posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 05:53 PM
Alright guys, this one is both a prediction and a dream (or a really, really, really, really odd coincidence).
Before I get to the dream in question, you need to know some of the backstory. About 3-4 years ago, I had a friend who seemingly vanished off the face
of the earth: She was a friend that I cared deeply about, and at first, I thought she was just deleting me because we grew apart. Well, it turns out
she also stopped talking to all of us (friends + family).
Now, I'm not a believer...but I prayed every night for those four years that she would come back - I quite literally had no idea if she was alive or
dead, or if she fine and okay.
Fast forwarding to today - I set two alarms (so that I could work on my astral projection skills), and instead of projecting, I immediately went to a
dream: It was a very specific dream where my friend and myself were excitedly telling each other everything that happened since we last saw each
other: It was so vivid that I woke up, full dream on my mind.
Now, before I say this last bit: I did not check my social media account at any point before the dream took place (yes, I'm aware you'll have to rely
on what I'm saying: Why would I lie about this?). Well, when I logged in, there she was - my friend came back and started adding all of us again. And,
just like in my dream, we're getting reacquainted again. This morning was the third time in my adult life where I was actually crying with joy.
So there you have it folks - What are the odds that in 4 years time, the only time I have a vivid dream to my memory on this person is on the morning
that she decided to start talking to all of us again?
edit on 26/9/2015 by fossilera because: