a reply to:
This site, and being a part of it, has improved my day to day life immeasurably. My communication skills are kept sharp by banter and back and forth
here, as well as by way of hefty debate with all and sundry. I have access to new scientific data and the ability to dissect it in company more
knowledgable than myself on the subject. The political landscape in which I am living is drawn starkly, in such a way as to allow me to navigate
matters in life with a more balanced and nuanced view than I would get, by simply watching the news, and the ability to discuss these things too,
allows me to more firmly grasp the fundamental elements of my own personal political viewpoint as well.
These things alone would be worth their weight in gold, but this website does something else for me too, because for every halfwit I run into in the
course of my life, there are hundreds of people here who remind me daily that intelligence is not dead, that we are not alone in the world, but part
of a whole, that we can triumph with mindfulness, over those who promote selfishness and stupidity, at least at grass roots.
Membership here has given me confidence in myself and my ability to reason, and given me the tools to keep those abilities, as opposed to allowing
them to decompose through inactivity. This place has also protected what remains of my raw intelligence quotient. I have lost thirty points of the
stuff since I was ten years of age, and membership here has been instrumental in maintaining what was not lost during my high school years, a deeply
nourishment free part of my life where most of that loss occurred.
My mind was, when I arrived here, utterly capable of recognising the lies that come to a person through the media, through political broadcasts and
campaigns, the idiots standing either side of the house in parliament, and indeed, in worldwide politics. But this site has given me the ability to
not only see the lie, but see how it is spun, and that gives me a certain peace, a certain comfort. Membership here allows me to be calm in my fury,
steadfast in my will, certain of my reasoning, where once there was only a deep suspicion of the nature of the lie. I stand here now, a man of
certainties. A man with solid information that underpins the suspicions I have held since I was a child, that the world does not operate as we are
lead to believe, that those who lead us are not the best, but the worst of us, that no one has the best interests of the people in mind, save for the
people themselves, and although the lie might seem more comforting to those who do not yet see the lie for what it is, I find comfort in knowing where
I stand, the scale of the work ahead of us, the shape of the edifice of filth that we will, one day, have to bring down.
There is a tranquility to my rage, that I did not have before I came here, and would likely have never developed without such an amazing and
comprehensive archive of data, not to mention stream of new information from which to work, as has been provided here. It is my honour, and my
privilege to participate in events here, to add something for new members to consider, to contribute to this site, which has given me so much.
Be advised, even these words above are not equal to the task of explaining just how important and necessary membership of this site has been to me
these last nine years, or how beneficial it has been to my daily life. I would however, be less of a man than I am, without it. My gratitude knows no