posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 11:53 AM
Do you ever have those moments in life where things do not give you hope? Where you lose your inspiration and faith, and don't feel like you can
accomplish much?
I'm having one of those moments, or rather I've been feeling this way for a time now.
I've lost faith in my old religion, which at first I thought was enlightening, I thought I found some new path that was never opened to me before but
now I pretty much feel lost. Is spirituality important, or just a by-product of a mind that needs justification and reassurance of an important
existence? I have no idea where to turn for enlightenment, and the things within are darker, when I feel I need some light.
I am not doing so well financially - Sure, I have enough money to write these posts, I have enough money for food on the table, but is this the new
standard we are calling a "good life"? I always imagined the american dream to be something entirely different than just living. People compare us
to third world nations, we are told we have an entitled mentality and that we are so lucky to live in this great country.. Yet we have far more stress
and unhappiness than those other countries. Social constructs attempt to define what we need for a happy life, and I'm trying, TRYING to get away
from these mentalities - The ones that attempt to define what a good life should be within america. Turn on the TV - Are we anything like the people
in the commercials that we constantly see? Are we anything like the people within the TV shows, movies, and series we watch? I know I'm not - And I
shouldn't let such things determine my happiness, I should define my own happiness in my own way - But again, I am lost. I do not feel I have an
amount of light, or inspiration within me to grab onto, I don't have a "passion" that I can turn into a career, I don't have a meaningful
What should I do?
Sorry for the solemnity