posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to:
Ok, you just typed exactly the same thing again that I already replied to, and gave you an explanation for why what you think is most likely wrong.
Is that your intended tactic to ward off karma too? Pretend it didn't just happen?
"Now, if you'd like to discuss something on-topic then I'll be happy to respond again, but any rambling off-topic posts I shall just ignore out of
respect for thread topic integrity."
I've seen a lot of your posts. They don't tend to follow that format. See above.
"Feel free to private message me your ramblings though,"
No that won't be happening. You must have a very high (on?) opinion of yourself to throw that one in there. The suggestion I find you that interesting
or important? Maybe you take people responding to you the wrong way. I'm replying because / when I think it's important to do so, because it should
help move things that cause problems. I class you in the general area of people whose heads need to take in certain types of info that sadly they
currently are not able to.
"or start a new topic yourself, but I shall ignore future off-topic comments in this thread from now on."
Why do you start off-topic sidelines, only to ignore replies you get, and then come back and state with an air of personal importance of your
intentions to ignore any subsequent responses? Do you not realise I don't care what you are or are not going to reply to next?
"Good day"
It never is.