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why is it racist?!

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posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:12 AM
Im getting sick of closed minded, ignorant people. Everything is racist nowadays! Smh

i know im sorry for bringing up the same parrot topic that everyone else talks about, but i saw a facebook post earlier where a guy was getting completely flamed for having a tattoo that said "white pride".

But why in the hell should it matter?! Lets say a hispanic boxer promotes brown pride (just because its an example easy to think of) whats wrong with that? Hes proud of his heritage, comfortable in his skin.

Lets say a young black man, claims hes got black pride. Whats wrong with that? Again, proud of his heritage, comfortable in his skin. Whatever the reasoning may be.

Now, we have a white man that gets "white pride" tattoed on his own body. Then hes automatically a "racist honkey" "racist cracker" the list goes on and for what? Because hes happy hes white? Cause he has traditions hes proud of? Because hes comfortable in his skin?

Sorry, racism period gets me fired up, to see any race judged over skin color sickens me.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

Why are you being so racist?

Bringing up race issues makes you a racist, I said so.

Twelve people agree.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:20 AM
nothing wrong with pride.

but pride is sometimes misguided and put under an umbrella of not so positive self or cultural glorifications.

I don't think 'white' pride or any ethnicity pride is racist.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:21 AM
Is that it? Couldve saved your fingers for that one lol

a reply to: rockintitz

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: LongishLongo
Is that it? Couldve saved your fingers for that one lol

a reply to: rockintitz


One word.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

Unfortunately anyone sporting a "White Pride" or "Black Power" tattoo is always going to be considered a racist, even if that is not their intention. You gotta be careful with stuff like that, it can easily get you killed. For example, if I got a tattoo that said CK most people will think I mean "Crip Killa" but to me it means "Christ's Kingdom" but it wouldn't matter what it means to me if I'm in the wrong place or around the wrong people, according to them it means something else.

Of course this is why I will never get tattoo's, plus I hate needles.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: LongishLongo

Then hes automatically a "racist honkey" "racist cracker" the list goes on and for what? Because hes happy hes white? Cause he has traditions hes proud of? Because hes comfortable in his skin?

I feel that you should apologize to the crackers and the honkeys, for using their titles as derogatory racial terms.

The racist-brigade is always watching, waiting for the chance to display that they should feel attacked in the scenario presented. We can't blame someone for feeling victimized, when they've been told they have been the victim.

I hope I got my point across.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:38 AM
this is about where I'm at with all this sh!t...

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

It might have something to do with the fact that "white pride" is and has been central to the doctrine and rhetoric of every white supremacist group, ever.

Kind of like how having a swastika tattoo might cause a person to be viewed as a neo-Nazi regardless of personal meaning.

For me personally, I think all of the pride crap is indicative of weakness; of some deeply felt lack of self worth that results in a person turning toward "race" to compensate for a lack of pride in himself.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

It is an issue because,

"Between 1450 and 1850 at least 12 million Africans were taken across the notorious Middle Passage of the Atlantic - mainly to colonies in North America, South America, and the West Indies."

"11 million people were killed during the Holocaust (1.1 million children). 6 million of those victims were Jewish. Other groups targeted by the Nazis were Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, disabled people, and Roma."

Because, (check out the REAL lynching photographs on Google, not shared here because they are so shocking).


Because an estimated 80% to 90% of the Native American population died after the arrival of Europeans.

These are just some of the horrors of our recent past. If it was not tackled then it would continue.

I would not be so proud about that "white" thing against this historical backdrop.

It is an issue because of so much past genocide. It is an issue because it can be used as an excuse in the minds of people to exterminate minorities as a political rouse.

So when people look at the man with the "white pride" tattoo they see a fool who has not considered history.

Racism is a threat to our civilization. It has to constantly be monitored and dealt with. I am just skirting around this issue. "But why in the hell should it matter?", surely you can see that it does matter and that it is socially very dangerous.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

I think the way minorities see it and i'm just spit ballin' here, is that white people did a lot of bad things in the past, which included slavery of black people obviously... so to say you are proud to be white is to say you are proud of white history which includes slavery and oppression of minorities.

however i don't agree with that, white people were also enslaved, by other whites and black people, i think every race was enslaved at one point in history, i don't think its fair that a black person can raise their fist and say black power, and its a movement, but if a white person raises their fist and says white power the first thing that pops to mind is your'e a nazi.

So i get what your'e sayin and it gets under my skin too, nowadays in this world that has gone liberal PC mad, you are supposed to be ashamed to be white, and you are supposed to suffer from white guilt, because you have this "white privelege" (whatever the hell that is) and all because of the colour of your skin....if that isn't racism i don't know what is.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: kellyjay
a reply to: LongishLongo

I think the way minorities see it and i'm just spit ballin' here, is that white people did a lot of bad things in the past, which included slavery of black people obviously... so to say you are proud to be white is to say you are proud of white history which includes slavery and oppression of minorities.

however i don't agree with that, white people were also enslaved, by other whites and black people, i think every race was enslaved at one point in history, i don't think its fair that a black person can raise their fist and say black power, and its a movement, but if a white person raises their fist and says white power the first thing that pops to mind is your'e a nazi.

So i get what your'e sayin and it gets under my skin too, nowadays in this world that has gone liberal PC mad, you are supposed to be ashamed to be white, and you are supposed to suffer from white guilt, because you have this "white privelege" (whatever the hell that is) and all because of the colour of your skin....if that isn't racism i don't know what is.

It is nothing to do with guilt. You and I did not do those things. How can we be guilty? Who is telling you that you have a "white privilege"? It is not a privilege. There are traditionally abused people who because of their race have not had access to what the rest of society has had. It is a catch up thing. That means a targeted approach of aiming constructive resources at those people who have been disadvantaged because of race.

It is a human form of abuse that can be harnessed for political objectives. It is a social ill like child abuse and rape. Slavery is not really the same issue as racism, though one can lead to the other obviously. Think how easy it would be for say the media to whip up a frenzy about Islam where some politician sees it as a way to gain a platform, even in this age it would be possible. That is why it is dangerous and needs to be kept in check.

I'm just gonna sit back and watch people grow up now we have these modern laws protecting minorities. By goodness they needed it. We must acknowledge that certain races, groups and one gender have been treated badly in the past and try to build societies where all people have access to the same resources (that is if there is anything left by the time we achieve that).

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 05:51 AM
Why make a big deal out of it? You're only racist for saying you have pride in your race, if you're the wrong race.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

white privilege -

I think in this day for people to call people racist for the most "stupid" reasons comes from the left, both black folks and white folks.

i remember 2 years in to obama's presidency i had said on facebook in a comment that i didn't like obama (im a conservative) on a political page and i was attacked by white liberals mostly calling me a racist, even after i explained why i didnt like him (certain policys etc) i was told i didn't like because he was black which is a lie.

white liberals have hijacked the race card and they are maxing it out to the point where its losing its effectiveness, its meaning, because to even side glance at a black person they jump on you.

Let me put it this way, we want equality for all, but lets concentrate on black people for now....if i say to a white man who doesn't have a job "get a job" that's fine if i say to a black person (who is my equal) who doesn't have a job, "get a job" the liberals roll out "oh you cant say that ya racist" tell me how is it racist? because hes black? is he to be treated differently based on his race?

equality is equality, and unfortunately with equality you are afforded the same critique as your equal, but liberals want you to walk on eggshells around black folks "you cant say this and you cant say that" BULLCRAP...that right there is the epitome of racism, to suggest that you should treat black differently than your white counterparts is racist.

Now if i called a black person a n****r, that's racist,(which iv'e never done by the way) to deny service to a person based on their race..thats racist, to tell a jobless black person to get a job..that isnt racist.

like i say, liberals will call everything racist nowadays its becoming ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: LongishLongo

People who tattoo 'white pride' on their body are normally nazi skinhead type people. Not making that up, it's true. If this ONE guy suddenly felt pride in being 'white skinned' which is usually a mix of European races, well, good for him.

But trying to frame this in a way where you feign ignorance is just as bad as racism.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: ProfessorChaos
Why make a big deal out of it? You're only racist for saying you have pride in your race, if you're the wrong race.

It is because the perpetrators of race inequality as part of their eugenics tried to wipe out all traces of identity and culture. On the plantations they did this and they did the same thing to Native Americans and other indigenous people.

These groups are STILL in large part functioning on the margins of society, in ghettos and on reservations, impoverished of resources. The black pride thing is not the same as white pride. It does not mean the same thing.

If the white race was in this position then it would also be acceptable. That isn't the case though is it. White people have not been victims of eugenics to the same degree as others. They have not had their culture denied them. In real terms these cultures have perpetuated some of the worst crimes ever in history, that would make Nero The Emperor look like a teddy bear.

Think about the aborigines in Australia and how they came to be the bottom of the pile in their own native land.

Think about the black person's journey, from being sold as a slave, taken over the ocean and not allowed to have your own name or sing your own songs or practise your own religion. Kept as an imprisoned slave on the plantations and when finally you did win your freedom you are housed in ghettos and denied the same resources. All the horror stories of family being lynched for even the most petty excuse of just looking at a white woman.

For now it has to be like it is. There needs to be a catch up. That is minorities and women who have been treated lesser in the past can now be treated the SAME. It applies across the whole spectrum from housing to education to employment to wage equality. This is the way it is being achieved. It is not meaning a loss of rights for one, but the inclusion of others, raising everyone up to the same level of social inclusion.

With all that has happened it seems so cruel to stand in the way of this progress. Is it an insecurity thing? Are some white folks worried about what race and gender equality means? Do they somehow feel it will be a loss of privilege and power? The only loss of power is the privilege to have a slave, to call people foul names in public and that you can no longer lynch people or deny them opportunities because they are a certain kind of race.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 06:54 AM
Why do you care what people on Facebook think anyways?

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Why do you care what people on Facebook think anyways?

That was the question which should have been asked at the start.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

And at some point, it has to be let go or no one moves forward. At some point, it has to be let go or the only way forward is through revenge.

The only possible revenge is for current minorities to prove that they are every bit as ugly as those long ago ancestors who did those things that many of our current ancestors may not have been any direct part of as many came here later on from both sides.

Heck, you'd likely perpetrate "revenge" on my husband and son who both have mixed Native American heritage because they look too "white."

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: LongishLongo
Im getting sick of closed minded, ignorant people. Everything is racist nowadays! Smh

i know im sorry for bringing up the same parrot topic that everyone else talks about, but i saw a facebook post earlier where a guy was getting completely flamed for having a tattoo that said "white pride".

But why in the hell should it matter?! Lets say a hispanic boxer promotes brown pride (just because its an example easy to think of) whats wrong with that? Hes proud of his heritage, comfortable in his skin.

Lets say a young black man, claims hes got black pride. Whats wrong with that? Again, proud of his heritage, comfortable in his skin. Whatever the reasoning may be.

Now, we have a white man that gets "white pride" tattoed on his own body. Then hes automatically a "racist honkey" "racist cracker" the list goes on and for what? Because hes happy hes white? Cause he has traditions hes proud of? Because hes comfortable in his skin?

Sorry, racism period gets me fired up, to see any race judged over skin color sickens me.

if the black and latino were also spewing vile thing like the white pride people spew, then yes....they would also be called racist.

Heres an idea...go to the Stormfront (white pride honchos) forum and look at the topics there (and thats the OPEN forum, i dread to think whats in the private forums). You will be greated with such lovely topics as (and i have seen and read these disgusting posts):

- Have you aver met an intelligent black person
- Should faggots be killed?
- Im sick of white race traitor sluts marrying 'n-word's
- etc...

So...please. Cut the bullsh*t. THIS is the face of white pride. Racist, moronic, violent thugs.

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