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Michele Bachmann Says South Carolina Floods Are Punishment for US Israel Policy

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posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord
In the "you can't make this up" category of epic stupid, Michele Bachmann took to twitter to blame the catastrophic floods in South Carolina on the US, "Turning it's back on Israel," and the resulting apparent punishment from God.

Can anyone explain why the majority of republican politicians are huge supporters of Israel, whilst nearly every dual-national Israeli/American politician are huge leftists????

I mean are the repubs seriously that stupid that they can't feel the knife in the back at every turn???

Oh and Bachmann is an idiot!

It's the same reason many of those conservatives Christians support Israel against the Palestinian Christians. Their denominations have basically been co-opted to think God wants them to blindly support the current version of Israel. They think they're living in the End Times so they'll do everything they're told to bring about the 2nd Coming. So they literally don't care who gets hurt in the process.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:47 PM
I think DelMarvel nailed it when he posted earlier

Bachman was elected to the U.S. congress from the suburbs of a major city, she ran for president, had Republican donors, made it through Iowa. As pointed out, she has been a prominent figure in the right wing radio/internet/TV echo chamber.

What’s even worse than these lunatics all around the country running for public office and pushing their bizarre, twisted agendas is that there are so many deranged citizens out there who believe them that they actually get voted into office. It’s like there’s somebody out there running around clubbing everyone over the head with a really big stupid stick.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that all this insanity that’s going around is actually real. I keep hoping I’ll wake up soon and just shake it off. We like to think we’re endowed with some kind of special intelligence, when in reality we’re nothing more than glorified apes with a bad attitude.

Maybe they’ll pull Michele Bachmann back into service and elect her Speaker of the House - just a heartbeat from the Presidency. Or better yet, how about a Huckabee/Bachmann run for the Whitehouse? Nothing surprises me anymore.

These are the good times...

edit on 10/13/2015 by netbound because: misspelling

posted on Oct, 15 2015 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

No, they are punishment for ever having been stupid enough to give Michele Bachmann any kind of soapbox to speak from at all. Congresswoman? That is the scary part! She is insane and a bible waving flame that other insane people flock to from their pathetic lives to find some meaning where there is none.

posted on Oct, 15 2015 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Or maybe she is subconsciously referencing weather manipulation, i.e. HAARP

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