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Why are Palestinians teaching children violence and hate?

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: maes2

Land never belonged to the indians. they never had a nation or country. Also they themselves took i t from a previous people so Karma is a bi yatch. Arafatt said all I need to hear. No more tears.

First of all it is Native Americans not Indians these people were not from India. Also it seems like you know next to nothing about them they crossed over the Bering Strait so just whom did they steal this nation from? Also I have shown you several times what Arafat said was taken out of context But that doesn't matter to an Israeli apologist does it.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Approx 100 million natives lived in the US before the plague hit it. ( It was a nation in every respect.) 96% died as a result.

I can tell one thing from this conversation. You have no relationship with any God. Or a very limited education. You pick.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: gps777

Palestinians still killing civilians (men women children) in Israel, then Israel hits back, then we hear evil Jew Zionists who deserve it and stole THEIR land, or Iran threating to wipe Israel off the map.

Actually the Palestinians are killing those people in Palestine just because Israel occupies it doesn't make it Israel's land. Also international law gives people whose land is occupied the right to fight against their occupiers so the answer is simple if you don't want to be killed don't move onto stolen land. So did you feel bad for Nazis that were killed by resistance fighters in nations that they occupied?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: buster2010

So your saying Israel never existed prior to 1948 or was ever overrun by Islam time and again slaughtering Jews and Christians, are you another Holocaust denier as well?, but on the other hand support native American etc etc who were there first.

The fact that Islam overran Israel and claiming it as its own and shows to this day that Palestinians are mainly Islamic, doesn`t make it theirs as now it is back in their hands once again and was also a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: maes2
Land never belonged to the indians. they never had a nation or country. Also they themselves took i t from a previous people so Karma is a bi yatch. Arafatt said all I need to hear. No more tears.

I am not against Jews, also USA is a nice place and it has many goodness it is an improved country I just mention it because it is an emperor, many Jews themselves are against their own fanatics, I just want to show the other side of the coin, the fanatic and stupid Idea behind the developments we are witnessing. I wish it was just for money, but it is not.

Arafatt was an unclean towel, he was used to clean dirtiness and then he was thrown away.
Yuppa, millions of Indians who were living in USA, is nothing for you !
Do you really think that Christophe Colomb who himself was a Jew, emerged suddenly and discovered USA ! and just Accidently USA became the holy land and promised land of Zhionist Jews.
Accidently founder of new USA was a freemason.
Accidently kabbalah (a Judaism mysticism) is advertised by HollyWood (Rod of Moses).
And accidently those countries specially USA are sacrificing their own benefits to serve Israel.
Accidently Sep 11 was described and predicted by grandfather of George Bush. Even it was printed on the dollars of USA one by one.
Accidently USA attacked Iraq and overthrew one of his own puppets Saddam Hussain. By the way why did USA attack Iraq, while he had already access to the oil of Iraq and he knew there were no bla bla weapons ....... they themselves had given the weapons to him ........
Then Evangelists (Zhionist Christians) say this should have been done since antichrist would emerge in Iraq ! seven years of chaos before returning Jesus and such things.
And now they have made ISIS so that their seven years of chaos becomes more realistic !!!
Accidently USA is helping those who he used to claim to be an enemy of USA, like Al-Qaeda, Saud family ....... actually the role of antichrist has given to Zhionist Muslims !

Yeah our world is becoming more and more stupid.

edit on 7-11-2015 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 04:34 AM

Myths, Hypotheses and Facts Concerning the Origin of Peoples The True Identity of the So-called Palestinians

All taken from the above link and so much more, even Arabs admit Palestine never even existed.

It is from the term "Philistines" that the name "Palestinians" has been taken. Actually, the ancient Philistines and modern Palestinians have something in common: both are invaders from other lands! That is precisely the meaning of their name, that is not an ethnic denomination but an adjective applied to them: Peleshet, from the verb "pelesh", "dividers", "penetrators" or "invaders".

Emphasis mine

What other Arabs declared after the Six-Day War:

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".

- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council

"There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of one percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today... No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough".

- Joseph Farah, "Myths of the Middle East"

And they keep killing and terrorising citizens of Israel (Islamic, as history has shown since its beginnings) then scream when Israel hits back, they never wanted peace they want Jews and their homeland Israel wiped from the map.
edit on 7-11-2015 by gps777 because: beta grandma

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: buster2010

I could be a bit off here...but since the Muslims started a war with Israel and Israel won and while doing so, took their isn't is Israel's land now? Isn't that partially how war works, especially when the enemy is the one who started it?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: voyger2

What fanatics are you talking about? Is it this ones that "the world" actually "does" support:

Picture # 8 is not Israelis... How hard can it be to find a couple of pictures showing settlers kids playing with guns, without squeezing in an unrelated picture?? voyger2 and Kemal, I have an advice for you, next time look for the kippah...

Regarding the other pictures, two comments:
1. These idiots are in no way better than the idiots in the pictures I posted. Driven crazy by religion and blinded by elitism.
They should no be allowed to even have kids. If you insist to live your life in a manner that causes suffering to other people, you should not be allowed to reproduce.

2. That being said, the settlers are a fringe group (about 5% of the Israeli population) which is condemned by majority of Israelis. I'm not suggesting that 100% of Palestinians like to take selfies with their kids holding knifes/grenades, but it's a lot less common to hear a random Palestinian condemn these actions. Don't believe me? Go to Ramallah, Hebron or Nablus and ask the first guy you meet on the street what he thinks about this. But don't hold your breath as both Palestinian governments condone this behavior.

You see, in my opinion, there is a difference between to letting a kid hold a rifle in a gun show, and strapping an explosive belt on him.
But that's just me...

originally posted by: MaxMech
a reply to: Avicenne
I think you're mistaken.
[..]explain why do you think this is propaganda? Is there a fake image here?

Oh, so many mistakes ... so many fake images..

Not sure if sarcasm or what. If there are mistakes or fake images in my post, please point them out.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: real_one

originally posted by: Kemal
no comment





Odd how the OP left that out of their collage isn't it?

One sided propaganda piece is all the OP is.

Again.. the last one isn't even show Israelis. The others pictures show typical behavior of a crazy religious fanaticism - condemned by majority of Israeli public.
Where are the Palestinians who do the same? As in actually look in the mirror and start criticizing violence and hate.
My post was indeed one sided. But why propaganda? Are these pictures staged or fake?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Liers are always liers:

Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians

Can't agree with you more, Bibi is one hell of a liar. Hate this a$$@#le.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: voyger2

Jewish terrorist operations against the British (1944 and after) and Palestinian civilians, particularly in 1937–39.

during this period that Jewish terrorism had introduced for the first time into the Middle East the diabolical tactic of delayed-action electrically detonated mines hidden in kerosene containers, milk cans, and fruit baskets at Arab bus stops, vegetable markets, and cafés

From 1944 onward, these tactics, with more sophisticated and shocking variations, were deployed against British targets by both the Irgun and Stern groups

The terrorist innovations used against the British army and government to achieve this end included the postal bomb, the booby-trapped vehicle, the booby-trapped suitcase, and the letter-bomb. According to the Times of London, Zionist letter bombs (all intercepted by Scotland Yard) were sent in 1947 to Mr. Ernest Bevin, Foreign Secretary; Mr. Anthony Eden, former Foreign Secretary; Sir Stafford Cripps, Minister of the Board of Trade; Mr. John Strachey, Minister of Food; and Mr. Arthur Greenwood, Minister without Portfolio.

Still other Jewish terrorist innovations were: taking British officers hostage in Palestine and whipping them (a first in the entire history of the British army); and kidnapping British noncommissioned officers, hanging them, and booby-trapping their hanging bodies

The masterminds behind these operations were Menachem Begin and Yizhak Shamir, later prime ministers of Israel —mentors and role models for the Tzipis, Bibis, Liebermans, and other leading contemporary Israeli politicians.

Yes are right. During the British mandate Jews used terror tactics against the British. It's common knowledge.
Arabs did the same (and are doing the same sense).
What's you point?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:06 AM
Sadly the only way to stop the cycle of hate is for one to destroy the other. I don't think there will ever be middle ground. Guess the best we can hope for is setting up a DMZ like in korea. And have them two breaks off all contact. Supplies could start being shipped in through Egypt and they could start sending supplies in place of Isreal.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: amazing

Let's not forget that boycotting or hating or disliking the Israeli Government and it's policies is not the same thing as hating Israel, Israelis or Jews.

Also hating all Palestinians is an act of stupidity as well. It's not the Palestinians that you should hate it's the terrorists that live there that are a small percentage of the population.

The real issue? For me it's my perception that the Israeli Government is treating the Palestinian population unfairly. That mistreatment results in more terrorists and more Palestinian families teaching their youth to hate Israel. See how I tied the OP back in here? It's a cycle that must be broken.

It's like anything...the Palestinians live in poverty without hope....We have that in the US it's called bad neighborhoods in Detroit, for one example. When the well being and economic prospects increase, crime and discontent go away...think Malibu in California. Hmmmm

You are right on the spot my friend.

It's a cycle that must be broken.

The question is how??
As long as Hamas keeps lunching rockets from Gaza on a daily basis and investing all the billions they are getting in aid money, in terror infrastructure, and as long as Palestinians from the west bank will keep running around and stabbing random people - Bibi (or other right wing idiot) will be re elected each time - out of fear towards the Palestinians. Most Israelis are convinced that Palestinian "hate us more than they love their own children" (I have to say that this conclusion comes to mind very easily when you look at this pictures).

On the other side, the Palestinian population finds itself between the Israeli army and the terror organizations constantly suffering from the actions of both. Many are living in poverty not knowing how to feed their kids. I guess many are thinking "Nothing to loose. Nothing to live for. No past and no future. The imam in the local mosque tells me that killing Jews will get me in heaven. Guess I'll join the "resistance" and send my kid to Hamas summer camp, at least he will get a meal there".

So how can this cycle be broken?
This is a sincere question.
If some of you have the urge to answer it by blaming one side only:
"The Zionists should return all of Israel to the Palestinians and go back to Europe".
"The Palestinian terrorists should stop murdering people and leave the Israelis alone".
Please fight this urge.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: tinymind

I can, however, tell you the quickest way to resolve the issues which are currently percipitated with in this contested area of the world. That would be with the use of several well placed nuclear warheads; and the entire issue will be resolved for the next 80,000 years or so.

What can I say to this pal...
Only that this way of solving problems will very quickly lead to the extinction of human species.
The thing that frightens me the most is when religious people (who believe in the afterlife) start talking like this (not implying that you are one).

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: real_one

originally posted by: chr0naut

Please post pictures of Israeli children wearing suicide bomb vests, carrying rockets and rifles, to balance out the picture for us.

You must have missed it on page one:

I've seen many more, but Kemal's post fulfills your request.

As I already said "in my opinion, there is a difference between to letting a kid hold a rifle in a gun show, and strapping an explosive belt on him. But that's just me..."

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Cynic

"Why are Palestinians teaching children violence and hate? "

Because they can't afford to send them to school. Education is best left to the parents, they know best.
[sarcasm off]

I see what you are saying, but have to disagree.

Education in the Palestinian territories refers to the educational system in Gaza and the West Bank administered by the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Enrollment rates amongst Palestinians are relatively high by regional and global standards. According to a youth survey in 2003, 60% between the ages 10–24 indicated that education was their first priority. Youth literacy rate (the ages 15–24) is 98.2%, while the national literacy rate is 91.1%Enrollment ratios for higher education were 46.2% in 2007, among the highest in the world.

Funding for the education system comes from the government budget through the Ministry of Finance


posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
a reply to: buster2010

I could be a bit off here...but since the Muslims started a war with Israel and Israel won and while doing so, took their isn't is Israel's land now? Isn't that partially how war works, especially when the enemy is the one who started it?

The Muslims didn't start the war the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is what started the war. Unless you are talking about the 67 war and the Muslims didn't start that war either Israel started it. Also how many times does it have to be explained to Israeli supporters that annexing land by force is against international law? Every inch of land that Israel has stolen since 1948 breaks that law.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Learningman

a reply to: skywatcher44

Are you conveniently forgetting the dancing Israelis?

There are idiots everywhere.
If you were in Israel during 9/11 you would see anything but dancing. Check this. Talk to foreigners who visited Israel during this time.
Then check what was happening on Gaza streets during the same time.
Most of the Arab Muslim world reacted pretty much the same way - rejoicing.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: real_one

Where should they go?

And why should they leave?

Gaza is locked down pretty tight, you can get shot at by Israeli navy boats for playing soccer on the beach, try leaving the place and it's even worse. You make it sound like they can just pack up and leave if they wanted to.

Very easy. Throw down the government who has committed to destruction of your neighbor (Israel), as it obviously impossible and will only lead to never ending war designed to insure your government will stay in power. This action is very likely to lead to the end of the blockade , as it was initiated only when Hamas took over Gaza. Then, leave wherever you like.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: gps777

So your saying Israel never existed prior to 1948 or was ever overrun by Islam time and again slaughtering Jews and Christians, are you another Holocaust denier as well?, but on the other hand support native American etc etc who were there first.

Where did I say Israel never existed before 1948? There was an Israel in ancient times. Also by the time of the rise of Islam there was no Israel the Romans had already conquered that land. So the holocaust denier whine? Yes the holocaust happened it's just the reported number killed is BS. Another thing if you think the Hebrews were in that land first then you know nothing of ancient history aside from the propaganda you have been fed. Did you forget about Canaan, Sumeria and Egypt ruled that land before Judaism even started? And Israels claim to Jerusalem is also false because Jerusalem also existed before the Judaism even started. The Hebrews were just like everyone else they came conquered a land and then lost it but for some stupid reason delusional people think the Hebrews claim to that land should last forever.

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