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Cicada3301 - countdown

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posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: nonjudgementalist

3301-2015 = 1286... ??? 1+3+8+6 = 17 ... 3+3+0+1 = 7... 17+ 7 = 24... 24 hours in a day??? Latitudes and longitudes...??? 3301 / 7 = 471.571429 (co-ordinates???)

you put 3 instead of 2
Anyway, I agree that about 1033 and 2015 being relevant. In the code there is a java script for the clock that says:

var clock = document.get("1033"), targetDate = new Date(2015, 07, 17, 10, 33, 00); clock. = countdown(targetDate).toString(); setInterval()[ clock. = countdown(targetDate).toString(); ], 1000);

See those numbers, could be a clue...or a key for decoding the message.

Also a script for the countdown was taken from

You can see this and more info by going to

Why not make your own script if you are top under cover agency I wonder?

But puzzles intrigue me so I`ll play along for few hours before going to sleep. The elements I see in the coded message are:

( 7 ), ( + ), ( = ), ( ~ ), ( ? ), ( I ), ( , ), ( : )

The sequence, however, is a complete mystery to me.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 07:34 PM
1033 is 3301 backwards folks

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:10 PM
Soooooo....the clock is now counting up.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

if you look at the target date in the inspection element it says target date July 17th....not August wondering if time zones are playing something or if there is a mistake in there somewhere affecting different target dates.

nvm it was posted above the time zone it is in....

im guessing 1033 is a port
edit on 16-8-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: schuyler
If you are into puzzles and stuff cicada is legend really. cicada3301 wiki

originally posted by: ypperst
a reply to: schuyler
It is friend. Try go check it up. You think fancy graphics means "sophisticated"?

Wow!! Really??? I'm waiting with bated breath! This surely will be earth-shatteringly exciting and deeply meaningful!

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

I think its a clue. its off by 32 days.

The script of the count down is actually quite complex.

/*global window */ /** * @license countdown.js v2.6.0 * Copyright (c)2006-2014 Stephen M. McKamey. * Licensed under The MIT License. */ /*jshint bitwise:false */ /** * @public * @type [Object|null] */ var module; /** * API entry * @public * @param [Object)|Date|number] start the starting date * @param [Object)|Date|number] end the ending date * @param [number] units the units to populate * @return [Object|number] */ var countdown = ( /** * @param [Object] module CommonJS Module */ module) [ /*jshint smarttabs:true */ 'use strict'; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MILLISECONDS = 0x001; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var SECONDS = 0x002; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MINUTES = 0x004; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var HOURS = 0x008; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var DAYS = 0x010; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var WEEKS = 0x020; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MONTHS = 0x040; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var YEARS = 0x080; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var DECADES = 0x100; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var CENTURIES = 0x200; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MILLENNIA = 0x400; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var DEFAULTS = YEARS|MONTHS|DAYS|HOURS|MINUTES|SECONDS; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var HOURS_PER_DAY = 24; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = HOURS_PER_DAY * MINUTES_PER_HOUR * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var MONTHS_PER_YEAR = 12; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var YEARS_PER_DECADE = 10; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var DECADES_PER_CENTURY = 10; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM = 10; /** * @private * @param [number] x number * @return [number] */ var ceil = Math.ceil; /** * @private * @param [number] x number * @return [number] */ var floor = Math.floor; /** * @private * @param [Date] ref reference date * @param [number] shift number of months to shift * @return [number] number of days shifted */ function borrowMonths(ref, shift) [ var prevTime = ref.getTime(); // increment month by shift ref.setMonth( ref.getMonth() + shift ); // this is the trickiest since months vary in length return Math.round( (ref.getTime() - prevTime) / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY ); ] /** * @private * @param [Date] ref reference date * @return [number] number of days */ function daysPerMonth(ref) [ var a = ref.getTime(); // increment month by 1 var b = new Date(a); b.setMonth( ref.getMonth() + 1 ); // this is the trickiest since months vary in length return Math.round( (b.getTime() - a) / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY ); ] /** * @private * @param [Date] ref reference date * @return [number] number of days */ function daysPerYear(ref) [ var a = ref.getTime(); // increment year by 1 var b = new Date(a); b.setFullYear( ref.getFullYear() + 1 ); // this is the trickiest since years (periodically) vary in length return Math.round( (b.getTime() - a) / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY ); ] /** * Applies the Timespan to the given date. * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts * @param [Date=] date * @return [Date] */ function addToDate(ts, date) [ date = (date instanceof Date) || ((date !== null) && isFinite(date)) ? new Date(+date) : new Date(); if (!ts) [ return date; ] // if there is a value field, use it directly var value = +ts.value || 0; if (value) [ date.setTime(date.getTime() + value); return date; ] value = +ts.milliseconds || 0; if (value) [ date.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() + value); ] value = +ts.seconds || 0; if (value) [ date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() + value); ] value = +ts.minutes || 0; if (value) [ date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + value); ] value = +ts.hours || 0; if (value) [ date.setHours(date.getHours() + value); ] value = +ts.weeks || 0; if (value) [ value *= DAYS_PER_WEEK; ] value += +ts.days || 0; if (value) [ date.setDate(date.getDate() + value); ] value = +ts.months || 0; if (value) [ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + value); ] value = +ts.millennia || 0; if (value) [ value *= CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM; ] value += +ts.centuries || 0; if (value) [ value *= DECADES_PER_CENTURY; ] value += +ts.decades || 0; if (value) [ value *= YEARS_PER_DECADE; ] value += +ts.years || 0; if (value) [ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + value); ] return date; ] /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_MILLISECONDS = 0; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_SECONDS = 1; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_MINUTES = 2; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_HOURS = 3; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_DAYS = 4; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_WEEKS = 5; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_MONTHS = 6; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_YEARS = 7; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_DECADES = 8; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_CENTURIES = 9; /** * @private * @const * @type [number] */ var LABEL_MILLENNIA = 10; /** * @private * @type [Array] */ var LABELS_SINGLUAR; /** * @private * @type [Array] */ var LABELS_PLURAL; /** * @private * @type [string] */ var LABEL_LAST; /** * @private * @type [string] */ var LABEL_DELIM; /** * @private * @type [string] */ var LABEL_NOW; /** * Formats a number & unit as a string * * @param [number] value * @param [number] unit * @return [string] */ var formatter; /** * Formats a number as a string * * @private * @param [number] value * @return [string] */ var formatNumber; /** * @private * @param [number] value * @param [number] unit unit index into label list * @return [string] */ function plurality(value, unit) [ return formatNumber(value)+((value === 1) ? LABELS_SINGLUAR[unit] : LABELS_PLURAL[unit]); ] /** * Formats the entries with singular or plural labels * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts * @return [Array] */ var formatList; /** * Timespan representation of a duration of time * * @private * @this [Timespan] * @constructor */ function Timespan() [] /** * Formats the Timespan as a sentence * * @param [string=] emptyLabel the string to use when no values returned * @return [string] */ Timespan.prototype.toString = emptyLabel) [ var label = formatList(this); var count = label.length; if (!count) [ return emptyLabel ? ''+emptyLabel : LABEL_NOW; ] if (count === 1) [ return label[0]; ] var last = LABEL_LAST+label.pop(); return label.join(LABEL_DELIM)+last; ]; /** * Formats the Timespan as a sentence in HTML * * @param [string=] tag HTML tag name to wrap each value * @param [string=] emptyLabel the string to use when no values returned * @return [string] */ Timespan.prototype.toHTML = tag, emptyLabel) [ tag = tag || 'span'; var label = formatList(this); var count = label.length; if (!count) [ emptyLabel = emptyLabel || LABEL_NOW; return emptyLabel ? ''+emptyLabel+'' : emptyLabel; ] for (var i=0; i= 0) [ frac += ts[fromUnit]; delete ts[fromUnit]; ] frac /= conversion; if (frac + 1 = 0) [ // ensure does not have more than specified number of digits ts[toUnit] = +(ts[toUnit] + frac).toFixed(digits); rippleRounded(ts, toUnit); return 0; ] return frac; ] /** * Ripple up partial units to next existing * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts * @param [number] digits max number of decimal digits to output */ function fractional(ts, digits) [ var frac = fraction(ts, 0, 'milliseconds', 'seconds', MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'seconds', 'minutes', SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'minutes', 'hours', MINUTES_PER_HOUR, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'hours', 'days', HOURS_PER_DAY, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'days', 'weeks', DAYS_PER_WEEK, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'weeks', 'months', daysPerMonth(ts.refMonth)/DAYS_PER_WEEK, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'months', 'years', daysPerYear(ts.refMonth)/daysPerMonth(ts.refMonth), digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'years', 'decades', YEARS_PER_DECADE, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'decades', 'centuries', DECADES_PER_CENTURY, digits); if (!frac) [ return; ] frac = fraction(ts, frac, 'centuries', 'millennia', CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM, digits); // should never reach this with remaining fractional value if (frac) [ throw new Error('Fractional unit overflow'); ] ] /** * Borrow any underflow units, carry any overflow units * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts */ function ripple(ts) [ var x; if (ts.milliseconds < 0) [ // ripple seconds down to milliseconds x = ceil(-ts.milliseconds / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND); ts.seconds -= x; ts.milliseconds += x * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; ] else if (ts.milliseconds >= MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND) [ // ripple milliseconds up to seconds ts.seconds += floor(ts.milliseconds / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND); ts.milliseconds %= MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; ] if (ts.seconds < 0) [ // ripple minutes down to seconds x = ceil(-ts.seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); ts.minutes -= x; ts.seconds += x * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; ] else if (ts.seconds >= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) [ // ripple seconds up to minutes ts.minutes += floor(ts.seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); ts.seconds %= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; ] if (ts.minutes < 0) [ // ripple hours down to minutes x = ceil(-ts.minutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR); ts.hours -= x; ts.minutes += x * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; ] else if (ts.minutes >= MINUTES_PER_HOUR) [ // ripple minutes up to hours ts.hours += floor(ts.minutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR); ts.minutes %= MINUTES_PER_HOUR; ] if (ts.hours < 0) [ // ripple days down to hours x = ceil(-ts.hours / HOURS_PER_DAY); ts.days -= x; ts.hours += x * HOURS_PER_DAY; ] else if (ts.hours >= HOURS_PER_DAY) [ // ripple hours up to days ts.days += floor(ts.hours / HOURS_PER_DAY); ts.hours %= HOURS_PER_DAY; ] while (ts.days < 0) [ // NOTE: never actually seen this loop more than once // ripple months down to days ts.months--; ts.days += borrowMonths(ts.refMonth, 1); ] // weeks is always zero here if (ts.days >= DAYS_PER_WEEK) [ // ripple days up to weeks ts.weeks += floor(ts.days / DAYS_PER_WEEK); ts.days %= DAYS_PER_WEEK; ] if (ts.months < 0) [ // ripple years down to months x = ceil(-ts.months / MONTHS_PER_YEAR); ts.years -= x; ts.months += x * MONTHS_PER_YEAR; ] else if (ts.months >= MONTHS_PER_YEAR) [ // ripple months up to years ts.years += floor(ts.months / MONTHS_PER_YEAR); ts.months %= MONTHS_PER_YEAR; ] // years is always non-negative here // decades, centuries and millennia are always zero here if (ts.years >= YEARS_PER_DECADE) [ // ripple years up to decades ts.decades += floor(ts.years / YEARS_PER_DECADE); ts.years %= YEARS_PER_DECADE; if (ts.decades >= DECADES_PER_CENTURY) [ // ripple decades up to centuries ts.centuries += floor(ts.decades / DECADES_PER_CENTURY); ts.decades %= DECADES_PER_CENTURY; if (ts.centuries >= CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM) [ // ripple centuries up to millennia ts.millennia += floor(ts.centuries / CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM); ts.centuries %= CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM; ] ] ] ] /** * Remove any units not requested * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts * @param [number] units the units to populate * @param [number] max number of labels to output * @param [number] digits max number of decimal digits to output */ function pruneUnits(ts, units, max, digits) [ var count = 0; // Calc from largest unit to smallest to prevent underflow if (!(units & MILLENNIA) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple millennia down to centuries ts.centuries += ts.millennia * CENTURIES_PER_MILLENNIUM; delete ts.millennia; ] else if (ts.millennia) [ count++; ] if (!(units & CENTURIES) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple centuries down to decades ts.decades += ts.centuries * DECADES_PER_CENTURY; delete ts.centuries; ] else if (ts.centuries) [ count++; ] if (!(units & DECADES) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple decades down to years ts.years += ts.decades * YEARS_PER_DECADE; delete ts.decades; ] else if (ts.decades) [ count++; ] if (!(units & YEARS) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple years down to months ts.months += ts.years * MONTHS_PER_YEAR; delete ts.years; ] else if (ts.years) [ count++; ] if (!(units & MONTHS) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple months down to days if (ts.months) [ ts.days += borrowMonths(ts.refMonth, ts.months); ] delete ts.months; if (ts.days >= DAYS_PER_WEEK) [ // ripple day overflow back up to weeks ts.weeks += floor(ts.days / DAYS_PER_WEEK); ts.days %= DAYS_PER_WEEK; ] ] else if (ts.months) [ count++; ] if (!(units & WEEKS) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple weeks down to days ts.days += ts.weeks * DAYS_PER_WEEK; delete ts.weeks; ] else if (ts.weeks) [ count++; ] if (!(units & DAYS) || (count >= max)) [ //ripple days down to hours ts.hours += ts.days * HOURS_PER_DAY; delete ts.days; ] else if (ts.days) [ count++; ] if (!(units & HOURS) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple hours down to minutes ts.minutes += ts.hours * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; delete ts.hours; ] else if (ts.hours) [ count++; ] if (!(units & MINUTES) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple minutes down to seconds ts.seconds += ts.minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; delete ts.minutes; ] else if (ts.minutes) [ count++; ] if (!(units & SECONDS) || (count >= max)) [ // ripple seconds down to milliseconds ts.milliseconds += ts.seconds * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; delete ts.seconds; ] else if (ts.seconds) [ count++; ] // nothing to ripple milliseconds down to // so ripple back up to smallest existing unit as a fractional value if (!(units & MILLISECONDS) || (count >= max)) [ fractional(ts, digits); ] ] /** * Populates the Timespan object * * @private * @param [Timespan] ts * @param [?Date] start the starting date * @param [?Date] end the ending date * @param [number] units the units to populate * @param [number] max number of labels to output * @param [number] digits max number of decimal digits to output */ function populate(ts, start, end, units, max, digits) [ var now = new Date(); ts.start = start = start || now; ts.end = end = end || now; ts.units = units; ts.value = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); if (ts.value < 0) [ // swap if reversed var tmp = end; end = start; start = tmp; ] // reference month for determining days in month ts.refMonth = new Date(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), 15, 12, 0, 0); try [ // reset to initial deltas ts.millennia = 0; ts.centuries = 0; ts.decades = 0; ts.years = end.getFullYear() - start.getFullYear(); ts.months = end.getMonth() - start.getMonth(); ts.weeks = 0; ts.days = end.getDate() - start.getDate(); ts.hours = end.getHours() - start.getHours(); ts.minutes = end.getMinutes() - start.getMinutes(); ts.seconds = end.getSeconds() - start.getSeconds(); ts.milliseconds = end.getMilliseconds() - start.getMilliseconds(); ripple(ts); pruneUnits(ts, units, max, digits); ] finally [ delete ts.refMonth; ] return ts; ] /** * Determine an appropriate refresh rate based upon units * * @private * @param [number] units the units to populate * @return [number] milliseconds to delay */ function getDelay(units) [ if (units & MILLISECONDS) [ // refresh very quickly return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND / 30; //30Hz ] if (units & SECONDS) [ // refresh every second return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; //1Hz ] if (units & MINUTES) [ // refresh every minute return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; ] if (units & HOURS) [ // refresh hourly return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; ] if (units & DAYS) [ // refresh daily return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY; ] // refresh the rest weekly return MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY * DAYS_PER_WEEK; ] /** * API entry point * * @public * @param [Date|number|Timespan|null|Timespan,number)] start the starting date * @param [Date|number|Timespan|null|Timespan,number)] end the ending date * @param [number=] units the units to populate * @param [number=] max number of labels to output * @param [number=] digits max number of decimal digits to output * @return [Timespan|number] */ function countdown(start, end, units, max, digits) [ var callback; // ensure some units or use defaults units = +units || DEFAULTS; // max must be positive max = (max > 0) ? max : NaN; // clamp digits to an integer between [0, 20] digits = (digits > 0) ? (digits < 20) ? Math.round(digits) : 20 : 0; // ensure start date var startTS = null; if ('function' === typeof start) [ callback = start; start = null; ] else if (!(start instanceof Date)) [ if ((start !== null) && isFinite(start)) [ start = new Date(+start); ] else [ if ('object' === typeof startTS) [ startTS = /** @type[Timespan] */(start); ] start = null; ] ] // ensure end date var endTS = null; if ('function' === typeof end) [ callback = end; end = null; ] else if (!(end instanceof Date)) [ if ((end !== null) && isFinite(end)) [ end = new Date(+end); ] else [ if ('object' === typeof end) [ endTS = /** @type[Timespan] */(end); ] end = null; ] ] // must wait to interpret timespans until after resolving dates if (startTS) [ start = addToDate(startTS, end); ] if (endTS) [ end = addToDate(endTS, start); ] if (!start && !end) [ // used for unit testing return new Timespan(); ] if (!callback) [ return populate(new Timespan(), /** @type[Date] */(start), /** @type[Date] */(end), /** @type[number] */(units), /** @type[number] */(max), /** @type[number] */(digits)); ] // base delay off units var delay = getDelay(units), timerId, fn = ) [ callback( populate(new Timespan(), /** @type[Date] */(start), /** @type[Date] */(end), /** @type[number] */(units), /** @type[number] */(max), /** @type[number] */(digits)), timerId ); ]; fn(); return (timerId = setInterval(fn, delay)); ] /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.MILLISECONDS = MILLISECONDS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.SECONDS = SECONDS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.MINUTES = MINUTES; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.HOURS = HOURS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.DAYS = DAYS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.WEEKS = WEEKS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.MONTHS = MONTHS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.YEARS = YEARS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.DECADES = DECADES; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.CENTURIES = CENTURIES; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.MILLENNIA = MILLENNIA; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.DEFAULTS = DEFAULTS; /** * @public * @const * @type [number] */ countdown.ALL = MILLENNIA|CENTURIES|DECADES|YEARS|MONTHS|WEEKS|DAYS|HOURS|MINUTES|SECONDS|MILLISECONDS; /** * Customize the format settings. * @public * @param [Object] format settings object */ var setFormat = countdown.setFormat = format) [ if (!format) [ return; ] if ('singular' in format || 'plural' in format) [ var singular = format.singular || []; if (singular.split) [ singular = singular.split('|'); ] var plural = format.plural || []; if (plural.split) [ plural = plural.split('|'); ] for (var i=LABEL_MILLISECONDS; i

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: shaneslaughta

ok we are on the same page then...i noticed it was off and i think you are right...its off intentionally...

in the code has to be a way to contact them otherwise how would they know who solved it....i like this # lol although id never be able to solve this..

just yesterday i picked up an army field manual for cryptography...maybe next year !

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:36 PM
Crap i posted too soon and for some reason cant edit.

Add 32 days on to todays date and you end up on 8/17 citizenship day here in the USA.

The title of the site is welcome in german i believe. Ironic
edit on 8/16/2015 by shaneslaughta because: Bad fingers

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: shaneslaughta

It does indeed say welcome in german....good catch

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:49 PM
click translate to makes a new pattern

then google it you and it says its an illegal request lol haha
edit on 16-8-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:54 PM
Don't want to kill the buzz, but the general consensus amongs the cicada community is that this is fake .. Mainly due to the fact that there is no PGP and that it was advertised at DefCon (can't confirm that last one since I was not there).

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Thill

There are people who have dove further and come up with is looking around and there is quite a bit on it...whether it is solvable or not is another question but there is obviously something there at least a few layers deeper.

0000000: 1fd9d91c746f141803d010071f18f0028a0b69763d1d19037daa222b4f46b3264d21ed1d31c514982b502e558ffe583b2e018e62bfe44ac063caf344469c53c7da
0000041: 72beefe909de045a3df0e8b7320d570516b431c42f73c08e39af504fd00e88bb323ae09f436395fe1955dd99251693a5971a1738871354ebebf6e74f94b21f7a3b
0000082: 346063d15bd2f0fbacc86d74b6aaaac0d44b6c54300b5eabb9d699f854ae855385fb5bce0a4304964bf6a9020acb540921d17844f39856a97a2f2623547c61009a
00000c3: 421b1756748009c31b9311745f5a2e661175c8b7958fe459fae4d96e9323b29fd21f83565c60f69d51da75ddaf6f06283b77fc0362ba41e570e70a6b6efa2a34b0
0000104: d9f1d2dde221bf636d9c7c47b6291d4bf7b3389916c46652edf7daf8efa2d0d0909f96b57a3310a3c029da90481eeb4b0d53620be26ab5fb5370bfd4edc49514b2
0000145: 2c43c402fc58554b1556d092d7410fb5cd8ba8d92af3cbbc023f3787c3ece9afee71cef31d63b826bd2292bfac22c6e5cc034237575f1737e2aa24262deced106b
0000186: 89e2032ebe6ab51c8d0cf0fe2394b0c5c8d609b1c54bd2178631f9c0f2350d7a798e52b44a50517bc0dd245db004fe0ca6460c02e81699fdea7494165c96ed4bfd
00001c7: 45d26598bf08c3d8e5486ead896f29bd0b996515157448132ea6e02f8f9d23108e69874956fdf69f2ced112f1a4924c8ec35182253c5288be0e3aa2ccbf7b7affc
0000208: d1dc90726bb30c26d41f5854a41b2ea0dc68345aa3bb11b8688c407d36cdd4cdde47d26348d75397e1636b06dbae541452c1173b59b70bc37fe28615c5636158a0
0000249: 38ab6ba758d90d2b93402505265e8374a7f5d9a7528837aad79d8e6ca20b8deac1a67755b7db9f79835a463bce04ded91a13d72c57950d95fd2f65d207299596f1
000028a: 82d27d220e44a4f95d1abb5ad1d133133b4c787721c0a3ddd32c311ffb6d8b8bc9df64658c9156bd0c1393a35236ecb18cdb93cfa5c23ccee333704fe1606fa063
00002cb: 2307b427788df8036c164ce171d42fd3d0fded1bbd8690bff52e35536a3aaaf9fa6872178f94b35b056e860d637c81664a1e1310df56344ddf19bf4fa4f2a28193
000030c: dc34cdd5423ef2cbe680fbc015ce9f6cd71424789674424ef787a1e7aec7f22d487af53bfe5e4ed4b8f207279573f00c7270e136095eb70fe6c465e0291297d059
000034d: 376088f46e159efee300d64eea644a6b5a7038f411d0f4efd67446836860f1084a01e180bacec753403fe6a845e02f82f7781eba82d2dfb38274c156f7b546cb19
000038e: b4ba5b8e84f85645830eeb3d70207d299b649e8d592536e4df0b03888ca3740d9de623d00aea1e0adfcf23d92c6dde711d187ca9d592c31ab00ac6e217892ccefd
00003cf: 1be10b

Edit: I spoke to soon...from what im seeing they just keep releasing more crumbs.....but to what point? It is not like they are making money of this...that I can see any way.
edit on 16-8-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:57 PM
Ok so i ran a whois of the domain and came back with an ip. I took the ip and ran it through google earth backwards and it points to coordinates just north of russia in the ocean.

I then ran the date in the _javascript with 32 days added and i found 3 google results only. They are russian train schedule, google reports it exactly as i queried it. I open the page and its 32 days off.

weirdddd with a capital D

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
Ok so i ran a whois of the domain and came back with an ip. I took the ip and ran it through google earth backwards and it points to coordinates just north of russia in the ocean.

I then ran the date in the _javascript with 32 days added and i found 3 google results only. They are russian train schedule, google reports it exactly as i queried it. I open the page and its 32 days off.

weirdddd with a capital D

Lets go in....lets go to Russia

the page is down for me now
edit on 16-8-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

Not saying this is not another "game", but the lack of PGP blows the whole deal regarding cicada. I would love this to be the next one believe me

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Thill

Sorry I just edited my post as you wrote seem to be right...I don't see how or why they would do this as it not netting money and as far as PGP you are referring to encryption? If you are I don't see why that matters since no one said this has to necessarily be a nsa recruting tool...unless I totally misunderstood what you meant by that.

It probably is some college dudes at MIT or some crap who put it together to to let others join their group....but the more I look at it it looks like they just keep dropping little hints that are solvable but it never leads to solving the main puzzle.

Im going back to drinking beer now haha

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

I am referring to the PGP because cicada verifies every message with their PGP key. This is one of the cardinal rules of the puzzle. If there is no PGP it is fake.

Edit: And the key is never (at least from what I remember) hidden. It is in plain sight so that you can verify the message.
edit on 16/8/15 by Thill because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Thill

Ah I get what you are saying now....totally makes are correct...on the wiki page it brought that up cause so many were copying them, even some for illegal activity allegedly. Got ya...and thx for that.

Disregard everything ive said in this entire thread except the beer drinking part.
edit on 16-8-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:35 PM

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"22 04 00 17 04 11 14 14 10 08 13 06 05 14 17 00 07 08 06 07 11 24 08 13 19 04 11 11 08 06 04 13 19 08 13 03 08 21 08 03 20 00 11 . 19 14 05 08 13 03 19 07 04 12 , 22 04 07 00 21 04 03 04 21 08 18 04 03 00 19 04 18 19 . 08 13 19 07 04 18 04 13 20 12 01 04 17 18 19 07 04 17 04 00 17 04 00 07 08 03 03 04 13 12 04 18 18 00 06 04 . 05 08 13 03 08 19 , 00 13 03 08 19 22 08 11 11 11 04 00 03 24 14 20 14 13 19 07 04 17 14 00 03 19 14 05 08 13 03 08 13 06 20 18 . 22 04 11 14 14 10 05 14 17 22 00 17 03 19 14 12 04 04 19 08 13 06 19 07 04 05 04 22 22 07 14 22 08 11 11 12 00 10 04 08 19 00 11 11 19 07 04 22 00 24 19 07 17 14 20 06 07 . 06 14 14 03 11 20 02 10"

"we are looking for a highly intelligent find them, we have devised a test. in these numbers there are a hidden message. find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. we look forward to meeting the few who will make it all the way through. good luck"

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:39 PM
At Defcon someone discovered something pretty interesting:

Just remember the rules of the game folks.

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