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Hamas shows off 'terrifying new tank' - but can you spot why they're now regretting it?

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posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:13 AM
Perhaps it is simply a float for a parade march.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Nothing a tomahawk can't fix.

Like a missile or a Native American battle axe?
because I'm pretty sure the battle axe can take apart that paper mache tank

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:22 AM
Uh...So that's what Israel's so terrified of.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: dashen

I hear you aren't allowed to smoke near it.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

Uh...So that's what Israel's so terrified of.

They are not trying to intimidate Israel. I don't think they are that stupid to think someone in Israel will fall for this.
The purpose of this is to fool the Gazan citizens into thinking they are wining , and to distract them from the fact that their sons are dying underground for no reason.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Nothing a tomahawk can't fix.

My first impression was that they manufactured that terror to cause Israel to waste a very expensive missile on some props and a 1984 Lada.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Nothing a tomahawk can't fix.

I hope the North American Indian holding it can run fast.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: MaxMech

It's like watching your neighbors kid at a school play and trying not to laugh...

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: MaxMech

Hmm the kid's want to know who stole there cardboard?.
That has me smiling and chuckling away here they are definitely not the A-Team are they.

On a historical point though we allies used inflatable tank's and even cardboard and plywood mockups to create a fake army build up before the genuine D-Day landings in order to faux the Gerry's and it actually worked but then again I think the inflatable sherman tank's looked more real than this thing, it actually look's like there equivalent of a parade float, I wonder whose car they nicked to make it though.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: dashen


Apache Tomahawk is what I think he meant.

But yeah, a stick could do some damage to that over-sized pinata!

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Butterfinger

tomahawk is a cruise missle.
apache longbow is the gunship

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

On a historical point though we allies used inflatable tank's and even cardboard and plywood mockups to create a fake army build up before the genuine D-Day landings in order to faux the Gerry's and it actually worked but then again I think the inflatable sherman tank's looked more real than this thing, it actually look's like there equivalent of a parade float, I wonder whose car they nicked to make it though.

True. But the Allies also let it slip that General George S. Patton was in command of the faux military unit. So that inspired great fear in the Axis powers.

In this case, maybe the Hamas propaganda machine is trying to say that the Great Yasser Arafat is the leader of this campaign. Oh wait...

Shame on me. That's usually not my style. But it was funny.


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 01:14 PM
I don't quite know why...but it reminded me of the dinner plates the Hungarian freedom fighters turned upside down on the streets to imitate anti tank mines....when the Russian tank column stopped to clear it they swarmed the tanks with molotovs....cica 1956 so I don't think many remember that one....
desperate times call for desperate means............
edit on 3-2-2016 by bandersnatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 03:59 PM
Inflatable tanks - at bulk discount prices

Keep out of direct sunlight.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 04:16 PM
Ghost Army...

Link doesn't seem to be working..
edit on 3-2-2016 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: MaxMech

Hamas shows off 'terrifying new tank' - but can you spot why they're now regretting it?

Who owned this 'terrifying new tank' before Hamas got it and was it a 'terrifying new tank' when the previous party owned it?

Dunno why but it reminds me of:

When Assad drops bombs it oppresses people, but when Washington drops bombs it liberates them.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: DexterRiley

This was the real genius behind it, his team did most of the work and came up with most of the idea's.

One of his invention's which protected the Sues canal was to use spinning mirror's and strong light's to disorientate and confuse any german pilot's trying to bomb the site's, it worked, another which worked was the ghost city's, at night during the black out they would place massive rows of cages on the moors and heathlands far from the city's and light small fires in them, from the air it looked like city street's so the germans dropped massive amounts of munitions off target onto unpopulated areas of the countryside.

They used so many trick's, you know though there is a story about an actually german invasion on the south coast but no records confirm it and all sides even the germans deny it could have happened but here is what one old guy said to my mother back in the 70's, "There are thousands of Germans buried in secret graves and no one know's, they were here and nearly had us but they did not know that we had all the old men who had fought in the first world war waiting for them hiding and the germans never got off the beach", this was an old timer whom explained this to my mother and also showed her his medals from serving in the war, now there are many whom claim it was a trainging excercise, even allies dressed as germans training and something went wrong or even an accident that the germans had themselves but one thing is remembered and that is hundred's of badly burned bodys in german uniform's washed ashore along the south coast.

So why would it have been suppressed if the old man was speaking the truth which I believe he was, the allies needed postive propeganda and the idea the germans could already have made a short lasted landing, perhaps even a rogue SS comander thinking to steal glory for himself independant of operation sea lion (the german invasion plan, the had hundreds of landing craft ready to cross the channel so why did hitler really put it on hold) but I guess we shall never know.

Smoke and mirror's, just hammas are not very good at it apparently, oddly all that tunnel building they are undertaking has pushed ground penetration radar and other tunnel detection technologys far ahead of were they would have been without this idiological conflict and had for example the US had the technology the Isrealis are now deploying in the west bank and other areas in the much earlier vietnam war the VC would likely have been conquered a full three or four years before the veitnam war actually ended.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 03:41 AM
this thread seems to have gone off the rails

as interesting as most of the later posts are - they are prety much irrelevant to this thread - and would be far better suited in a dedicated thread about military deception posted in the history or military tech subs .

this threads premise is the claim that hamas " have a tank " and the hilarious fall out from thier own incompetance in revealing that thier alledged tank is a fake in thier own pic

now to get the thread back on track

what if ? :

hamas really do have an operational AFV - and have released this fake as a psy-op ????????????????

i do not actually believe the above question to be valid - but am just throwing it out for discussion purpose

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: Xeven
How did they get tires?

Meanwhile lets joke about poor people in Gaza being under siege for decades .

" how did they get tires " is actually a legit question . insensitive as hell ,but right on target .

Is hamas a stupid organization ? yes . but for me its like this :

Hamas or Israel ? these are the only choices available for now . in light of this ,my choice will always be Hamas cause they've killed less civilians in their whole existence than Israel did in one day during the 2009 war .

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:26 AM
dbl post . sry .
edit on 4-2-2016 by haman10 because: Double post

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