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The price of Trumps wall

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posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Good point! Or a paper mache wall made of newspaper will work...

*trump would make sure the old newspapers were the ones with his face on them...
edit on 3 26 2016 by Quantum12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:22 PM
A nice no-mans land between the border would work. And it wouldn't cost us a dime

PS - Why doesn't someone do the math on Bernies "free college for all" nonsense?

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: DerekJR321

Good plan! Reminds me of this movie!

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: redempsh

Holy hell! The guy grew up with a silver spoon and you wan to say he exemplifies the working class?? He got a a million dollar loan from his father! How many working class folks do you know that can say that? He has no idea what it is like to be working class, if you think he does are just infatuated with him and can't see the truth.
Bad hair and liking pretty women doesn't make you working class, all kinds of billionaires have bad hair and trophy wife's.

I don't think he IS working class, by any means. He would had to have 'worked' at some point. Merely owning things doesn't count.

I meant that he exhibits the external characteristics of the white underclass. A lot of rich people do--the Nouveau Riche

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Quantum12

Good post! Not. Take a break Woody Harrelson.

You'll have a republican for a while because it's a cycle. And you'll have a wall because it's needed. Get over it. Excessive trolling won't change people's mind.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Thank you for your post! Your point is taking in...

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 03:59 PM
How many jobs would this create? Most of them above the liberal "living wage"

America would need to hire American workers to construct the materials.

Then America would have to hire American workers to transport material to the job site.

American workers would be needed to build the wall

Then there will be a trickle down effect, there would need to be people to take care of the food, drinking, cleaning, safety, and so on, of the workers.

Billions of dollars straight into the US economy. A wall would be the shovel ready job that Obama promised America. If you think the TVA helped the American people out, then you should really love this job

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: thinline

So you support massive government spending in order to supply jobs?

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

His wives were all legal immigrants. That's the difference.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: thinline

So you support massive government spending in order to supply jobs?

One could cite numerous public works projects throughout history that have spurred economic growth. Heck, war is often cited as an economy builder, and what is war? Basically a nationwide public works endeavor.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:28 PM
You don't need a physical wall, just make it virtual. Re-institute E-verify and deny any utilities be maintained or started if someone does not pass. Ensure a heavy fine is imposed with possible jail time if someone puts utilities in their name with illegals living there. The illeglas will self deport. Two problems solved.

Another simple work around for the career welfare people. Take 25% of the parent's welfare assistance away for life if their child drops out of school, the child that drops out loses benefits for life. Education problem solved.


posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Arizonaguy

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: thinline

So you support massive government spending in order to supply jobs?

One could cite numerous public works projects throughout history that have spurred economic growth. Heck, war is often cited as an economy builder, and what is war? Basically a nationwide public works endeavor.

I'm all for such plans, I have no problem with spending tax money to create jobs, even if I think the wall is impracticable. Most of Trumps supporters though typically aren't in favor of taking that approach.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: Arizonaguy

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: thinline

So you support massive government spending in order to supply jobs?

One could cite numerous public works projects throughout history that have spurred economic growth. Heck, war is often cited as an economy builder, and what is war? Basically a nationwide public works endeavor.

I'm all for such plans, I have no problem with spending tax money to create jobs, even if I think the wall is impracticable. Most of Trumps supporters though typically aren't in favor of taking that approach.

I didn't know that you spoke to most of Trump's supporters. Did they tell you why they were opposed?

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: amicktd

originally posted by: Edumakated
Liberals and math don't mix...

Trump fans and valid facts/points don't mix either.

People believing in $7 TRILLION as a lowball estimate for a fence says all that needs to be said....

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: whatsup86

originally posted by: M5xaz
So now that the cost argument has been settled, move to another excuse.

Border walls work very very well, in Egypt or Israel for example.

But for liberals, it is never about facts

About that Israeli wall:

Its just 33 miles and 25 ft high, the rest is a 6ft high fence. Trump wants a 1000 mile 35ft high concrete wall.

About the costs for that wall when comparing the Israeli wall:

Assuming the cost of the fence was equivalent to the U.S. fence ($3 million a mile), that suggests about $1 billion of the cost was for the fence; the other $1.4 billion was for 33 miles of the wall (which was built in mostly metropolitan areas). Believe it or not, that translates to $42 billion for 1,000 miles of a 25-foot wall. (Recall that Trump wants a 35-to-40-foot wall.)

So 42 billion if it would be build 10 ft lower than Trump wants, if it was only build in easy to build and accessible areas and thats all without maintenance costs....

About maintenance of the fence you currently have in place:

The Corps of Engineers estimated that the 25-year life cycle cost of the fence would range from $16.4 million to $70 million per mile; the total cost of the fencing so far has been $7 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.)

Now imagine how that would translate to a 35 ft high concrete wall.

originally posted by: M5xaz

But for liberals, it is never about facts

Right and Trumps estimates his wall costs 12 billion.

Umm... OP was giving a cost of $7 TRILLION...even 1% of that, $70 Billion, is much higher than your $42 Billion...

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:18 PM

For starters, the Mexican border is 1,954 miles long and if we subtract away 54 miles to allow for border crossings that makes it 1,900 miles. Now if the great wall of Trump requires bricks one foot long, one foot wide and one foot deep then the foundation layer would require...10,032,000 bricks.

Or they could put some GSR. Ground Surveillance radar, and ground sensors like Area 51 has.

With a rapid response helo team anytime someone cross's over.

A 'wall' does not cost that much.

Less than the billions they snake off social programs here in the us.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: Arizonaguy
I didn't know that you spoke to most of Trump's supporters. Did they tell you why they were opposed?

No, but from the sample size here and in other threads, the vast majority of his supporters do not want to create jobs by spending tax money to do so. They would much rather create jobs by letting the free market do it's thing.

Building the wall is nothing more than the national version of the bridge to nowhere. It creates jobs, but doesn't actually do anything useful and supporting one should logically support the other. That is rarely the case.
edit on 26-3-2016 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 04:01 AM
Honestly I don't think it's a literal wall, obviously tunnels can mitigate that. But it's important, undocumented immigrants must stop. Make legal immigration easier so they can pay taxes. Then vet new ones for security. This is bernies flaw, expanding welfare while not regulating borders and nationial sovereignty. #mathdoesntaddup. Make us bankrupt. If Bernie Sanders was strong on military and sovereignty he would be president.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 08:09 AM
Well, everyone already hates the US around here anyway, so I say let's invade Mexico and on down to the Panama Canal. There, now we can have a much shorter wall

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Your entire thread is based on a PREMISE, that YOU invented.

How can you not win an argument, where YOU set the standards, the basis, the anology, and then come up with the conclusion?

You just wasted 30 minutes or so of your life

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