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Is Morgan Freeman the AntiChrist?

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posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:02 AM
Not true. The Antichrist is Daniel Tosh.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: alsace

please post resurces and/or pictures for your claims... so we can check..

funny OP indeed!

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: alsace

originally posted by: symphonyofblase

originally posted by: alsace
This would seem ludicrous, but consider some of the startling facts, in front of you blatantly...

Hey OP, does Morgan Freeman have a twitter account? Have you tried simply asking him?
Maybe supply a link to this thread also, for reference.

I don't have a twitter account.

Create one.

It will be worth it.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
Not true. The Antichrist is Daniel Tosh.

Why does there have to be just one? Bill Cosby could be a minion. The Dark Forces have to hide somewhere and usually pick the 'untouchable' good guy persona career path. Not often one appears and proclaims from jump; "I am of evil intent and wish to use you destroy your soul". Instead they are the "Bill Cosby Show" family Huxtable Patriarchs of this world hiding in plain sight, in the entertainment and political worlds.
edit on 11-9-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
Not true. The Antichrist is Daniel Tosh.

Why does there have to be just one? Bill Cosby could be a minion. The Dark Forces have to hide somewhere and usually pick the 'untouchable' good guy persona career path. Not often one appears and proclaims from jump; "I am of evil intent and wish to use you destroy your soul". Instead they are the "Bill Cosby Show" family Huxtable Patriarchs of this world hiding in plain sight, in the entertainment and political worlds.

Televangelists FTW.

Think about it.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: JadeStar
Televangelists? absolutely; poster children as examples of the 'Dark hiding in places perceived as innocent (enlightening) realms'. Warren Jeffs (run of the mill LDS warped type not a Crystal Cathedral, Jim Jones or Baker cookie cutter) and his 400 children by 26 wives; thankfully in jail and cannot create another child to adhere to his wacky enslavement protocols. Evil loves to hide in these places that are sacrosanct, perceived unassailable by such negative thought/intent (these are the best places to hide) because the innocent would never suspect such diabolical intent to harm would come from their very inspirational "leader". Think politics and world leaders today as THE other poster children.

edit on 11-9-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: alsace
Anti Christ is anything which is a manifestation of hatred of Christ. Don't know about Freeman---one of my favorite actors (pout)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:15 PM
Don't do drugs...the end is coming. But not like you're thinking.

a reply to: alsace

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: alsace
Anti Christ is anything which is a manifestation of hatred of Christ. Don't know about Freeman---one of my favorite actors (pout)

Don't make me say it (as an innocent bystander) you must know the obvious conclusion to that question has nothing to do with middle eastern screen actors guild standards/regulations; 'Hatred' misinterpreted as just an affect of the person playing the role of a terrorist; actually takes the script provided and believes its to be enacted FOR REAL) and does it with the promise of 72 virgins (one just has to memorize the dialog no ad-libbing no deviations).
edit on 11-9-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 06:22 PM
One has to know Hebrew & Aramaic Gemmatria to figure the 'number of the beast which is the number of a man' in Apoc. chapter 13

Here is the Hebrew run down on the straight basic Gemmatria (there are 22 systems in all) -from the words gamma = treia , that is, Gamma (gimel) is Three etc.

Aleph = 1
Beth = 2
Gimmel = 3
Daled = 4
He = 5
Vav = 6
Zayin = 7
Khet = 8
Dtet = 9
yod -= 10
kaph = 20
Lamed = 30
Mem =40
Nun = 50
Samek = 60
'qayin = 70
Phe = 80
Tsadeh = 90
Quph = 100
Resh = 200
Shin.Sin = 300
Tav = 400

Finals are not counrted in the basic gemmatrial rendering

Since the Aoocalypse of Yohnanon the Levite [=Book of Revelation] was written c. 69 CE (during the 1st failed Jewish War against Rome 66-72 CE) - it would probably refer the Beast and his number to Nero Caesar who disappeared in 69 CE (Heb. NRON QSR) which adds up to 666 (See Codex Alexandrinus & p66) or NRO QSR which adds up to 616 (Codex Ephraemi)

NERON QSR is 666:

N - nun = 50
R = Resh = 200
O = Vav (used for long O) = 6
N = Nun = 50

Q = Quph = 100
S= Samek = 60
R = Resh = 200

= 666 (Alexandrinus)

N = 50
R = 200
O = 6
Q =100
S = 60
R = 200

= 616 (Codex Ephraemi and earliest papyri)

Morgan Freeman has nothing to do with the writers' intention for the Number of the Beast in the so-called Book of Revelation which by the way NEVER uses the term Anti Christ (you can see Whores and Beasts and Dragons and Living Creatures and Watchers but NO Antichrist mentioned in the various corrupt texts that have come down to us)

Clear as Mud?

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Don't do drugs...the end is coming. But not like you're thinking.

a reply to: alsace

Given that Earth will be uninhabitable in 600 million years and our Sun will die in about 4 billion years, the end is always coming.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: matt1893
a reply to: alsace

please post resurces and/or pictures for your claims... so we can check..

funny OP indeed!

Here you go....

Him in the camp of Al-Qaeda / ISIS whatever....

As baphomet

with the devil

and finally in his true form...

Satisfied now?

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:25 PM
In the video game Half-Life, a key man at an international high powered project accidentally opens a gateway to another dimension, flooding the facility with all forms of demonic things which the main character has to fight his way out of. It looks a lot like CERN.

hfront man for CERN is Morgan Freeman. The central character is called Gordon Freeman... and who looks a lot like a young, white version of Mrgan Freeman.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: JadeStar
I understand that by the year 3000AD earth will be pristine again a brand new different version; "Far Journeys" Robert Monroe.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 10:05 PM
Well........I guess I love the anti-christ.

Man, how many anti-christs are alive today according to conspiracy theorists? Pope Francis, Oboma, Cameron, Putin, Netanyahoo, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc................

Too many anti-christs and not enough cooks. Haha........

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: EmeraldBeam
Well........I guess I love the anti-christ.

Man, how many anti-christs are alive today according to conspiracy theorists? Pope Francis, Oboma, Cameron, Putin, Netanyahoo, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc................

Too many anti-christs and not enough cooks. Haha........

So you are saying they (of the dark side) are winning?

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:51 PM
First Off a few factoids:

The Apocalypse of Yohanon the Levite ("Book of Revelation") does not use the word AntiChrist in any Greek Text extant ... what we have are whores and beasts and false prophets and seals and vials and trumpets and thunders and such...

Second, you would have to be conversant in Hebrew Gemmatria (Gamma = treia, that is gamma/gimmel = 3) of which there are 22 systems to undersnad the 'number of the beast which is the number of a man"

Here is the most basic Gemmatrial reckoning is as follows

aleph = 1 beth =2 gimel = 3 daled =4 he = 5 vav =6 zayin = 7 chet = 8 dtet= 9 yod = 10 kaph 20 lamed= 30
mem = 40 nun = 50 samek = 60 q'ayin = 780 phe =80 tsadeh = 90 quf = 100 resh = 200 shin/sin = 300 and tav = 400

Nero Caesar would fit the bill (Gemmatrial name 666) for 'the Number of the Beast which is the Number of a Man" since the book was written in 68/69 CE (and later redacted again at least onceprobably c. 96 CE) - Nero disappeared in 69 CE, the year of the 4 emperors...

NRON QSR = 666

Some Mss and early papyri show 616 as "the Number of the Beast which is the Number of a Man"

NRO QSR = 616

so we have a double proof that the original writers had Nero in Mind when he wrote. How Morgan Freeman could be confused with the 'Divine" Emperor Nero is beyond me...

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Sigismundus
You are close to determining who the Anti-Christ is by a process of elimination. If not Nero or Freeman who is the next best candidate in your estimation. I have some thoughts.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

What if the anti christ isn't a person, but a concept or a piece of technology? Smart phones perhaps? Everybody thinks they are great, but they are the great deceiver since anything you can do on a phone you can do on a PC, they just want more money.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Barcs
a reply to: vethumanbeing

What if the anti christ isn't a person, but a concept or a piece of technology? Smart phones perhaps? Everybody thinks they are great, but they are the great deceiver since anything you can do on a phone you can do on a PC, they just want more money.

This would make sense as "Christ Consciousness" is not about Jesus so much as a concept he represented. Logically; there would be a counterpoint to this ideology (the evil version). Technology is a big "if" for me. I have attended family gatherings (real human people in attendance) and most are glued to their smart phones (hey there look up), texting each other rather than having a vocal human speech interaction (fairly certain they are texting behind my back; probably insults). It is bizarre. The Apple icon should join those of the great religions ref: Stephen Colbert "late night".
edit on 16-9-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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