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Proof of the here after?

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posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Such an interesting and fascinating point. As you say you're not in a body during time (in between life)

I see time though as a physical thing, demonstrated by our physical bodies aging etc. Our consciousness can't overrule this (cosmic law if you like). We measure time by our rotation round the sun and the moon's around us. But once you get out past that influence into space how do you measure time there and does our consciousness travel space, albeit via reincarnation, through body hops? This is where the ancient Egyptian view of how important the above e.g. cosmos is to the dead - they thought the body/spirit travelled up to the stars. Today we have lost all spiritual concept about our past relationship with the cosmos and created definite places for our dead parts whose physical whereabouts are never broached upon.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Such an interesting and fascinating point. As you say you're not in a body during time (in between life)

I see time though as a physical thing, demonstrated by our physical bodies aging etc. Our consciousness can't overrule this (cosmic law if you like). We measure time by our rotation round the sun and the moon's around us. But once you get out past that influence into space how do you measure time there and does our consciousness travel space, albeit via reincarnation, through body hops? This is where the ancient Egyptian view of how important the above e.g. cosmos is to the dead - they thought the body/spirit travelled up to the stars. Today we have lost all spiritual concept about our past relationship with the cosmos and created definite places for our dead parts whose physical whereabouts are never broached upon.

I agree in a sense time is physical insofar as to express relationship of distance. Using your example of a person aging has the distance from birth to death and exists as matter within space providing space/time or distance.

Even with the example of planets, rotations and revelations are still dependent on the relationship between two or more objects. Say we had a self sustaining planet with no need for the sun, moon or any other planetary objects, what then of time?
edit on 3-9-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 07:26 AM
So you had a recurring dream. I have had the same one for the last 20 years which i wont bore you with.

How is this even remotely proof of anything other than humans can have recurring dreams?

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 01:32 PM
More likely evidence of PTSD, anxiety or some other disorder. Don't chalk it up to the supernatural.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
More likely evidence of PTSD, anxiety or some other disorder. Don't chalk it up to the supernatural.

PTSD sounds reasonable. Although it's doubtful this would only occur whilst asleep.

Anxiety is also reasonable. As someone who lives with an anxiety disorder I can confirm it messes with dreams/sleep. My dreams aren't altered as much as my sleep is disturbed. I often half dream half sleep walk (aka, I remember seeing things in my room and walking around) and I'm aware! But in a dream like state. These do tend to occur a lot more when my anxiety peaks.

Perhaps the OP has the above issues, but surely, again, they would manifest outside of sleep.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 06:06 PM
Thanks for sharing! Interesting dream.

Dreams are very bizarre and we don't understand them as much as we'd like. I like the idea a few have mentioned of a past life. The more I have read/watched about them over the years the more compelling the theory becomes. I know you can't control the dream but to try get an idea of who you are in the dream or names of anyone around would certainly be interesting! Again, whilst in a dream... you have no control, but here's to hoping!

Re-accuring dreams are strange. Me and my friend who I grew up with since being a baby used to have the same recurring dream of climbing up a hill in our school grounds and not being able to reach the top. I also used to dream about a little girl who wore a green dress, bow in her hair and ginger/red hair look at me at the top of my stairs then jump all the way down. Before she would hit the bottom, I'd wake up. Very strange!!

I'll keep an eye on this, dreams fascinate me.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Night Star

There's also lots of research other professionals who work with this question would argue point to this being one of the many unbelievable and incredible things man does. Like build itself with blueprints of DNA and encrypt our whole life experience recording it back onto our DNA.

As far as dreaming this way, some say the human brain is so marvelous and although calculation speed not the same it does things no computer could even attempt. Part of this is having such a perfect understanding of itself it can fix things it catches in trouble shooting like simply reminding you of something or steering you toward something it is aware u are off track of and either it chooses perfect images or plays out a story like that because it is reprogramming itself in another direction. Others that this is explained by the fact the recording of everything you did, saw, or learned since you last slept is a process that itself happens during sleep. That part isn't theory but fact. Just as a child who was given new material at school that day won't "learn" it until sleep when the CD burner of the brain fires up. And lastly, others say this process is what is very likely the culprit. Each thing you learn is put in your brain and each thing is connected at random to your other tidbits of knowledge by dendryte...a little string connecting it all in a big web. Some researchers say dreams can be so vivid, so absurdly strange, or so memory-like because whatever random things the new dendrites attach and anchor to are triggered and incorporate themselves into your dream which your brain does what it can to piece the otherwise meaningless ideas together since as we all know, it doesn't know it's asleep. And it's gotta do its job so if that's what is being signaled, the brain fills in the blanks with a sensible reality. So maybe that bush u never noticed, the fact you tried stinky Indonesian spikeyball fruit and hated it, and your account will be fined overdraft if u don't get up and put ten bucks in by 8am are the things to learn tonight. At absolute random, attachment is to a 4 minute chunk of a Viet nam movie you watched when you were 14, the idea of a tummy ache, "did that black baseball player just spit major league or tobacco, if it's tobacco I wanna smoke or chew one day!", and the idea of afterlife and "the light" phenomenon. Since those are the cues, your brain makes a story of it since your brain can't just "lock up" like a 90s pc, it's gotta keep processing. I like this idea most, much more than your brain showing you things to program itself.

This phenomenon is why thinking of something can lead u to remember something totally unrelated u haven't thought of for years, it was just a long time since u accessed anything connected to that dendrite. In reality you have billions of connectors so thoughts flow easily without ever noticing the steps. Its further manifested in Alzheimer's when dendrites die or disconnect one by one until you can't access any memories since that electric charge has no way to jump through empty space. Hey, eventually maybe the theory of your brain putting something together with random info could be proven. Even now you'd see Alzheimer's patients with simpler and simpler dreams and eventually the inability to dream...good evidence. And if stem cells or nano techno implant tech ever does what they say it can, it would complete the evidence and prove it if dendrites could be regrown by stem cell (forget it, surgery would last millennia)...but if nano bots put nano implants of conductive material bridging all your burned data, you'd assume dreams would resume immediately as they did pre Alzheimer's.

In the end I think most likelier...likelier-est...outcome is we were so not even on the right track and as the analogy of knowing God's plans like an ant knowing what you're thinking about, I think whatever the heck life is and even simply what is DNA, what is the mind's capabilities, what is the electricity running the brain and is that our soul...I think the answers to all this are so complex we may as well be an ant IQ trying to answer these questions about ourselves. Won't bore you now but my burden of proof is met which never happens when it comes to something...and I require mathematical evidence, literary, scientific evidence, historic evidence and more before believing something. But I can say I have all this evidence suggesting what we "are" now is actually a projection/avatar/review program and as u mentioned the light phenomenon reported by many with near death experiences or who died and were revived after significant time dead other NDE experiencers have said we are turned around entirely and our life is something else in a universe so much more complex your brain would explode lol but thousands said when they died they immediately jerked their head from a liquid filled viewing pool and instantly the simulation ended and they had a "duh" moment as they came to in their true form and laughed at how long it seemed and how they mistook their avatars for reality. Others say the same but their acquaintances unplug them or remove a virtual helmet and immediately the depth of that world and the relationships in it trump this and all knowledge is restored. Its bat # crazy sounding but even three or four simple facts make it just as strong a contender as reincarnation, heaven, or going to the light. That something like 70% of scientists feel the holographic earth theory or simulation theory is best supported by science. That in theory the microscope able to go deeper than the electron microscope should yield a tiny complex jungle but when we looked we saw what they referred to as nothing but pixels. Plasma running through us has one other big use, creating a projection on a viewing surface. In fact, those aren't the gems or anything and I'm off topic a tad but I can't help it. I hold on to hope it's true when I think I die I wake up in heaven and there's no comparing REAL reality to "life" and the second I die it all makes sense. And who you really are and what you really are I forgot to say is reported as being so incredible I just can't contain my excitement that this seemingly beautiful ending is possible. The only end I don't think is even slightly possible is that this is the extent of things and after is just shutdown to nothing. Hell no such thing even before the bang there wasn't nothingness. And electric energy which powers us we know can't die without collapsing the universe it can only change form. So your dream, the complexity of everything, it doesn't matter just that in each theory and scenario being kind and caring for others keeps us going in this life which in all scenarios is the only place people report atrocity, hate, suffering. Only while here could the countless use a gesture of hope to get thru to that ta-dad ending. Apologize again for rant. And if you think maybe your dream is no brain function but indeed a past life, don't die without remembering the free energy moon matrix theory (crazy & interesting) #1 rule, DONT GO INTO THE LIGHT. Your dream is proof you don't know the secret to ending your captivity. Dead? Turn around and you're free to go. Yup. Look it up lol. The light where you see family=mousetrap w cheese

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:19 AM
I've had a dream I was in a group of starving kids in a underground subway tunnel and we would eat rats

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:47 AM
I agree with NightStar...

Recurring dreams mean something.

Too many times we quickly dismiss our dreams as unimportant, when in fact God may have sent us an important message.

He uses various means including dreams:

For God does speak—now one way, now another—though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds, Job 33:14-15

Back in 1994 a friend of mine had a vivid dream where she saw me and a girl at an outdoor wedding and told me the girls name (Beth) and described how she looked, what she was like, and said that she was my future wife.

This girls dream predictions would always come to pass BTW.

13 years went by and I met a girl and fell madly in love within a couple of days.

She fit the description to a T of the 'dream girl'.

Problem was, her name didn't match the girl in the dream.

A few weeks after meeting she told me out of the blue that her middle name was Beth, my jaw literally dropped.

God also sends messages to us in dreams many times in order to protect us from impending disaster.

I recommend a book called 'The Power of Premonitions'...

Amanda, a young mother living in Washington state, awoke one night at 2:30 a.m. from a nightmare. She dreamed that a large chandelier hanging above her baby’s bed in the next room fell into the crib and crushed the infant. In the dream, as she and her husband stood amid the wreckage, she saw that a clock on the baby’s dresser read 4:35 a.m. The weather in the dream was violent. Rain hammered the window, and the wind was blowing a gale. The dream was so terrifying she roused her husband and told him about it. He laughed, told her the dream was silly, and urged her to go back to sleep, which he promptly did.

But the dream had so frightened Amanda that she went to the baby’s room and brought the child back to bed with her. She noted that the weather was calm, not stormy as in the dream. Amanda felt foolish—until around two hours later, when she and her husband were awakened by a loud crash. They dashed into the nursery and found the crib demolished by the chandelier, which had fallen directly into it. Amanda noted that the clock on the dresser read 4:35 a.m. and that the weather had changed. Now there was howling wind and rain. This time, her husband was not laughing. Amanda’s dream was a snapshot of the future—down to the specific event, the precise time it would happen, and the change in weather.

The Power of Premonitions

On Friday, October 21, 1966, a mountain of coal waste, perched above the Welsh mining village of Aberfan, broke loose and came flowing down uncontrollably. A total of 144 people, including many children, were crushed or suffocated to death in one of Britain's most horrific peacetime tragedies. A study of dreams in which people see the future has convinced a doctor that we have a sixth sense.

But for one family, the overriding grief was even more acute. For one of those killed - ten-year-old Eryl Mai Jones - had not only predicted the catastrophe, but had warned her mother of it, too. In the days leading up to the atrocity, Eryl had told her mother she was 'not afraid to die'. 'I shall be with Peter and June,' she added.

Eryl's busy mother offered her imaginative daughter a lollipop and thought no more about it. Then, on October 20, the day before the disaster, Eryl said to her mother: 'Let me tell you about my dream last night. I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it!' The next day, Eryl's horrific premonition came to pass and she was killed alongside schoolfriends Peter and June. They were buried side-by-side in a mass grave, just as the youngster had predicted.

The in-depth study of our intriguing dreams that convinced one doctor

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I read somewhere that dying in a dream at the hands of an enemy.
Means forgiving a debt or someone who has done wrong by you.
By which you are allowed to start anew. Probably way off.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 01:49 PM
Ive always had very vivid dreams. So vivid that most of the time Im 100% aware Im dreaming and I can "control" the dream. Although trying to gain too much control or change things too much ultimately ends with me waking up. IT seems like you can only change things so much.

Up to this point, Ive come to the conclusion that dreams are a smelting pot of all the lives Ive lived previously. All mixed together to form a world of memories.

In my dreams I know people, faces, landmarks.. only to wake and have absolutely NO recollection of them. Some dreams Ive had don't even take place on Earth. The sky is different in some.. the sun.. moons. But everyone is always "human" looking. Not sure if thats my mind at play just placing something familiar to me at the moment. OR if the "human" look is universal.

This is a topic I don't talk about much due to peoples scrutiny. My wife is aware. But only to a degree. We actually just started chatting more recently about it.

There's nothing like being in a dream. 100% aware of my surroundings. To look down and see millions if not billions of grains of sand on a beach. Or rolling clouds taking shape and wondering how in the heck can my brain be creating this back drop. It amazes me. I try not to stare or drift off in thought too much while dreaming. You'll just wake up
So I try to keep moving! haha

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 02:10 PM
There have been some really great, insightful responses here, been reading them and sorry if i have been quiet but ive also been very introspective about the implications there of....

As to some of the questions, I suppose it could be past life, Ive been really trying to dig to see what the lesson to be learned there is.......

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
More likely evidence of PTSD, anxiety or some other disorder. Don't chalk it up to the supernatural.

This started to happen way before I was ever in the military, and my childhood was a good one...

I cant think of any truly traumatic events outside of normal growing up........

So I cant say this fits

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