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Ben Carson's moment of silence

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posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 02:23 PM
Late Tuesday evening The Hill published an article that I find to be extremely revealing.

Information at this link... The Hill

I feel lucky to have found the link by visiting the Drudge Report, and I'm shocked that this article has not already found its way to Above Top Secret seeing how so many articles linked via Drudge do end up discussed at ATS. This particular news item is profoundly important and even the fact that it is not gathering more attention (prior to me pointing it out) is alarming to me.

Ben Carson says that the Media is the only business protected by the Constitution of the United States.

Read this article! I have saved it to my hard drive because it is so important. The people who are interested in politics and mainstream media and culture and conspiracy should be all over this article and yet I don't see it happening. No worries. I am here to bring it to you now.

[ NOTE: I am rather busy right now so I am going to sketch this out and let you the people run with it until later today when I have time to respond and elaborate. ]

I'll start by pointing out this incredible quote.....

“They weren’t supposed to pick sides, the Democratic side or the Republican side,” Carson said. “You are supposed to be able to trust them. They take advantage of low-information individuals and people who won’t investigate things for themselves.”

The article sets Ben Carson up once again with ideas relating to his so-called Muslim President statements and clarifications, and then Ben Carson shoots it all down with a barrage of incredible quotes. This particular news article is not about a recent poll that directs Black's to disagree with Ben Carson. No. It is about the news itself!

It is about the very news industry that brings the news to us. It is about divisiveness, culture wars and a very real and threatening power that looms over the shoulder of America literally weaving a trap in which the citizens can be ensnared.

Ben Carson is the wind that blows before the rain. He has stood up and spoken the truth to power. He will absolutely not be chosen to run for President. You know it and I know it to be true. While not gathering as much of a following as Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, he has indeed opened the door and stepped across the threshold into the temple of global war. Ben Carson is fully aware of the battle taking place for planet Earth.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:25 PM

I first heard Carson speak at the Obama prayer breakfast almost three years ago.
He said 'when you educate a person, you liberate that person.'
He also said we need to get over the divisiveness and unite. Wise words.

Now 70% of African-Americans are pissed off at his "anti-Muslim" statement, even though he said that the hypothetical candidate would have to put the constitution above the tenets of Islam.

Check this out. The guy may be crude at times, but his pointing out the hypocrisy is accurate.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:33 PM
Ben Carson could be a great President. No way TPTB allow that to happen.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Based on what though?

To me he seems pretty middle of the road and right along the GOP party line.

Or is that what would make him the great president?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

GOP middle-of-the-roader?
Is that the guy who takes up two lanes because he can afford to have his chauffeured limo ticketed? Then have the ticket fixed?

The Repulsicans do not have any views that coincide with the overall populace's. NADA. If you review their poll numbers they are a national minority which has used collusion to bolster their political fortunes. This was by removing voters they don't like and minimizing their ability to affect elections once they were elected.
Like an opportunistic infection.

More on Carson (on a personal basis, he might be a good guy.). The first is an analysis of Carson and that he should have been jailed when he was 14. Golly, he was full of angst as a black adolescent. Surprised?

As to his 'bravery' in reporting that blacks are manipulated, he's a little late.

And a little fairness....after all being a progressive, you must listen.
That's because we know we don't know everything and must remain flexible. I think I'll do a Crane position now.

edit on WednesdaypmWed, 30 Sep 2015 17:40:32 -050052015 by largo because: Inclusionary data

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: largo
a reply to: Sremmos80

GOP middle-of-the-roader?
Is that the guy who takes up two lanes because he can afford to have his chauffeured limo ticketed? Then have the ticket fixed?

The Repulsicans do not have any views that coincide with the overall populace's. NADA. If you review their poll numbers they are a national minority which has used collusion to bolster their political fortunes. This was by removing voters they don't like and minimizing their ability to affect elections once they were elected.
Like an opportunistic infection.

That seems like an odd assertion considering they have the House majority. It's almost as if you are making stuff up and providing no facts.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

I make things up. You got NO effing idea as to what has just occurred.
But then you are a neo-con that needs educating. Allow me.

How has the Nation fared.

How do they feel about Congress.

I assume gerrymandering is too long a word for you to understand? Or that the Supreme Court ( Ladened with Repulsican appointees) stole our election from us. (Chads) Or the sudden need for Voter IDs, though no one could cite the NEED)

Are we disingenuous? I will not ever state that I think the Demoncrats are of whole cloth but the tatters of decency displayed by the Rs would cause arrest in most civilized countries for public nudity. Serve your masters but I do not think you know why?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Metallicus

Based on what though?

Based upon the fact he is an honorable man who isn't part of the political establishment that thinks outside the box. The fact that he isn't Jeb Bush or Hilary doesn't hurt.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: largo

Your new here so I you might not know that I am neither Democrat or Republican. I would not be part of either of their corrupt political parties. You do know you can be Libertarian or even an Independent, right?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:50 PM
I would comment if the original post made any sense other than a discordant ramble.

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