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How to bypass karma..

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posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 06:58 PM
originally posted by: ExternalForces
a reply to: vethumanbeing

ExternaForces: I personally know one or two. They are interesting people to speak with. I haven't really got the chance the meet the other half, but it's violent. So in saying this, loss of freewill allows are bodies to become susceptible to the negative realms of the spirit realm, allowing some form of possession within the physical body itself.

Very violent when frustrated with a logical problem they cannot reason with. I know two and both when focused have the capacity for genius (never in a good way though) . If one could direct it; could be a positive/problem is focusing them as usually are of a paranoid nature. The negative 4D loves these people as can manipulate them very easily; just as they do hyper aware children.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I can't help it. It's my nature. Although, now knowing the rest will allow me to interpret it and heal properly.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: ExternalForces
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I can't help it. It's my nature. Although, now knowing the rest will allow me to interpret it and heal properly.

Yes; and my nature is of a serious irreverence (that includes laughter); we do what we have to do to understand ourselves/in relation to others (we may have imagined into being). My new friends I created (my posse).
edit on 5-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 10:49 PM
From reading the above conversation, are we at the theory that karma is a self-inflicted or rather unconscious manipulation?

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:55 AM
If "karma" is a universal force, you can only bypass it by engaging with individuals whom have made some sort of promise not to participate in it - if you were to create any "karma" with other people the venture would fail.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
From reading the above conversation, are we at the theory that karma is a self-inflicted or rather unconscious manipulation?

I don't have a problem with that idea at all (invented by self for self in order to progress ones individualized soul).
edit on 6-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: CosmicWanderer
a reply to: ExternalForces

right, well psychiatric drugs aren't necessarily capable of taking away Free Will in its entirety.

Ask a schizophrenic about Thorazine (even they know within their disease this is an ugly drug) will take all free will and as purposed give that life up to its caregivers whim.
Thorazine is necessary for most paranoid schizophrenics as they are common to hurt themselves or others based on what the voices they hear tell them to do. Regular schizophrenics, are more prone to hurt themselves rather than others depending on whether the voices they are hearing are considered kind or not. As someone who not only suffers from psychological illness, but who studies it as well, I will tell you that Thorazine is a last resort to most psychiatrists, most GOOD psychiatrists I should say. If their patients are exhibiting signs of wanting to hurt others, themselves or commit suicide, then thorazine is a good alternative to losing life altogether or committing them. Now, committing them would be more of a loss of free will than thorazine, because most psychiatric institutions have very poor standards of health, there is often abuse and neglect as well. So given the choice between being committed or taking thorazine, I'd opt for thorazine. There are many other psychiatric drugs that are often tried first before reaching the result of thorazine, and psychiatric medicine is more of a trial and error field than anything which isn't the doctors' fault, it is largely because of the differences in brain chemistry between each individual as well as common lack of honesty among patients in regard to taking their meds or stopping them altogether without consulting their doctor first. I can tell you, honestly, that many people who hear voices, if they are not the evil, "go kill people" kind of voices, are hearing voices of "angels", ascended masters, gods, etc depending on the belief system in place. This then leads back to my point about hinduism and buddhism teaching love and acceptance, the power of the I AM, the root chakra which gives that power of EGO, and which, arguably, cannot be lost or the human being would cease to exist. Ego must be managed not discarded because it is a vital part of existence. As far as all religions teaching peace, I would have to disagree there. Most religions, in fact, teach the worship of their specific God above all others and that those who do not agree with this religion are "sinners" condemned to Hell and denied heaven. Most of the problems we are seeing in the world today are actually the result of religions. We would be better off if religions were done away with and people were left to worship whoever they felt they should worship in whatever way, so long as it harmed no other life. Will we ever see this, probably not, but one can hope. So long as there is a God, there will be killing in His name.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: ExternalForces
a reply to: vethumanbeing

ExternaForces: I personally know one or two. They are interesting people to speak with. I haven't really got the chance the meet the other half, but it's violent. So in saying this, loss of freewill allows are bodies to become susceptible to the negative realms of the spirit realm, allowing some form of possession within the physical body itself.

Very violent when frustrated with a logical problem they cannot reason with. I know two and both when focused have the capacity for genius (never in a good way though) . If one could direct it; could be a positive/problem is focusing them as usually are of a paranoid nature. The negative 4D loves these people as can manipulate them very easily; just as they do hyper aware children.
Most paranoid schizophrenics are violent, most schizophrenics are only violent toward themselves depending on the voices they hear and most schizophrenics, paranoid or not, have genius IQ's. Actually the number of geniuses present on the planet today is far greater than it ever has been before. This, in my opinion, is both our problem and our salvation.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:09 PM

VHB: Ask a schizophrenic about Thorazine (even they know within their disease this is an ugly drug) will take all free will and as purposed give that life up to its caregivers whim.

CosmicWonderer: Thorazine is necessary for most paranoid schizophrenics as they are common to hurt themselves or others based on what the voices they hear tell them to do. Regular schizophrenics, are more prone to hurt themselves rather than others depending on whether the voices they are hearing are considered kind or not

Qualification: hearing voices, Abraham/Jesus/John the Baptist heard voices and were never diagnosed as insane.

CosmicWanderer: As someone who not only suffers from psychological illness, but who studies it as well, I will tell you that Thorazine is a last resort to most psychiatrists, most GOOD psychiatrists I should say. If their patients are exhibiting signs of wanting to hurt others, themselves or commit suicide, then thorazine is a good alternative to losing life altogether or committing them.

So, Pilot and his armies were all psychopaths in need of heavy medication.

CosmicWanderer: Now, committing them would be more of a loss of free will than thorazine, because most psychiatric institutions have very poor standards of health, there is often abuse and neglect as well. So given the choice between being committed or taking thorazine, I'd opt for thorazine.

From your antiquated perspective Id opt for a surgical lobotomy applied to all (spare the drugs).

CosmicWonderer: I can tell you, honestly, that many people who hear voices, if they are not the evil, "go kill people" kind of voices, are hearing voices of "angels", ascended masters, gods, etc depending on the belief system in place. This then leads back to my point about hinduism and buddhism teaching love and acceptance, the power of the I AM, the root chakra which gives that power of EGO, and which, arguably, cannot be lost or the human being would cease to exist. Ego must be managed not discarded because it is a vital part of existence.

The good ones are silenced by modern psychiatry NUMBER ONE: "Do you hear voices"? So long as there is a God, there will be killing in His name. God has not revealed itself YET to anyone; so the/any killing done in its name is in vain and continues a pointless endevour. Religions replaced by the original pagan application a better plan?

edit on 7-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: archongel

There is a way. Make peace with everything.

I would venture to guess that karma works as ripples. When a big event occurs altering karma significantly, ripples are created which will affect all aspects of your life and as long as you dont make peace or work to solve the underlying problems/traumas/negativity/regrets then the ripples keep extending and having an even wider range of effect.

Making peace with everything act as short-circuit and stop feeding the ripples as there is no more "epicentre" thus preventing and stopping future negative manifestations. Although it will require time to go fully away. Dont they say negativity attracts negativity? Being detached can help enormously, not caring but not disinterested, it puts you in a state beyond duality which can prevent much karma. Just a theory..

Oh yeah, full enlightenment also short circuit all karma but then if you reach this state, you wont have anymore worry in your life..
edit on 7-12-2015 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: _damon
Yes BUT; in full enlightenment never have to return here to EARTH to experience the 'funsterisms' it provides. I think reaching or combining with God creator would be exasperating "I am all about love" now; in status LOCKED in love for eternity (fairly sure there is a chaos component to shake things up) in order to be a causative for change.
edit on 7-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

You say that because you dont get it but no one can blame you. The word love can bring confusion therefore i would call it divine consciousness. Total connection with consciousness is the normal way of being when non incarnated and out of the cycles of reincarnation. Its called love because it implies total harmony, connection and symbiosis with no negative aspects.

But it is different when you incarnate. You lose memory and start with a seemingly sterile memory. Then as you become fully imerged in a world more and more brainwashed (for a reason), emphasizing lower impulses, ignorance, false beliefs and materialism, you develop an identity which become predominant over natural instincts which are part of your intuition which is one of many manifestations of the divine or higher self. Such identity is called the ego and is the nemesis of all spirituality.

Long story short, it rejects your higher consciousness. Your ego prevents 99% of your real potential to manifest. It greatly limits one's perception, like intuition and esp because of the separation from the divine by the ego. Only the divine manifests higher powers and creativity by the mind. Science can only create what it understand and can observe. Since it wrongly assumes that all can be observed by the 5limited human senses. And since scientism is fed to you all your life it shapes and limits your views resulting in misunderstanding of higher concepts and energies. Its simple yet complex.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 10:04 PM
originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: vethumanbeing

_damon: You say that because you dont get it but no one can blame you. The word love can bring confusion therefore i would call it divine consciousness. Total connection with consciousness is the normal way of being when non incarnated and out of the cycles of reincarnation. Its called love because it implies total harmony, connection and symbiosis with no negative aspects.

No; you have never been there; it becomes boring after a while. Symbiotic love Utopia.

_damon: But it is different when you incarnate. You lose memory and start with a seemingly sterile memory. Then as you become fully imerged in a world more and more brainwashed (for a reason), emphasizing lower impulses, ignorance, false beliefs and materialism, you develop an identity which become predominant over natural instincts which are part of your intuition which is one of many manifestations of the divine or higher self. Such identity is called the ego and is the nemesis of all spirituality.

I am fully aware of the incarnation/re-incarnation process; why and how it happens (and the result).

_damon: Long story short, it rejects your higher consciousness. Your ego prevents 99% of your real potential to manifest. It greatly limits one's perception, like intuition and esp because of the separation from the divine by the ego. Only the divine manifests higher powers and creativity by the mind. Science can only create what it understand and can observe. Since it wrongly assumes that all can be observed by the 5limited human senses. And since scientism is fed to you all your life it shapes and limits your views resulting in misunderstanding of higher concepts and energies. Its simple yet complex.

Ego rejects 'higher consciousness'? Where is the win here; as the individualized ego is a child at this point (emotionally set at 9 years of age) no experience in navigating "eternal life" at all; too young to have intuition or an idea of any separation. Why would ones god spirit want a separation from its creator (divorce).
edit on 7-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Whats so hard to understand? The ego acts like a parasite of the mind, a jammer. Its uncontrolled for most people and society is made so that it will feeds your ego, that is why it is called a materialist society.. it feeds lower impulses. Seems like its way over your head.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Whats so hard to understand? The ego acts like a parasite of the mind, a jammer. Its uncontrolled for most people and society is made so that it will feeds your ego, that is why it is called a materialist society.. it feeds lower impulses. Seems like its way over your head.

I think the ego exists as a primitive and modern intellectual survival necessity. Should you feed it?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: vethumanbeing
Whats so hard to understand? The ego acts like a parasite of the mind, a jammer. Its uncontrolled for most people and society is made so that it will feeds your ego, that is why it is called a materialist society.. it feeds lower impulses. Seems like its way over your head.

You are calling for "Ego Management/Cleansing" classes and degrees for all; so, when do you enroll (as the first student and possibly be the one and only one to graduate). It seems your Ego remains permanently entrenched/'dug in' by virtue of your judgmental tones toward others.
edit on 8-12-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

VHB: Ask a schizophrenic about Thorazine (even they know within their disease this is an ugly drug) will take all free will and as purposed give that life up to its caregivers whim.

CosmicWonderer: Thorazine is necessary for most paranoid schizophrenics as they are common to hurt themselves or others based on what the voices they hear tell them to do. Regular schizophrenics, are more prone to hurt themselves rather than others depending on whether the voices they are hearing are considered kind or not

Qualification: hearing voices, Abraham/Jesus/John the Baptist heard voices and were never diagnosed as insane.

CosmicWanderer: As someone who not only suffers from psychological illness, but who studies it as well, I will tell you that Thorazine is a last resort to most psychiatrists, most GOOD psychiatrists I should say. If their patients are exhibiting signs of wanting to hurt others, themselves or commit suicide, then thorazine is a good alternative to losing life altogether or committing them.
Right, because in those days "insanity" didn't exist. As long as the voice you heard was God, it was okay.
So, Pilot and his armies were all psychopaths in need of heavy medication. lol well i cant say about all his armies, but pilot probably could have used some treatment

CosmicWanderer: Now, committing them would be more of a loss of free will than thorazine, because most psychiatric institutions have very poor standards of health, there is often abuse and neglect as well. So given the choice between being committed or taking thorazine, I'd opt for thorazine.

From your antiquated perspective Id opt for a surgical lobotomy applied to all (spare the drugs). This is not MY antiquated perspective, this is a fact that you can easily find proof of in any asylum, any psychology textbook etc. Have you ever spent time in a psychiatric hospital? I have, and I will tell you right now, I would rather take my meds than go through that hell again.

CosmicWonderer: I can tell you, honestly, that many people who hear voices, if they are not the evil, "go kill people" kind of voices, are hearing voices of "angels", ascended masters, gods, etc depending on the belief system in place. This then leads back to my point about hinduism and buddhism teaching love and acceptance, the power of the I AM, the root chakra which gives that power of EGO, and which, arguably, cannot be lost or the human being would cease to exist. Ego must be managed not discarded because it is a vital part of existence.

The good ones are silenced by modern psychiatry NUMBER ONE: "Do you hear voices"? So long as there is a God, there will be killing in His name. God has not revealed itself YET to anyone; so the/any killing done in its name is in vain and continues a pointless endevour. Religions replaced by the original pagan application a better plan?

On the contrary, God/Source/Allah has revealed itself to many and through many. Paganism is actually closer to how we ought to live than any of the popular religions. Better yet, do away with all religions and be a naturalist. that is what most pagans are anyway, they just do not know enough about their own religion or the idea of naturalism to be able to identify that. Modern psychiatry can only do as much as the individual allows. Unless you have been deemed a risk to yourself or others, then you have free will and can opt to hear whichever voices you want to hear. This opens up its own can of worms because once you decide to open that door you have to know the tricks to closing it again should these voices become too much. I am speaking from experience here. My psyche split when I was rather young, and I have heard voices ever since. My voices are the good kind, I believe them to be guides along with a few archangels and ascended masters. You are welcome to believe whatever you choose, but when it comes to hearing voices, I assure you, I know what I am talking about in more ways than one.
edit on 8-12-2015 by CosmicWanderer because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2015 by CosmicWanderer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: vethumanbeing
Whats so hard to understand? The ego acts like a parasite of the mind, a jammer. Its uncontrolled for most people and society is made so that it will feeds your ego, that is why it is called a materialist society.. it feeds lower impulses. Seems like its way over your head.

Hehe but you are no exception. We are not talking about some simple phenomenon, what im talking here is the main reason the world is so #ed up but its way over your head and you know why? Its because this truth frightens you. But maybe does it exceed your mental capacity to process such knowledge?

Ever heard this one: "you are your own master"? Its true but is not a given (like anything).. I would add before this one: "you are your ego". It is a science and believe it or not it has been used on you and others for centuries. Controling others ego, feeding them, chaining them, its all part of a "science" that some people mastered long ago. And ended up creating this mess of a civilization. But thats not even the point.

The point is, you confused the current you which is an ego for your true being and that is the worst that can happen. Especially when you refuse to see such truth, dont weak people deny the truth they are least prepared to receive?

You cant remove others ego for them, its impossible so trying to teach people would be a waste. The only thing to do is to put them before the facts that their ego created and overfed during their life has become so present, thanks to this ego centered society, that they are more the ego than human. And dont think the ego of a human is human, an ego has no race. An ego is an inconscious entity that feeds on every impulses, desires, good and bad emotions, especially bad things. You could see it like an invisible gear you wear constantly without knowing and that alters all your perception and behaviour and grow to become thicker and even more restraining. Why do you think people have such a hard time parting with their loved ones? No its not love, its the strong obsessive attachment created by the ego.

The more emotional load behind an event, the stronger the attachment by the ego. All the thoughts going on in your head at any time are from the ego. It can be called "the noise" because although you think it is you, it isnt at the same time. See it like a lense put on the path of your light of consciousness and changing its divine color to something dull, pale copy of its source... Or like a jammer..

All spiritual practises focus first on the ego control and later dissolution, using various techniques like meditation. Why do you think? Stop looking the other way, nothing is easy.

I think the ego exists as a primitive and modern intellectual survival necessity. Should you feed it?

You are just downplaying the whole thing. Even your reply was written and fueled by your ego because it couldnt stand what it was reading. I mean, in what way exactly was this reply of yours useful?

The human ego is unique because with the right stimulus at the right time (childhood) it will overgrow and become the main entity in control of your mind, without you knowing mind you. It is a byproduct of the human mind and shouldnt exist in the natural and balanced state of being.

When one learns to shut up his inner babble, he actually puts his ego on a muzzle to savor the inner silence which is the first step in experiencing again his higher self (consciousness).

edit on 9-12-2015 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: _damon

How is my reply helpful, you ask? The same way you believe your replies are helpful, that being, each one of us has their own spiritual and psychological beliefs which ego may or not play a part. So, how to bypass karma is the question posed and by virtue of exposing our opinions and/or experiences to each other can we explore further, with egos intact, in a positive fashion, hopefully. If one believes their karmic future can be manipulated then with belief manifestation may be realized, if they do not, then that belief cements existing doubt.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

Wrong assumption. You shouldnt assume im just sharing an opinion. If someone came and started to describe the best he can with limited words the real untarnished Truth of the world, would you still call it an opinion? What im doing here is not sharing an opinion, it is Truth's juicy meat!

None of my posts are helpful in any way btw. Even if one person understood their intrinsic meaning, this is not sure they would be able to use the knowledge in any spiritually profitable way. So no, i dont believe any of my posts have any value i merely do it on a whim when i'm of a generous mood, and how generous to share such flavorful meat!

Connecting the dots without expectations or desires but to get to the truth of things, isnt to be called an opinion. You should meditate on what is or not an opinion. There is a Truth common to all, beyond opinions, ego, desires, falsity. And such omniscient Truth burns inside every being. They are way more opened to it in Orient btw. This is a clue..
edit on 9-12-2015 by _damon because: (no reason given)

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