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TWRA's a cougar (mountain lion)

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posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: TNMockingbird

Okay, so I get there could be a conspiracy but, why? What would there be to gain to "secretly" repopulate the eastern half of the U.S?

I don't know about in Tennessee but I know that here in Montana there is a concerted effort to push people off of their land and make the wild "wild" again. It really does seem like the elite have some places mapped out that they don't want others in and they will reintroduce what they want and people's livelihoods and generational homes be damned. Not only do they not care, they want us to leave.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: KEACHI

I'm so excited that I have a troll!!!!

and your thinly veiled rudeness about people in the Deep South is not appreciated.

I can assure you that when I want to be rude, it isn't "veiled"...LOL

Grow up!

I shot down your argument AND didn't allow you to TELL ME WHAT I THINK and THAT's all you have!
My family is from (born and bred) the "Deep South" better change your argument OR up your game...

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 07:23 PM
Animals move all the time, and big predators can cover huge amounts of ground, so it doesn't have to be a conspiracy. They probably moved down from Canada.

I don't get why people hate Coyotes. They eat rodents and usually stay away from people.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: CB328
Animals move all the time, and big predators can cover huge amounts of ground, so it doesn't have to be a conspiracy. They probably moved down from Canada.

I don't get why people hate Coyotes. They eat rodents and usually stay away from people.

They don't stay away from people. Are you kidding?! I would have to go out with my daughter to the bus in the morning when she was small because they were right there. One huge one got close enough loping by I could lock eyes with 'em and see his tongue lolling out and the shine on his teeth. Cheeky buggar. For some reason they were really bold if there had been a lot of snow. They'll also eat your cats and your dog right off of your porch if you're not careful so they don't do me much good for rodents. They'll take your chickens if you have 'em (although it was a the fox family that got mine) and if you have lambs they'll take those too.

"...usually stay away from people." Sheesh. Not out here at any rate. If you have something they want, or are near it, they don't care.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

Deer are a cougars main prey...and in the west there may be more whitetails then there were when Lewis and Clark made their voyage.

It would also appear they have a taste for duck, turkeys, and chickens.
My brothers farm got cleaned out.

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