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Do aliens want us to know they exist?

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posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 01:18 AM
Hello again ATS. So I come posing the question, do aliens want us to know they exist? My conclusion is no.

I've been thinking about everything that's related to the alien conspiracy. Ufo sightings, videos, technology, testaments, governments working with them, the list goes on and on.

Maybe, whoever suggested that the people of earth wouldn't be able to handle the truth, were right. Think about it for a second, people already have a problem with illegal aliens and the impact they have on the American economy, racism is rampant, let alone the differences between people and the problems they cause. People can't even get along with law enforcement at the moment.

We as a people are so wrapped up in our moral beliefs, religion and turmoil that we can't get past our differences. I know that I have been a culprit in at least one of these scenarios and like I said this list goes on and on. I am almost positive, if we were to find out that aliens do exist, so much would ensue, that it would more than likely cause another world war.

Yes it's true that there are people that can handle the truth, but what about the people that couldn't. I like to say that 75% of earths population is not necessarily ignorant, but stupid, ( but if you're here reading at ATS, then you're more than likely part of that 25% with an open mind).

So, my idea of why aliens wouldn't want us to know, vary. There are a number of reasons. My prevalent idea is that our governments do know about them and are either, terrified of them and would not want to fight a losing battle, trading with them, or maybe highly unlikely, they are afraid of us.

With as much "evidence" there is, eyewitnesses and testimony, including my own experiences, I am convinced they do exist and are doing whatever possible to make sure the general public doesn't know. Now I can't say whether or not the are malevolent, benevolent or neutral but I can see why they wouldn't want us to know.

Now if they did want us to know, they would of been in our faces about it and disclosure wouldn't be avoidable. But my conclusion is that disclosure won't happen because there is an agenda, whatever it is. If there ever is a disclosure, I believe it will be because of an imminent danger. This is all just an idea, so take it with a grain of salt. But I do believe this is a good topic to discuss, so let me know what you guys think.


posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 01:47 AM
Have you seen the movie "District 9"? It's about life after aliens settle on Earth, needing jobs & resources. The aliens are basically treated like black people in the Apartheid system (the movie's set in South Africa). I'm bringing it up because it sounds a lot like what you're talking about.

Personally, I think extraterrestrials are constantly trying to reach out to other lifeforms. But our technology simply isn't advanced enough to detect their communications yet. As in, what if we're as undeveloped as bacteria compared to them? No matter how much humans try to dumb our words & technology down, bacteria can never "see" us, much less understand our attempts to communicate.

And what if their perception of time is vastly different from ours? What if they can live for tens of millions of years each & it takes 80 Earth years to speak a single word in their languages? Are our technologies even set up to detect something like that? Would our civilizations even last long enough to detect a full message from them? And if we could, how would we reply? If we sent it too fast, would they even notice it? (like how we won't notice a sound that's only 1 thousandth of a second long) And what if it's the opposite, and their entire lifespan is less than 24 Earth hours?

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 01:49 AM
My guess, best I've gathered, is not the public at large.
They have revealed their presence to some, for whatever reason.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 02:12 AM
I know I'm new here, but your topic caught my attention. I subscribe to some theories of the ancient astronaut/past alien contact suppositions. I think that there was direct contact, very early on, but the way I see history is: throughout the ages, contact became less and less direct until these days there is basically no contact that is so significant no one can deny it anymore, no definitively provable encounters. The world has also become more reluctant to accept personal stories of contact, and no extraterrestrial presence has done a thing to change this obstinance. It feels deliberate to me, this withdrawal of the aliens from visible contact with humans beings.

Some reasons for this could be: many of the aliens have left this system, perhaps after mining enough resources to do so from earth, so there are too few left to be very visible, perhaps those left don't even have as much tech left with them, or as many ships, as there once were in the system; the aliens decided not to deal with the hassle of petty human problems and trying to help them through them so much anymore; it is no longer necessary for the aliens to intervene so often anymore, so they only make contact when necessary for their own projects; or alien beings might have always planned to withdraw slowly as humanity evolved to greater intelligences, perhaps to give humans the confidence of believing they are doing everything on their own, perhaps to avoid going to war with a race soon to become nuclear (and perhaps beyond that eventually), or for other reasons.

My personal opinion is, I wouldn't deal with this petty, bickering, divided world if I didn't have to
But I think they are guiding some people, maybe even some large events, to this day, only with far more discretion than in the past, for one of the reasons mentioned above or another purpose...

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 02:43 AM
How is anyone here going to know what aliens think or want?

Think of the question it answers itself.

If aliens come to earth, we will know

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 02:52 AM
I don't think there's any reason to think it would cause war. I think it would give people better perspective of themselves and the world. Sure, some people might freak out, but I think that would be minimal. Apparently most people already think they exist according to surveys.

It seems that it's not about whether they do or don't want us to know (and if they didn't want us to know they existed, we wouldn't know) but about people being ready to make contact individually through consciousness. There are many stories of people making contact (or being contacted) through meditation. The idea is that the next stage in humanity's evolution is basically connecting with higher forms of life.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: amsterdamn87

They became more selective. I don't know who came up with the idea that they have to show themselves to the whole world anyway.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: lamplighters
How is anyone here going to know what aliens think or want?

Think of the question it answers itself.

If aliens come to earth, we will know

Not necessarily. People don't even notice most lifeforms around them on a daily basis. If aliens were the size of microbes, we wouldn't notice them. If they were the size of insects or or disguised their ships as insects, we wouldn't notice them either. And if they've truly mastered nano-tech, their machines could be no bigger than grains of sand.

How many people check the flies & ants around them to see if they're actually miniature spaceships? Or inspect the sand around them to see if it's transmitting encrypted signals? LOL Ok that sounds crazy but you get the point.

edit on 28-10-2015 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: amsterdamn87

Eddie Griffin said this before, vulgarly, but he did.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 04:14 AM
I would say obviously not or they would reveal themselves at major sporting events, national gatherings, use our satellites to simultaneously broadcast on all channels.......

There are so many easy ways to do so if they chose to.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 04:34 AM
Seeing as we are likely the retards of tge galaxy.

The intergalactic trailer park so to speak Im guessing they would want to avoid us at all costs and just point and laugh at the dumb apes who think they are intelligent

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 04:38 AM
But they already made a TV announcement! On southern television uk

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: amsterdamn87

Maybe, whoever suggested that the people of earth wouldn't be able to handle the truth, were right. Think about it for a second, people already have a problem with illegal aliens and the impact they have on the American economy, racism is rampant, let alone the differences between people and the problems they cause. People can't even get along with law enforcement at the moment.

I think it has less to with humanity not being able to handle that reality, IMO It's a bit of a cop out. Religious people can buy into angels,demons and spirits that live among us in this realm. Would it really be so hard for them to handle the possibility there's other life forms out there? I understand your points, there's is a ton of xenophobic people out there who dislike members of our own species.

Think of the galaxy we live in as a giant neighborhood, earth is a giant manor we, the human species all live in as a family. If an ET passes through the neighborhood and sees earth and how dysfunctional the human family is as you pointed out. Why would they want to make contact? As Trueman mentioned I highly doubt the ET's are just going to show up at our front doorstep and welcome all of us to the neighborhood.

So that is a major part of the problem with the silence the organizations like SETI are experiencing. It's because we are not united as a species, People around the globe and some user on this site don't even recognize the authority of the UN. We don't have an organization that's authority is universally recognized in international matters. Until that happens your going to have to wait for ET and his gang to decide one day to reveal themselves.

edit on 28-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 06:54 AM
The day starts early for me, so I'll be back to reply to post a little later. Thanks again for reading.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 07:21 AM
I'm betting they wouldn't. They'd have to deal with one group trying to destroy them, another worshiping them, one begging for stuff and a whole bunch asking to take them off this planet. So if I was in they're shoes or what ever they use to walk in I wouldn't.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 07:35 AM
How many people check the flies & ants around them to see if they're actually miniature spaceships? Or inspect the sand around them to see if it's transmitting encrypted signals? LOL Ok that sounds crazy but you get the point.

Greetings- Assalam Alaikum- I just got in from My 'Morning Meds' when I walk out and grab a fishing rod or 2 and make a few casts. I did pick up a 'traveler' and this would be best described as a 'Sand Bug' (mite) these are Your "pieces of sand".. they too are 'Alive' I knocked it off My leg and it looked like a speck of sand walking across the deck..

So if that "sounds crazy" I don't mind as I don't have the volume turned up and can't "hear" them anyway ..


posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 07:58 AM
Some races must want us to know about them. If they show themselves, it's by choice. Otherwise they would stay cloaked. It's a slow acclimation to there eventual open contact.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant
District 9 is one if my favorite movies btw, I believe it depends on the size of their planet, that determines their perception of time. And if we do make contact, how do we know they'll be able to decipher the message. I think it will be like an American going to a foreign country trying to understand another language which they don't have a clue of understanding. But if they are smart enough to understand, then they'll more than likely have already visited and observed the people of earth.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: skunkape23

Quite possible, imo but if only a select few than they probably have an ulterior motive.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant
I'm sure people dont look but I've pondered this idea before, the best way to observe an animal is usually hiding in plain sight.

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