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Netanyahu: Iran Nuke Deal ‘Will Bring War’

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posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:10 PM
Sounds like too much koolaid. Religious zealots...hahaha. Wow, yeah....that's the problem.

If Netty wants a war I say go for it. Only do it yourself and don't come crawling to us for "aid" when they kick your ass.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: neoholographic
If the supreme leader were Christian liberals would be screaming about this deal.

And who was it that messed with Latin American(Christian) countries in the last 30 years? Here's a hint, it wasn't liberals.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: neoholographic

If the supreme leader were Christian liberals would be screaming about this deal.

If you say this 8 or 9 more times it might have the intended brainwashing effect you're going for...

It's the truth. If the supreme leader were a Christian liberals would hate this deal. This religious zealot has total control of the Country.

According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The Supreme Leader also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security operations; he alone can declare war or peace. He has the power to appoint and dismiss the leaders of the judiciary, the state radio and television networks, and the supreme commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also appoints six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians, the powerful body that oversees the activities of Parliament and determines which candidates are qualified to run for public office.

If this were a Country ran by a Christian that was screaming death to Muslims, the Liberal would scream there's no way this deal can happen.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Lol twice in one post....

Spam is against T&Cs, neo.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: MrSpad

Avoiding another major war??

Iran was crippled by economic sanctions so this notion that there would be a war without this deal doesn't add up.

Secondly, in the short term it's not about Nuclear weapons and this is why the supreme leader said it's about terrorist attacks.

Getting a nuclear weapon when you have no money and no power in the short term is less important than getting 100's of billions of dollars to spread more terror and dominate the region. When you're an economic super power you then go after Nuclear weapons because at that point there's nothing short of an all out war that you can do to stop them.

Plus, the Country is ran by a religious nut and it's in the Constitution of Iran that the supreme leader controls everything.

"Crippled" we're they? They seemed to have been doing just fine. It helps if you turn off your boob tube.
All you are doing is parroting mainstream propaganda without even an inkling of the straight skinny.

Funny how these "crippled religious zealots" still hold influence throughout the ME.

Get a grip. Nothing is going to change. Not even Netty's asinine rants.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Netanyahu warmongering about Iran? Get out of town!

The only war that will start is the war he desires.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:27 PM
All you ignorant people who want Iran to be isolated because gub'ment says so really need to dig a hole and bury yourself. The sooner the better because for starters, they are not going anywhere no matter how many times Netty or McCain or any other douche stomps there feet.

The sooner you guys give up, the sooner relations can mend, the sooner I can visit one of the most interestingly historical places on planet Earth.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

So you're not denying that Israel is a "country run by a religious zealot"?

Again, you're giving 100's of billions of dollars and dangerous weapons to a religious zealot. If the supreme leader were Christian liberals would be screaming about this deal.

Instead Netanyahu's Jewish, so it's okay to give that religious zealot billions of dollars & dangerous weapons?

Also, since when did Israel or Israeli Zionists care about Christians? Zionists have repeatedly said they want a Jewish State, not a Jewish & Christian State. And 10% of all Palestinians are Christians, but Israel has no problem oppressing them too. So why are you trying to invoke anger from some hypothetical persecution against Christians by liberals when there's actual persecution against Christians going on by Israel right now?

Palestinian Christians Plea to Israel to Let Them Return Home
Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Why should I take netchenyaho serously when since the 1990's he's been saying Iran 1 year away from a bomb?

Hell he said that last year, well one years gone, we're is the bomb?

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Heythere1
a reply to: neoholographic

Of course it will bring war

Because Netanyahu will start it by bombing Iran

Expect false flag first blaming Iran

No he wont Israel have been cowards since the 90s and get everyone else to fight there battles for them.
edit on 4-8-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: neoholographic

So you're not denying that Israel is a "country run by a religious zealot"?

I will deny that.

IMO Netanyahu is not a religious zealot.

He is a political zealot.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: neoholographic

Why should I take netchenyaho serously when since the 1990's he's been saying Iran 1 year away from a bomb?

Hell he said that last year, well one years gone, we're is the bomb?

Well, this time Netanyahu supposedly said Iran is 10-15 years away from it. So doesn't this mean he's admitting that this deal is decreasing Iran's chances of making a bomb? If so, what's the OP complaining about?

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rallied more than 10,000 Jewish leaders and activists to reject a recently inked nuclear accord with Iran that the Israeli leader believes “will bring war” to the region and provide the Islamic Republic with a nuclear weapon within 10 to 15 years.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: neoholographic

So you're not denying that Israel is a "country run by a religious zealot"?

I will deny that.

IMO Netanyahu is not a religious zealot.

He is a political zealot.

So why would a non-religious zealot take advice from & agree with a Rabbi telling him to hasten the coming of the Jewish Messiah? How is that political but not religious? I'm not saying he's an Orthodox Jew. But that video makes it seem like he's a Messianic Jew, which is still religious.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

It's a different tack. With the deal Iran won't have nuke next year.....AGAIN, now it's increased terrorism.
Same issue, same country but a different angle. In other words.... the same BS.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: neoholographic
LOL, you can't be serious????

This is really sad and this is why I think people are blinded by hatred for Israel. This is NOTHING.

Again, you're giving 100's of billions of dollars and dangerous weapons to a religious zealot. If the supreme leader were Christian liberals would be screaming about this deal.

I think enlightenedservant has the balance about right.
Those guys in the video are not very fond of Jesus for instance. They operate with legalistic righteousness from oral tradition, you could say the word of man, when their Messiah comes, that is a sign of approval.
Jesus was unequivocal in his teaching, and that is to say, follow the word of the lord or you are toast, sort of.
This was an intellectual discourse of the Torah really, out of that came a new religion..neither today can say they have the right of it, nor can Islam, because it's all hunky doried by men.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Absolutely he is right.

The whole 24 day notice prior to inspection deal is... a clear and present indication of what direction the Iranians are going to go with the program.

Same old crap, different day. North Korea went pretty much the same direction and currently have deliverable nukes and are not far from having a platform that could deliver them to the continental US.

Iran will wind up with nukes. I believe that eventually, in some way, a nuke will be set off inside Israel. I think this is a given, since we are going to allow Iran to build nukes.

The whole explanation provided by Kerry and Obama on how the deal is SUPPOSED to work is not bad in theory. In reality how long has Iran been making bomb grade plutonium? Does anyone really know? Does anyone have a clue how much fissile material they arlready possess? We think we do... but how much is that intel worth?

Given the whole 24 day bs... that is a fool's agreement. I have maintained for years that negotiating has never benefited the stronger side, unless the stronger side went in with strength and dictated the outcome.

No negotiations have ever actually resolved anything favorably for the US. If you know of one, let me know, cause I am only aware of the results of the vietnam war peace talks, the results to prevent NK from gaining nukes, various and sundry middle east agreements that were only worth the paper you wipe yourself with.

Oh...yes, the disarmament agreements did serve some good. Yet nukes still exist. There was never full disarmament nor was there ever going to be.

What I know of the Iran deal.... it's not worth the paper you wipe youself with. My main issue being the notice we have to provide prior to inspection.

In 24 days I could, with proper planning, remove every piece of equipment in a moderate sized production facility (choose random product). Moving a ton of fissile material in 24 days is ridiculously easy.... a ton!!

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Why is Iran called a sponsor of terrorism? They sell weapons to their allies. When is the last time Iran started a war? Over 200 years ago.

Does the USA Supply weapons to their allies? Yes

When is the last time the US intentionally intervened to overthrow a nations leader?

Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: “We came, we saw, he died”, as she laughed.

And let's not forget Iraq and the WMD.

"The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his"nuclear mujahideen" -- his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." - George Bush

When is the last time Isreal was at war?

It could easily be argued that they have been at war with Palestine for over 50 years. And Netanyahu refuses to even acknowledge the Palestinians right to exist.

These are facts.

Where are the facts that suggest Iran will do anything but sell weapons to their allies? And even that information is hard to prove as factual.

But our propaganda machine has been telling us that Iran has been on the verge of Nuclear Arms and attacking Isreal for over 30 years. Of course their is less reason to suspect such wild claims by the US and Netanyahu then there was for Saddam having them.

Netanyahu won't even acknowledge the Palestinian right to exist. But their are approximately 9000 Jews living in Iran, and the number used to be much higher, yet they have lived peacefully among the Muslims in Iran for the last few hundred years.

Who are the Imperialist Zealots? We can prove the US and Netanyahu have started wars, but we can only speculate on Iran.

The facts do not suggest that Iran wantd to do anything but protect themselves from Zealots and the great American War Machine.

Stop buying the propaganda. Propaganda is what keeps the war machine turning. It's very convenient when the propaganda proves itsel to be just that and everything is swept under the rug.

But American's like you have been indoctrinated into such Nationalism that you refuse any logic and any facts. Nationalism seems to eliminate the need for the truth and logic because you and others continue to accept all the Propaganda as if it was coming directly from the mouth of God.

The facts speak loud and clear. The US has sponsored the overthrow of leaders who were not at war with us, and started wars on false pretext.This is terrorism.

Netanyahu and Isreal continue to Illegally seize more and more of the Palestinian land, because they believe they have some God given right to possess all the land of Isreal without even acknowledging the Palestinians right to exist. This is also terrorism.

What did Iran do exactly? Show me some hard evidence not propaganda from the Zionist and the US war machine who have a recent history of wars and lies.

Add - purposely or not the USA created the instability that has allowed ISIS to gain enormous power in the middle east. What did Iran do?
edit on 4-8-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: neoholographic

Absolutely he is right.

The whole 24 day notice prior to inspection deal is... a clear and present indication of what direction the Iranians are going to go with the program.

Same old crap, different day. North Korea went pretty much the same direction and currently have deliverable nukes and are not far from having a platform that could deliver them to the continental US.

Iran will wind up with nukes. I believe that eventually, in some way, a nuke will be set off inside Israel. I think this is a given, since we are going to allow Iran to build nukes.

The whole explanation provided by Kerry and Obama on how the deal is SUPPOSED to work is not bad in theory. In reality how long has Iran been making bomb grade plutonium? Does anyone really know? Does anyone have a clue how much fissile material they arlready possess? We think we do... but how much is that intel worth?

Given the whole 24 day bs... that is a fool's agreement. I have maintained for years that negotiating has never benefited the stronger side, unless the stronger side went in with strength and dictated the outcome.

No negotiations have ever actually resolved anything favorably for the US. If you know of one, let me know, cause I am only aware of the results of the vietnam war peace talks, the results to prevent NK from gaining nukes, various and sundry middle east agreements that were only worth the paper you wipe yourself with.

Oh...yes, the disarmament agreements did serve some good. Yet nukes still exist. There was never full disarmament nor was there ever going to be.

What I know of the Iran deal.... it's not worth the paper you wipe youself with. My main issue being the notice we have to provide prior to inspection.

In 24 days I could, with proper planning, remove every piece of equipment in a moderate sized production facility (choose random product). Moving a ton of fissile material in 24 days is ridiculously easy.... a ton!!

Yup! About as right as my left shoe.

North Korea did the same thing did they? So can you submit a modification request to all schools within the U.S.? Pretty sure they teach A.Q. khan was responsible for "selling" the technology they needed. Do us all a favor and stop making # up, or at the very least, source the vomit. Thanks in advance.

So I need a full retraction without retracting my words. Correction A.Q. Was Pakistan, North Korea nuke problem was handled by way of sanctions. very effective.
edit on 4-8-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: intrepid
a reply to: enlightenedservant

It's a different tack. With the deal Iran won't have nuke next year.....AGAIN, now it's increased terrorism.
Same issue, same country but a different angle. In other words.... the same BS.

Actually, I think I just figured out Net's double meanings. Let's see if this convoluted theory holds any water

1. Net wants to create the conditions that will cause the Jewish Messiah to come.

2. The conditions haven't been met for this Messiah to come yet.

3. Without this deal, Iran will have the capacity to build a nuclear weapon within a year if it needs to.

4. Net believes that Iran having a nuclear bomb will trigger events that will create the conditions for the Messiah to come.

5. This new deal will drastically reduce Iran's ability to make a nuclear bomb if they need to. At the absolute earliest, it would now take Iran 10-15 years to build one instead of 1 year.

6. This displeases Net since it will greatly reduce the chance of bringing about the Messiah.

7. So Net has gathered a bunch of people to try to get the new deal scrapped. Scrapping the deal will place Iran's timetable back to only 1 year if Iran absolutely needed to make a bomb.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: neoholographic

Absolutely he is right.

The whole 24 day notice prior to inspection deal is... a clear and present indication of what direction the Iranians are going to go with the program.

Same old crap, different day. North Korea went pretty much the same direction and currently have deliverable nukes and are not far from having a platform that could deliver them to the continental US.

Iran will wind up with nukes. I believe that eventually, in some way, a nuke will be set off inside Israel. I think this is a given, since we are going to allow Iran to build nukes.

The whole explanation provided by Kerry and Obama on how the deal is SUPPOSED to work is not bad in theory. In reality how long has Iran been making bomb grade plutonium? Does anyone really know? Does anyone have a clue how much fissile material they arlready possess? We think we do... but how much is that intel worth?

Given the whole 24 day bs... that is a fool's agreement. I have maintained for years that negotiating has never benefited the stronger side, unless the stronger side went in with strength and dictated the outcome.

No negotiations have ever actually resolved anything favorably for the US. If you know of one, let me know, cause I am only aware of the results of the vietnam war peace talks, the results to prevent NK from gaining nukes, various and sundry middle east agreements that were only worth the paper you wipe yourself with.

Oh...yes, the disarmament agreements did serve some good. Yet nukes still exist. There was never full disarmament nor was there ever going to be.

What I know of the Iran deal.... it's not worth the paper you wipe youself with. My main issue being the notice we have to provide prior to inspection.

In 24 days I could, with proper planning, remove every piece of equipment in a moderate sized production facility (choose random product). Moving a ton of fissile material in 24 days is ridiculously easy.... a ton!!

Yeah the USA should never talk just start more war! MERIKIA! Less talk more bombs! USA USA USA!


And you wonder why the USA is losing friends. ..
edit on 4-8-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

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