a reply to:
Muahahaha! The world would not be ready... I'd be the emperor you all need & deserve, but not the one you'd want.
My first law would be to ram through my revised Constitution. This Constitution would abolish the Senate, abolish Presidential elections, and make me
the Emperor for life. The House of Reps would still exist, but it would be largely ceremonial. State & local democracies would stay in place & be able
to govern as they have governed, as long as they stay loyal to the flag. My flag, that is.
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the other US territories would finally get equal treatment in the federal government by attaining Statehood. My Constitution
would also replace the Supreme Court's members with random people selected by me. Their terms would last for no more than 6 months, with me being able
to replace whoever I want, whenever I want. Oh & all of DC's NGOs, PACs, and lobbying firms would be liquidated.
Then I'd immediately nationalize all necessities, including utilities, ports, the Fed Reserve, healthcare, and many many many other things. I'd
implement price controls so everyone's money could stretch much further. Patents for all essential things would be revoked, while patents for "wants"
would be kept in place. I'd mandate a strong social safety net which would guarantee all citizens a free basic dorm, food supply, healthcare, and the
right to attend community colleges for free (or training for certifications or the equivalent). In other words, I'd immediately end homelessness, food
insecurity, and lack of healthcare. People can work for the things beyond that. Oh, & we'd redirect at least 80% of the Defense Dept's budget to
enhancing our electric grid (renewable energy ftw), building high speed rail, & similar things.
I'd push through a quick wave of Human Rights reforms. All humans would be treated equally & have equal obligations as long as they lived in our
territories. Women's rights would now include things like the right to travel alone without being raped or molested; the right to equal pay; and the
right to have free contraceptives from the time she first goes through puberty. In other words, women whould be able to decide when they become
pregnant. Plus, we'd strive to perfect healthcare so there's never a choice between the woman's life or the child's life (bye bye abortions). Hate
crimes, sex crimes & rape will have zero tolerance policies.
Then I'd start purging the snakes. We'd start a campaign of investigations unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Law enforcement,
politicians, judges, military leaders, intelligence agencies; none would be spared & public litany for those convicted would become the norm. All
snakes in positions of power would be calmly advised to flee the country or face the music. All banking & defense firms that have ever defrauded the
taxpayers would immediately have their assets frozen, contracts nullified, & facilities nationalized (this would be determined by the rate of past
legal settlements for crimes so bye bye Goldman Sachs).
Then there's foreign policy. I'd start pushing my reforms to the entire world, starting with the already left leaning countries. I'd pull our military
out of nearly every other country; instead sending food, building supplies, and advisers to implement my plans. The goal would be to end world hunger,
all global wars, and all global homelessness. I'd also pull the US out of the UN Security Council for a time, thus allowing the rest of the world to
push through their agendas without our constant meddling. It would take time to pull our military out of many places, so I'd personally negotiate the
terms to end those conflicts & potential conflicts. My critics would be surprised to see that a slightly power crazed visionary with the world's most
powerful army would prove to be quite the decisive negotiator (muahahahaha!!1!).
I'd end most of the War on Drugs, instead focusing on treating the addictions. Maryjane would be legal to grow & do whatever you want with it, but I'd
have no tolerance for the other stuff (hemp counts with mj). That would be my deal with the public; do what you want with cannabis in exchange for
abandoning the other stuff. Or else (and I'd say it with a really majestic face, so they'd know I was serious).
Then I'd have a pleasant but short talk with our Wahhabi, Persian, and Zionist "friends". 4 minutes later, everyone would exit the room & have a press
conference. Many of them would be sweating, woozy, or visibly trembling; but I'd explain to the crowd that they were simply starstruck from having met
me in person. Anyway, the Wahhabis would announce that they were exiting Mecca in favor of an international consortium of Muslim safekeepers. The
Wahhabis would also announce that they were converting to a pacifist form of Wahhabism & would go back to Najd, where they'd become hermits forever.
The Zionists would announce a 2 state solution with a strong Palestine, effective immediately.
I wish I could type more, but it would be lunchtime by now. I'd relax in my bed, eat cantaloupe, and contemplate what to do before sundown. Perhaps
I'd have to have a talk with those radical Buddhists in Southeast Asia, south Africa's ANC leaders, Turkey's Erdogan, & Egypt's Sisi...
EDIT: If you're wondering how I'd end the War on Drugs while still outlawing non-cannabis drugs, it's simple. Drug use would have the same laws as
alcohol & tobacco. But the War on Drugs programs would be abolished, along with their mandatory minimum sentencing & the such. Users would simply be
mandated treatment courses so they can either break their addictions or learn to control them like people control their caffeine
edit on 2-11-2015 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)