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Earth is in Space. Let's try Exploring here first!

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posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:22 AM
Earth is in Space. Here is a wild thought, instead of wasting trillions of dollars searching beyond our atmosphere for intelligent life, why don't we search Earth for signs of intelligent life?

We have several 1000's species right here. We have oceans and lakes and deserts and mountains and volcano's and strange artifacts and megaliths and canyons and pyramids that are still unexplained, why do we need to look anywhere else for things to explore?

So we can have arguments about the rings of Saturn? So we can talk about the pareidolia effects on Mar's? So we can debate the existence of Earth like atmospheres on other planets? Why do black holes behave the way they do?

Does any of this actually serve our best interest? Not one bit.

We have so much here on this planet that we have yet to explain or explore, Earth, the 3rd rock from the Sun, that is in space, right here under our very own noses.

Do we really need to find other planets to colonize? To destroy? To exploit? Do we not have our own planet right here that we can do that to? Don't you think we should try to take care of Earth first before we set out to explore other places in space? Don't you think we should try to understand our own species first?

I think the extent of our exploration should be telescopes and admiring the beauty of the stars from Earth. Some things should just be left to imagination. Okay, I will admit one thing, I am fascinated with the pictures that Hubble sends us, but this notion that humans have any business trying to actually visit other space territories is ridiculous when we have not even taken the time to understand our very own existence and how we can survive here under these atmospheric conditions with our own species.
edit on Sat Aug 22 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: removed the size tags......

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

I find the premise of your thread narrow minded and ignorant

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:27 AM
Are you the NASA director?

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

We did search Earth for intelligent life but none was found(us included), that's why we are looking into space now.
edit on 8/22/2015 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:33 AM
Exploring Earth would cost too much...

Never mind all the red tape, permissions, contracts, visas, travelers checks, shots, etc. the traveler would need...

Firing them up and away in a modified cherry bomb is WAAAAY cheaper and easier.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:43 AM


posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

I think the extent of our exploration should be telescopes and admiring the beauty of the stars from Earth.

Unfortunately that's all we can do for now.
I guess you don't care about the future of the Human race then , all's well and good in the garden at the moment but one day we will have to leave here , if we haven't looked for an alternative to Earth we are doomed.
It's what we're programmed to do.

edit on 22-8-2015 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

From my point of view, space is just like any other unexplored region.

When people go, so does civilization. When new regions were ever populated, it has never ever been the result of government exploration, it has always been individuals who risk their lives and treasure.

I say spend the trillions and more! Just don't steal the trillions from the population to do it. Instead, let the private sector and eventually, ideally, private individuals do the homesteading.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

I'm with you, wasted space. Not because it costs that much, but because they use taxpayer dollars to do it. If they want to be nerdy and go rock collecting then fine, get some wealthy backers to fund it.

No matter where we manage to go, the place will always be called here.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:58 AM
I am ship, wrecked on shore. Do you claim salvage? Old pirates yes they rob I.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

What 2/3 of the earth is water. Probably an entire world in our oceans we have yet to see. Going along with the premise of the op if the view would be explore here. That would be the most interesting to me. Along with the never ending cave systems. Then again maybe we just don't know it's already done. Come on had to throw tinfoil in the mix.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 02:59 PM
Why all those large font letters? Dude if you wish people to read your threads you need to make them somewhat less harsh on the old eyeballs.
edit on 22-8-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:01 PM
What makes you think we aren't exploring Earth?

I know that some people may have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time but that doesn't really apply to the human species.

You know that, in space, there are very large rocks falling around the Sun just as Earth is. You know that finding as many of those as possible just might make it possible to explore both Earth and space for a while longer than not because some of them are bound to be in the same place in space and time as Earth is at some point. I would be good to know about that before the fact. It would also be good to know about ways to do something about it.

Can't really do either without exploring space. (While also exploring Earth, at the same time.)

edit on 8/22/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:20 PM
The population of Earth is about 7.2 billion. How about a few of us look to the stars and the rest can explore Earth. Open your mind Dude and get off the couch.
There's plenty for every one to do. Griping about what others explore in counter to denying ignorance.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

Thanx for the edit.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

or maybe, just maybe, he is right. And you think you are a Godlike being who imagines he can find an answer to life, or maybe just maybe, space exploration follows the same logical aspect as religion, maybe just maybe, the paradigm of religion goes from God to Space. Maybe just maybe, if you follow the principals of ideals, instead of dogmas, whatever dogma you want, you could find an answer. Just maybe, but you have to go from a fantasy aspect of being a human and become a primate.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:39 PM
Aren't dolphins considered intelligent? I s'pose it all boils down to the degree of intelligence.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 05:03 PM
cant believe the OP is getting called names for proposing that we're still finding new species to this day, or still don't understand how some lifeforms can survive in some of the most baron, hot/cold/dark/or still questionable places on earth.
or how we are still discovering our own biology, or other species' biology, or things that can potentially help cure the worst diseases, or maybe understand our own brain; like why we call someone narrow minded for suggesting other avenues; wouldn't that instead qualify as narrow mindedness.. ?


anyway, I agree we need to explore our own world a bit more. I don't mean new processors or new techs, but our biology, physiology, maybe there is a species out there that can help us unlock or cure our worst ailments, or maybe we can try to figure how to use 70% or more of the human brain.

but I disagree that we should stop exploring the cosmos.
maybe we can discover as much out there about us as we can here on earth.
I wont be narrow minded and call you names and dismiss your thread without any critical thinking.

you have good points, but what other people here are trying to so politely say also reserve merit and consideration.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree
I think your point of view is understandable from a logical point of view, but maybe it should be looked at from an emotional point of view. Sorry to get personal, but are you afraid of what we might find if we start exploring space to a serious degree? We are just looking through the crack in the door now, but what if we went out there and really started turning over rocks? Do you think we would uncover something that would really disturb you?

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

Earth is in Space. Let's try Exploring here first!

WHy can't we do both?

And humans have been exploring Earth since we fist were able to travel, why not look to the heavens for a better understanding as to how we became the Earth we are today?

Seems like progress...are you scared of moving forward?

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