uncomfortable with the Christian faith.”

His company found 79% of 2,000 adults quizzed would prefer the word to remain on the branding.

And Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam, the Bishop of Salisbury, said: “There seems to be a real resistance by the public to remove the word Easter from these gifts

I looked for another source and found the Irish Independent reported the same story.

Unlike the word 'Christmas' which has been replaced by the ubiquitous reference to “the holidays” when referring to the birth of Christ in North America in order not to offend non-Christians, not prominently displaying the word 'Easter' on the packaging of Easter eggs this year was done because the egg is exactly what is says on the tin, a spokesperson for Cadbury claimed last night.

“Most of our Easter eggs don’t say Easter or egg on the front as we don’t feel the need to tell people this – it is very obvious through the packaging that it is an Easter egg,” said the unnamed spokesperson, who denied that political or religious correctness is behind the move.

From Nestle:

“There has been no deliberate decision to drop the word Easter from our products and the name is still widely used at Nestle,” he said.

I checked both Cadburys and Nestle websites and they are still using the word Easter. In fact I have a Cadburys Easter Egg in front of me and although Easter is not dazzling on the front of the box, it there on the back.

What do you folks think? Do Christians have a right to be angry? Has Easter become a secular holiday like Christmas? Do you think PC is involved? Do you think manufacturers are just after further profits?

Let the battle begin.

Only joking. I think they are attempting to further their profits from the non-Christian community. I think Easter has also become a secular holiday. I know several Hindus that celebrate Christmas and Easter.

The Easter Bunny is not a biblical figure. The tradition arose in 18th century German immigrants from what I remember.

Chocolate makers ban ’Easter’ from eggs to stop 'offending' other religions

Cadbury denies religion has to do with dropping 'Easter' from Easter eggs

edit on 25-3-2016 by Morrad because: forgot to add sources

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Morrad

I actually never really noticed whether or not the word Easter was on any of those items. I also don't think it matters if the word appears or not.

To put it another way, every Christmas day (night) I cook prime rib on the bbq for dinner. I have yet to see slabs of beef with the words "Christmas Prime Rib."

Regardless of what is on the packaging, people that celebrate the secular side of Easter know what a chocolate "Easter" egg is or a chocolate "Easter" bunny, etc.

edit on 25-3-2016 by eluryh22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:10 PM
I guess we can say is the year that the "war on Easter" began. Like the so called "war on Christmas" some people get upset because of the way different business use certain words and what not. However, they have to understand most people are just happy having a day off, and that they can spend it with family and friends.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:14 PM
I never understood hiding chocolate eggs on the suposed week end that jesus died and was ressurected, i got some mini cadbury eggs for my kids, and it says easter on the bag.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:16 PM

Easter is now offensive. I guess this is what happens to folks who suffer from chronic boredom and other illnesses, they just dream things up to become offended about then proceed to compete in the world championship of "who can throw the biggest tantrum and get their way."

Hey, why not be offended and/or upset regarding things that actually matter, when we can do stupid things like this for absolutely no end game whatsoever.


posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:19 PM
That this is even a topic of discussion shows how pathetically weak and pc our culture has become.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
I never understood hiding chocolate eggs on the suposed week end that jesus died and was ressurected, i got some mini cadbury eggs for my kids, and it says easter on the bag.

I hear ya. My family is Catholic so Good Friday/Easter have some meaning for us. However, here are my thoughts on the secular side of Easter (and the same could be said for St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, etc).

Life, in some ways, is a bit dull. Many (most?) of us spend the vast majority of our time working, paying bills, shopping at the supermarket, cleaning the litter box, sitting in traffic, trying to figure out why the computer is on the fritz, shuttling kids here and there and all the other things that make up a life. So, if a "holiday" gives people a reason (excuse?) to send out some cards or have a party or a big family dinner (or in this case, hide eggs for the kids to find), what's the harm?

I'm not saying that people can't do these sort of random things any day of the year, but having a "holiday" to focus it on sort of helps to keep many people on the same page.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:38 PM
The word Easter has pagan roots, not Christian ones, unlike Christmas however. So really, you are removing a word that is pretty much pagan because Christians celebrate the Resurrection on that day. It's originally a Saxon word for the goddess of spring.

Christians started celebrating the Resurrection then to equate rebirth with Resurrection to help co-opt the local pagans because the pagan spring festivals were a celebration of rebirth.

So basically when you remove Easter from the egg, you're banishing a pagan thing.

That's pretty much why Easter has lasted unchallenged as long as it has. No one questions that crosses and the like ought to be banned from schools anymore, so you don't get that mixed in with good ol' pagan Easter.
edit on 25-3-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:44 PM

Big deal, it has the Word Easter on the Easter egg! OMG, the world is going to end! If they don't like it, they don't have to buy the egg. If they can't resist the delicious flavor, then buy it. To make a huge deal out of nothing is ridiculous. I'm really tired of everyone getting offended over the slightest little things!

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Morrad

Easter is about as Christian as Molech.

the point is Eater is a pagan holiday.

even in context of scripture it was a kings holiday and he honored so he did not want to kill Peter until after it past and Passover was the previous week.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Night Star

I mean who can resist Cadbury Crack Eggs? Amirite?!

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
That this is even a topic of discussion shows how pathetically weak and pc our culture has become.

This isn't about "PC" - if it's about anything, it's about corporate profits. A company which makes money selling Easter candy is under no pressure to not use the word Easter. They probably spent a bunch of money to figure out that a few more Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Pastafarians, etc., would be more inclined to buy Cadbury eggs if the word Easter was featured less prominently, thus, the only thing that matters to them, corporate profits. They might have even done it because they would save $0.01 on every 1,000 wrappers on printing costs.

Not everything is an attack on Christianity from "the PC Brigade" - when it comes to corporations, nearly everything is about this quarter's profits. I certainly haven't heard any outcry about the label (on a product sold by a corporation) having the word Easter on it. If there had been, they would have made the decision to remove or not remove it based on - all together now: QUARTERLY PROFITS!!

I never even noticed the word Easter on Cadbury eggs. Are we sure this isn't just a hoax by the over-sensitives who are cowering in their stilettos over the big bad PC monster in their ossuarian closets?

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Morrad

so very ironic, Christians adopted Easter to be inclusive to pagans, so the pagans are rejecting Easter because the Christians accepted it...

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: Morrad

Should have figured - this is mostly just bunk by the "Meaningful" candy company to get some notoriety to make more money from the people who would be "so offended" and "outraged" by the imagined attack on Christianity. They likely know that these people are so easily offended that they wouldn't bother to check the veracity of the story.

See here

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:36 PM
I'm pretty sure that the Easter Bunny won't be delivering their Easter eggs anymore.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 12:50 AM
What have Easter eggs got to do with Christianity, it's a pagan thing

That's a conspiracy, rabbits as well

The fact Cadbury and nestle are making money from it is just an indication of greed and company's trying to control manipulate religion
edit on 26-3-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 01:49 AM
Just another tactic to divide the people

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 03:14 AM
I love Easter Eggs - well, I used to.

The ones I've seen for sale over the last couple of years are hideously packaged and unimaginative.

Getting an Easter Egg in a big, silly mug used to be a joy. The mugs these days just seem to advertise the product and they're smaller.

I've even wondered if it's something to do with regulations that stipulate food manufacturers shouldn't advertise to children. That, apparently, is why we don't get little plastic toys with cereal any more.

Load of killjoys. I don't care what they call the product, try making it attractive again.

btw in Haman10's thread about the Iranian New Year Festival, Nowruz, which is celebrated on the first day of Spring he mentions that painted eggs are part of the traditions.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 08:12 AM
I don't remember Cadbury being called an Easter egg. It's always been Cadbury cream eggs. So are they dropping the clucking bunny?

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: berenike
I love Easter Eggs - well, I used to.

The ones I've seen for sale over the last couple of years are hideously packaged and unimaginative.

Getting an Easter Egg in a big, silly mug used to be a joy. The mugs these days just seem to advertise the product and they're smaller.

I've even wondered if it's something to do with regulations that stipulate food manufacturers shouldn't advertise to children. That, apparently, is why we don't get little plastic toys with cereal any more.

Load of killjoys. I don't care what they call the product, try making it attractive again.

btw in Haman10's thread about the Iranian New Year Festival, Nowruz, which is celebrated on the first day of Spring he mentions that painted eggs are part of the traditions.

I hate those stupid mugs that you get with Easter eggs, they mess up the cupboard with their randomness of shape and colour.

The only way I would be happy with them is if Someone bought me 6 identical ones so they would at least be a set.

MSM is just making thing as up to sell papers and create a false sense of outrage and as others have said the only reason big companies would remove the word would be to appeal to a greater customer base and increase sales.

More silliness.

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