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Can earthquakes be predicted?

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posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 03:50 PM
Earthquakes are some of the deadliest natrual disasters on our planet. We know where the fault lines are. But, for the most part, we do not know when they will orccur. We do not know where or how big they will be.

So, I wondered if science can give any reliable prediction for earthquakes. Given the reliability of weather forecast models, can we expect earthquake prediction to be any better?

When we talk about predicting quakes we tend to mean the accurate prediction of earthquakes that will happen soon, rather than at some vague time during the next ten, fifty or hundred years.

Dilatancy Theory

Most of the prediction research is centered around the theory of Dilatancy. It has been noticed that when a rock is stressed it begins to expand; to dilate. *SNIP*

Animal Behaviour

The Chinese have claimed considerable success with a totally different approach to the problem. It has long been known that animals, birds and insects seem to change their behaviour patterns before an earthquake.

Other prediction methods

There are other prediction methods, including religious beliefs and psychic powers. *SNIP*


Here we have the USGS "official" version of earthquake "prediction":

Scientists study the past frequency of large earthquakes in order to determine the future likelihood of similar large shocks. For example, if a region has experienced four magnitude 7 or larger earthquakes during 200 years of recorded history, and if these shocks occurred randomly in time, then scientists would assign a 50 percent probability (that is, just as likely to happen as not to happen) to the occurrence of another magnitude 7 or larger quake in the region during the next 50 years.

USGS predicts earthquakes

Finally, and most interestingly, we have the theory of some Indian scientist who claim 99% accuracy in the last one hundred years.

Indian scientists recently found a scientific method of predicting earthquakes quite accurately. The great quake of Sumatra along Andaman fault line on December 26th, could have been predicted if the world would have taken these scientists seriously.

If this theory is true, we are in for many mega earthquakes soon. When two or more planets, moon and earth and sun come in one line, these mega earthquakes happen. The sun influences the rotation of earth. Now imagine you are in a train or bus. If all on a sudden the driver pushes the brake, you tend to move forward in a jerk. Exactly same thing happens when two or more planets line up with earth and pulls from the other side. The tectonic pressures built up get released in specific points of epicenter.

The mega quake and Tsunami was predictable with Indian scientists� planetary angular momentum theory � major worldwide earthquakes may happen soon!

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 06:21 PM
The Indonesian quake was predicted here by examining cloud formations which act as a precursor to quakes:

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:17 PM
I don't think there's any really accurate way of telling it. The "clouds" -- that's not something I buy into. And the "window" of 103 days... you can predict an earthquake along the major earthquake areas and say you have an error of 3 1/2 months, and you can bet you'll always get a hit.

A "reliable with 103 days" foreast is as bad as no forecast. Think how much that would disrupt the economics of the region.

And think how irritated you'd be at weather forecasters: "There will be a huge thunderstorm in your area during a 3 1/2 month window of opportunity." Heck, that's a given!

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:51 PM
Here's another more detailed report on earthquake prediction. It looks like this guy has devoted his life to earthquakes, volcanoe eruptions and tsunamis.


Recurrence Frequency
Seismic Gap Theory
Slip Rates
Using Trees to Date Earthquakes And Crustal Movements:


Study Of Precursory Events
Fault Creep Measurements:
Strain Measurements
Measuring Changes In Surface Tilt
Water Level Changes
Hydrogen Monitoring
Monitoring Radon Emissions
Observation Of Animal Behavior

His home page:

[edit on 28-12-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 11:42 AM
Predicting earthqaukes is very difficult to do, it has been done in places like the north anotolian fault in northern turkey, and scientists have predicted a string of earthquakes along this including the one at Izmit. They do this by looking at the strain produced by the quake and how it is distributed on the ground.

The basic jist is that a quake will increase the "Stress" in certain areas previously to what they were before the quake. This can then give the extra "push" required to cause another section of the fault to fail i.e an earthquake.

This approach can only be used on faults that have been mapped in great detail and a lot of data collected. This is virtually impossible with most faults though

[edit on 29-12-2004 by Rock Hunter]


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by danrok
The Indonesian quake was predicted here by examining cloud formations which act as a precursor to quakes:
predicted an earthquake of magnitude more than or equal to 5

Mag. 5 quakes happen all the time.
There's so much Mag 5 quakes annually that with that (un)accurasy it's very easy "to hit right".

And difference in energy release between mag. 9 and mag 5 quake is 900 000!


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Finally, and most interestingly, we have the theory of some Indian scientist who claim 99% accuracy in the last one hundred years.

Indian scientists recently found a scientific method of predicting earthquakes quite accurately. The great quake of Sumatra along Andaman fault line on December 26th, could have been predicted if the world would have taken these scientists seriously.

If this theory is true, we are in for many mega earthquakes soon. When two or more planets, moon and earth and sun come in one line, these mega earthquakes happen. The sun influences the rotation of earth. Now imagine you are in a train or bus. If all on a sudden the driver pushes the brake, you tend to move forward in a jerk. Exactly same thing happens when two or more planets line up with earth and pulls from the other side. The tectonic pressures built up get released in specific points of epicenter.

The mega quake and Tsunami was predictable with Indian scientists’ planetary angular momentum theory – major worldwide earthquakes may happen soon!

That one percent of error seems to be pretty big.

This "superconjunction" was in 2000.

5th of May:

17th of May:

In fact distance between Jupiter and Venus was only little over 40 arc seconds (1/3600 of degree and moon is half degrees wide) and all these objects where inside 20 degree.

Here's some free programs to use:
Sky Chart (/Cartes du Ciel)

How strong is the gravitational influence of the other planets on the Earth?? When does it peak? Is there any unusual enhancement of gravitational influence at the time of any planetary alignments?

I calculated the tidal influence of each planet at the Earth over the course of several centuries using standard almanac algorithms (only a few decades are presented here). The tidal acceleration is proportional to the mass of the planet, inversely proportional to the distance cubed, and also depends on direction. We can calculate the driving force behind the ocean tides by applying these factors for the Moon and Sun. For the planets, the graphs below show the individual tidal components due to each planet and then the maximum sum of those components accounting for the direction to each planet. If it were large enough, this tide would add on to the tide from the Sun and Moon and lead to subtle changes in the oceans and land masses down here on Earth...

Notice the sharp spike from Venus every one-and-a-half years or so. This happens whenever the Earth passes close to Venus. Since the tidal force is inversely proportional to distance cubed, the close approaches between Venus and Earth are by far the most important factor in determining the net planetary tide at Earth. The net planetary tide in May, 2000 is actually quite a bit less than average since the planets are on the far side of the Sun, and it's about 15 times weaker than the tide at a typical Venus opposition.

But I've saved the best for last...

The line at the top of each of the above graphs (roughly where the Venus spikes max out) corresponds to a tidal acceleration that is one ten-thousandth as strong as the Sun's average tidal acceleration on Earth (or over 20,000 times smaller than the tidal acceleration induced twice every day by the Moon). The low line on the graphs, close to the long-term average of the net planetary tide, is one one-hundred-thousandth of the average solar tide. So, as expected, the gravitational influence of the planets on the Earth is utterly insignificant.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:18 PM
At some point i will be reviewing/reseaching the predictions of psychics who might have seen this Tsunami/Earthquake beforehand.

Although i believe a half-arse psychic can falsely predict earthquakes, a Tsunami prediction hiting the SE Asia would be an estonishing accomplishment.

If that's what you are willing to call it.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Syntaxer, a tourist returning to the UK from Indonesia said that a palmist read her hand on Christmas Eve and also told her to stay out of the sea because a big wave is coming. Make of it what you will.


[edit on 29-12-2004 by danrok]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:47 PM
I'm reading thoes articles and they are saying "Evidence from astronomical alingnments"
WHAT!?!?!?! I duno what earth they are on or what solar system but even at any given time the gravitonal interaction between earth and the planets is about as much as a large rock on the surface of the planet ( ok so maybe thats an exageration but its so infentismal..)

Any way WHEN THE HELL WAS THIS PLANETARY ALIGNMENT! I was never aware of it. As far as I knew saturn was rising ar 9pm and juputer around 1pm nars venus and mercury in the early hours and uranus and neptuen in the capricornins area of the sky. AND THATS NOT AN ALIGNMENT.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Mizar
Any way WHEN THE HELL WAS THIS PLANETARY ALIGNMENT! I was never aware of it. As far as I knew saturn was rising ar 9pm and juputer around 1pm nars venus and mercury in the early hours and uranus and neptuen in the capricornins area of the sky. AND THATS NOT AN ALIGNMENT.

Did you see the picture in the article I linked in my initial post? Here's the picture.
I'm thinking it's these planets the scientists say were in alignmnet,

so it wasn't all the planets.

[edit on 29-12-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by E_T
That one percent of error seems to be pretty big.

This "superconjunction" was in 2000.

Thanks for your input and the links you provided. One of the reasons I posted that theory was to get some feedback from the experts here.
I figured it might be too good to be true.
That's also why I looked to see if I could find any mainstream agreement. Not that I think the mainstream is always right. But, I found no other info exceprt the indiadaily link.

What did you thing of the link?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:22 AM
Nooo..!! I hope Hawaii doesn't get hit, my whole family lives there. After hearing of the tsunamis, I automatically thought about this. Scary. After I finish college in 2006, I'm supposed to be going back home to Hawaii, I really hope everything will be O.K. in the future.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 11:56 AM

I'm getting SOOOO tired of all this planetary alignment crap. I've tried to be polite, but the same stupid batch of bad/inane/mentally retarded science keeps coming back.

Seeing as I haven't even been given a warning on here yet, I hope I don't go straight to banned with this post:

This talk of planetary alignment having an impact on earth is a smoldering pile of horse droppings. If you people would bother searching around to validate these facts before mindlessly spewing garbage into these threads you would see that.

However, seeing as you are all the mindless sheep you claim to not want to be (by being on a site that is designed to not bow to conspiracies), let me help you out:

GO READ THAT.. ESPECIALLY THE TABLE AT THE BOTTOM (which seem correct based on some quick calculations). Specifically:

The ***MOON*** exherts roughly 10^3 (1000) times the force on the earth as all the other planets combined.

Further more the tidal differential (explained therein) is some 10^6 stronger or 1,000,000 times stronger from the moon than *ALL* the other planets combined.

Thank you and have a good day.


posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 12:12 PM
Whenever there is an Eclipse.... an earthquake or earth disturbance is shortly after. I dont know when the next eclipse is but the next one you hear about it, listen for any earthquakes, not just small tea cup shaking events, more like bust every piece of china in your china cabient events. they will be on cnn or something. But anyways, the Mayans used this method to predict earthquakes. I watched this on a Sci-Fi channel show a few years ago, and I took heed to it and noticed after every eclipse there is an earthquake that is well to be noted

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 09:54 AM

What sort of eclipse?

Please provide references to eclipse and quake dates. Also be sure to list *all* the eclipses that have occurred without a major quake taking place.

There were several eclipses this year with no noticable quakes following or immediately prior.


posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by wave
Whenever there is an Eclipse.... an earthquake or earth disturbance is shortly after.

Solar eclipse...lunar eclipse???? Both????
Considering their are seismic distrubances EVERY day, I doubt that eclipses would be reliable harbingers for disaster. Besides, eclipses are relatively regular solar events.
Please, provide sources and/or links.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Please provide references to eclipse and quake dates. Also be sure to list *all* the eclipses that have occurred without a major quake taking place.

If i was to list every eclipse without a major earthquake... it might take me 10 minutes to a year. I dont know. It was just a thought i kicked out there.
I'm not even sure if there is any way to find out. The Mayans devised this plan. Even the man on TV that was telling about his discovery, which was more like archelogy than astromony. couldnt pin point dates or where to the T, he just said throughout history, the biggest quakes followed an Eclipse.

Any eclipse... yeah they are disturbances everyday but only the big ones follow any kind of eclipse. like I said i dont have any sources. I seen this theory on the TV a few years back. I can say this. I cant remember the date. But I live in kentucky and I witnessed an lunar eclipse, less than a month later Mt. St. Helens started erupting ash. I'm not an astrologier, so i dont even have the slightest to clue to when every eclipse happens. But I know they occur very frenquently.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:40 PM

Ok. The reason I lashed you that hard is your choice of words made it sound like you were stating it as fact, rather than theory.


Regarding historical earthquakes.. it is not uncommon for people to reference on event by another.. 'i.e. shortly after the eclipse'. 'shortly' being relative. I do it with my friends all the time. 'Just a few days ago...' then someone will point out that it was a month.

*old* historical dates are often very 'general'. Eclipses used to be major events for people so it was natural they would relate other signficant occurance to the timing of them (mayan's, etc)



[edit on 2-1-2005 by otlg27]


posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by wave
But I live in kentucky and I witnessed an lunar eclipse, less than a month later Mt. St. Helens started erupting ash. I'm not an astrologier, so i dont even have the slightest to clue to when every eclipse happens. But I know they occur very frenquently.
Well... remember that moon makes one complete circle around earth in 27 days!

I have to go to sleep soon but here's some eclipses (list generated with Skymap Pro 10) if someone wants to check how well they fit to major earthquakes.

Eclipses visible between 1900 AD and 2004 AD

Max Eclipse Type Magnitude Altitude Partial Dur Total Dur
----------- ---- --------- -------- ----------- ---------
1900 May 28 15:48 Total Solar 0.59 32.8� 02h 49m 42s n/a
1900 Jun 13 03:28 Partial Lunar 0.00 2.4� 00h 08m 46s n/a
1901 May 03 18:31 Penumbral Lunar 1.07 -10.5� n/a n/a
1901 Oct 27 15:15 Partial Lunar 0.23 -11.3� 01h 40m 44s n/a
1902 Apr 22 18:53 Total Lunar 1.34 -4.3� 03h 45m 15s 01h 25m 20s
1902 Oct 17 06:03 Total Lunar 1.46 5.3� 03h 32m 58s 01h 29m 33s
1903 Apr 12 00:13 Partial Lunar 0.97 28.0� 03h 17m 15s n/a
1903 Oct 06 15:17 Partial Lunar 0.87 -19.8� 03h 14m 23s n/a
1904 Mar 02 03:02 Penumbral Lunar 0.20 31.5� n/a n/a
1904 Sep 24 17:35 Penumbral Lunar 0.57 -5.7� n/a n/a
1905 Feb 19 19:00 Partial Lunar 0.41 13.0� 02h 13m 05s n/a
1905 Aug 15 03:41 Partial Lunar 0.29 9.0� 02h 04m 15s n/a
1905 Aug 30 12:58 Total Solar 0.77 44.7� 02h 24m 14s n/a
1906 Feb 09 07:47 Total Lunar 1.63 -0.8� 03h 40m 04s 01h 38m 24s
1907 Jul 25 04:22 Partial Lunar 0.62 -1.9� 02h 37m 40s n/a
1908 Jun 28 17:35 Annular Solar 0.05 24.1� 00h 43m 32s n/a
1908 Jul 13 21:34 Penumbral Lunar 0.25 4.8� n/a n/a
1908 Dec 07 21:55 Penumbral Lunar 1.06 49.5� n/a n/a
1909 Jun 04 01:29 Total Lunar 1.16 11.7� 03h 30m 56s 01h 01m 32s
1909 Nov 27 08:54 Total Lunar 1.37 -6.9� 03h 27m 09s 01h 21m 54s
1910 May 24 05:34 Total Lunar 1.10 -13.0� 03h 36m 01s 00h 50m 44s
1910 Nov 17 00:21 Total Lunar 1.13 54.7� 03h 13m 44s 00h 51m 49s
1911 May 13 05:56 Penumbral Lunar 0.82 -14.8� n/a n/a
1911 Nov 06 15:36 Penumbral Lunar 0.84 -5.9� n/a n/a
1912 Apr 01 22:14 Partial Lunar 0.19 26.4� 01h 36m 42s n/a
1912 Apr 17 12:09 Hybrid Solar 0.85 47.0� 02h 36m 28s n/a
1914 Mar 12 04:13 Partial Lunar 0.92 20.0� 03h 02m 14s n/a
1914 Aug 21 12:05 Total Solar 0.66 48.8� 02h 21m 17s n/a
1915 Jan 31 04:57 Penumbral Lunar 0.07 27.5� n/a n/a
1915 Mar 01 18:19 Penumbral Lunar 0.58 4.4� n/a n/a
1915 Aug 24 21:27 Penumbral Lunar 0.60 16.7� n/a n/a
1916 Jan 20 08:39 Partial Lunar 0.14 -2.2� 01h 29m 12s n/a
1916 Feb 03 17:29 Total Solar 0.95 -5.5� 01h 57m 11s n/a
1916 Jul 15 04:46 Partial Lunar 0.80 -6.2� 02h 53m 20s n/a
1917 Jan 08 07:44 Total Lunar 1.37 5.2� 03h 47m 56s 01h 28m 14s
1917 Jul 04 21:39 Total Lunar 1.62 5.9� 03h 33m 27s 01h 36m 41s
1917 Dec 28 09:46 Total Lunar 1.01 -8.4� 03h 23m 00s 00h 16m 13s
1918 Dec 17 19:06 Penumbral Lunar 0.86 25.7� n/a n/a
1919 May 15 01:14 Penumbral Lunar 0.94 14.7� n/a n/a
1919 Nov 07 23:44 Partial Lunar 0.18 53.0� 01h 31m 19s n/a
1919 Nov 22 16:24 Annular Solar 0.26 -8.6� 02h 10m 49s n/a
1920 May 03 01:51 Total Lunar 1.22 16.4� 03h 40m 18s 01h 12m 23s
1920 Oct 27 14:11 Total Lunar 1.40 -18.2� 03h 31m 49s 01h 25m 44s
1920 Nov 10 16:37 Partial Solar 0.59 -2.8� 02h 15m 20s n/a
1921 Apr 08 08:49 Annular Solar 0.92 28.1� 02h 27m 59s n/a
1921 Apr 22 07:44 Total Lunar 1.07 -24.3� 03h 22m 45s 00h 41m 44s
1921 Oct 16 22:54 Partial Lunar 0.94 42.7� 03h 19m 46s n/a
1922 Mar 28 14:10 Annular Solar 0.14 34.1� 01h 32m 30s n/a
1922 Apr 11 20:32 Penumbral Lunar 0.81 12.8� n/a n/a
1922 Oct 06 00:43 Penumbral Lunar 0.66 38.7� n/a n/a
1923 Mar 03 03:32 Partial Lunar 0.38 28.4� 02h 08m 12s n/a
1924 Feb 20 16:09 Total Lunar 1.60 -10.8� 03h 40m 18s 01h 37m 46s
1924 Aug 14 20:20 Total Lunar 1.66 5.2� 03h 37m 32s 01h 38m 54s
1925 Jan 24 15:59 Total Solar 0.75 -4.0� 02h 49m 52s n/a
1925 Feb 08 21:42 Partial Lunar 0.74 39.8� 03h 06m 28s n/a
1926 Jan 28 21:20 Penumbral Lunar 0.58 40.4� n/a n/a
1926 Jun 25 21:25 Penumbral Lunar 0.70 5.2� n/a n/a
1926 Jul 25 05:00 Penumbral Lunar 0.38 -7.1� n/a n/a
1926 Dec 19 06:20 Penumbral Lunar 1.05 15.2� n/a n/a
1927 Jun 29 05:24 Total Solar 1.00 11.6� 01h 51m 15s n/a
1927 Dec 08 17:35 Total Lunar 1.36 13.0� 03h 26m 14s 01h 20m 31s
1928 Nov 12 08:27 Partial Solar 0.21 6.1� 01h 39m 20s n/a
1928 Nov 27 09:01 Total Lunar 1.15 -7.0� 03h 14m 53s 00h 55m 57s
1929 Nov 01 10:58 Annular Solar 0.22 21.1� 01h 46m 05s n/a
1929 Nov 17 00:03 Penumbral Lunar 0.87 55.8� n/a n/a
1930 Apr 13 05:58 Partial Lunar 0.11 -5.3� 01h 15m 16s n/a
1930 Oct 07 19:07 Partial Lunar 0.03 12.8� 00h 41m 37s n/a
1931 Apr 02 20:07 Total Lunar 1.51 11.6� 03h 28m 31s 01h 30m 19s
1931 Sep 26 19:48 Total Lunar 1.33 15.3� 03h 47m 32s 01h 24m 57s
1932 Sep 14 21:01 Partial Lunar 0.98 21.1� 03h 24m 40s n/a
1933 Mar 12 02:33 Penumbral Lunar 0.62 31.2� n/a n/a
1933 Aug 05 19:46 Penumbral Lunar 0.26 -3.3� n/a n/a
1933 Sep 04 04:52 Penumbral Lunar 0.72 5.0� n/a n/a
1934 Jan 30 16:42 Partial Lunar 0.12 0.2� 01h 22m 34s n/a
1935 Jan 19 15:47 Total Lunar 1.35 -4.5� 03h 47m 15s 01h 26m 58s
1935 Jun 30 20:40 Partial Solar 0.23 -0.6� 01h 08m 34s n/a
1935 Jul 16 05:00 Total Lunar 1.76 -7.5� 03h 35m 29s 01h 40m 17s
1936 Jan 08 18:10 Total Lunar 1.02 15.6� 03h 23m 11s 00h 23m 28s
1936 Jun 19 04:19 Total Solar 0.52 3.6� 01h 30m 25s n/a
1936 Dec 28 03:49 Penumbral Lunar 0.87 37.9� n/a n/a
1937 Nov 18 08:19 Partial Lunar 0.15 -4.1� 01h 22m 58s n/a
1938 Nov 07 22:26 Total Lunar 1.36 48.7� 03h 30m 51s 01h 22m 12s
1939 Apr 19 18:16 Annular Solar 0.39 7.9� 01h 40m 42s n/a
1939 Oct 28 06:36 Partial Lunar 0.99 3.2� 03h 24m 02s n/a
1940 Mar 23 19:48 Penumbral Lunar 0.10 10.5� n/a n/a
1940 Apr 22 04:26 Penumbral Lunar 0.89 5.0� n/a n/a
1940 Oct 16 08:01 Penumbral Lunar 0.74 -12.1� n/a n/a
1941 Sep 05 17:47 Partial Lunar 0.06 -8.8� 00h 55m 58s n/a
1942 Mar 03 00:21 Total Lunar 1.57 42.9� 03h 40m 18s 01h 36m 32s
1942 Aug 26 03:48 Total Lunar 1.54 10.5� 03h 34m 52s 01h 34m 05s
1942 Sep 10 16:12 Partial Solar 0.34 20.8� 01h 45m 26s n/a
1943 Feb 20 05:38 Partial Lunar 0.77 15.5� 03h 09m 45s n/a
1943 Aug 15 19:28 Partial Lunar 0.88 -2.3� 02h 59m 11s n/a
1944 Feb 09 05:14 Penumbral Lunar 0.61 22.6� n/a n/a
1944 Jul 06 04:40 Penumbral Lunar 0.56 -5.0� n/a n/a
1944 Dec 29 14:49 Penumbral Lunar 1.05 -8.0� n/a n/a
1945 Jul 09 13:55 Total Solar 0.64 53.6� 02h 27m 33s n/a
1945 Dec 19 02:20 Total Lunar 1.35 50.0� 03h 25m 34s 01h 19m 39s
1946 Jun 14 18:39 Total Lunar 1.40 -15.4� 03h 49m 41s 01h 31m 50s
1946 Dec 08 17:48 Total Lunar 1.17 15.5� 03h 15m 37s 00h 58m 21s
1947 Jun 03 19:15 Partial Lunar 0.02 -9.8� 00h 38m 29s n/a
1947 Nov 28 08:34 Penumbral Lunar 0.89 -3.6� n/a n/a
1948 Oct 18 02:35 Penumbral Lunar 1.04 34.4� n/a n/a
1949 Apr 13 04:11 Total Lunar 1.43 9.1� 03h 26m 24s 01h 25m 41s
1949 Apr 28 07:19 Partial Solar 0.44 21.9� 01h 55m 13s n/a
1949 Oct 07 02:56 Total Lunar 1.23 28.9� 03h 43m 30s 01h 13m 38s
1950 Apr 02 20:44 Total Lunar 1.04 15.8� 03h 10m 19s 00h 29m 10s
1950 Sep 26 04:17 Total Lunar 1.08 15.4� 03h 30m 26s 00h 45m 42s
1951 Feb 21 21:29 Penumbral Lunar 0.01 34.9� n/a n/a
1951 Aug 17 03:14 Penumbral Lunar 0.14 10.8� n/a n/a
1951 Sep 01 12:02 Annular Solar 0.16 45.0� 01h 31m 09s n/a
1952 Feb 11 00:39 Partial Lunar 0.09 51.1� 01h 12m 02s n/a
1952 Feb 25 09:15 Total Solar 0.09 15.6� 00h 57m 16s n/a
1952 Aug 05 19:47 Partial Lunar 0.54 -2.4� 02h 28m 07s n/a
1953 Jan 29 23:47 Total Lunar 1.34 53.3� 03h 46m 23s 01h 25m 13s
1954 Jan 19 02:32 Total Lunar 1.04 47.6� 03h 23m 33s 00h 30m 16s
1954 Jun 30 12:29 Total Solar 0.80 59.6� 02h 33m 52s n/a
1954 Jul 16 00:20 Partial Lunar 0.41 14.9� 02h 21m 58s n/a
1955 Nov 29 16:59 Partial Lunar 0.12 8.7� 01h 15m 57s n/a
1956 Nov 18 06:48 Total Lunar 1.32 7.2� 03h 30m 07s 01h 19m 10s
1957 May 13 22:31 Total Lunar 1.30 14.6� 03h 32m 17s 01h 18m 30s
1957 Nov 07 14:27 Total Lunar 1.04 -14.2� 03h 27m 12s 00h 30m 00s
1958 Apr 04 04:00 Penumbral Lunar 0.04 12.0� n/a n/a
1958 Oct 27 15:27 Penumbral Lunar 0.81 -11.7� n/a n/a
1959 Mar 24 20:11 Partial Lunar 0.27 14.0� 01h 50m 46s n/a
1959 Sep 17 01:03 Penumbral Lunar 1.01 32.7� n/a n/a
1959 Oct 02 11:54 Total Solar 0.31 33.1� 01h 51m 38s n/a
1960 Mar 13 08:28 Total Lunar 1.52 -17.1� 03h 40m 01s 01h 34m 38s
1961 Feb 15 07:44 Total Solar 0.91 1.2� 02h 03m 53s n/a
1961 Aug 26 03:08 Partial Lunar 0.99 14.6� 03h 06m 43s n/a
1962 Aug 15 19:57 Penumbral Lunar 0.62 1.4� n/a n/a
1963 Jan 09 23:19 Penumbral Lunar 1.04 55.3� n/a n/a
1963 Jul 06 22:02 Partial Lunar 0.71 8.4� 03h 00m 43s n/a
1964 Jun 25 01:06 Total Lunar 1.56 11.3� 03h 53m 52s 01h 41m 25s
1964 Dec 19 02:37 Total Lunar 1.18 48.4� 03h 16m 11s 01h 00m 01s
1965 Jun 14 01:49 Partial Lunar 0.18 8.8� 01h 41m 40s n/a
1965 Dec 08 17:10 Penumbral Lunar 0.91 10.8� n/a n/a
1966 May 04 21:11 Penumbral Lunar 0.94 10.8� n/a n/a
1966 May 20 09:24 Annular Solar 0.37 44.4� 01h 54m 58s n/a
1968 Apr 13 04:47 Total Lunar 1.12 3.5� 03h 14m 51s 00h 49m 48s
1968 Sep 22 10:18 Total Solar 0.30 32.5� 01h 46m 37s n/a
1969 Apr 02 18:32 Penumbral Lunar 0.73 -2.7� n/a n/a
1969 Sep 25 20:10 Penumbral Lunar 0.93 19.4� n/a n/a
1970 Feb 21 08:30 Partial Lunar 0.05 -9.1� 00h 55m 13s n/a
1970 Aug 17 03:23 Partial Lunar 0.41 10.3� 02h 12m 24s n/a
1971 Feb 10 07:45 Total Lunar 1.31 0.1� 03h 45m 18s 01h 22m 55s
1971 Feb 25 09:41 Partial Solar 0.69 18.5� 02h 07m 54s n/a
1971 Aug 06 19:43 Total Lunar 1.73 -2.2� 03h 36m 10s 01h 40m 04s
1972 Jul 10 20:17 Total Solar 0.52 1.4� 01h 27m 10s n/a
1973 Jan 18 21:17 Penumbral Lunar 0.89 40.6� n/a n/a
1973 Jun 15 20:50 Penumbral Lunar 0.49 0.4� n/a n/a
1973 Dec 10 01:44 Partial Lunar 0.11 54.2� 01h 10m 23s n/a
1973 Dec 24 16:23 Annular Solar 0.36 -4.3� 02h 01m 54s n/a
1974 Jun 04 22:16 Partial Lunar 0.83 9.0� 03h 14m 20s n/a
1974 Nov 29 15:13 Total Lunar 1.29 -4.8� 03h 29m 37s 01h 16m 34s
1975 May 11 06:23 Partial Solar 0.59 16.5� 01h 54m 36s n/a
1975 May 25 05:48 Total Lunar 1.43 -14.6� 03h 35m 52s 01h 29m 02s
1975 Nov 18 22:23 Total Lunar 1.07 50.5� 03h 29m 39s 00h 41m 37s
1976 Apr 29 10:13 Annular Solar 0.36 45.1� 02h 17m 31s n/a
1976 May 13 19:54 Partial Lunar 0.13 0.3� 01h 17m 16s n/a
1976 Nov 06 23:01 Penumbral Lunar 0.86 49.8� n/a n/a
1977 Apr 04 04:18 Partial Lunar 0.20 10.1� 01h 36m 08s n/a
1978 Mar 24 16:22 Total Lunar 1.46 -18.8� 03h 39m 11s 01h 31m 21s
1978 Sep 16 19:04 Total Lunar 1.33 6.1� 03h 27m 52s 01h 19m 29s
1979 Feb 26 18:15 Total Solar 0.44 -5.8� 01h 32m 18s n/a
1979 Mar 13 21:08 Partial Lunar 0.86 25.6� 03h 18m 22s n/a
1980 Mar 01 20:45 Penumbral Lunar 0.68 26.5� n/a n/a
1980 Jul 27 19:08 Penumbral Lunar 0.28 -7.6� n/a n/a
1980 Aug 26 03:30 Penumbral Lunar 0.73 11.8� n/a n/a
1981 Jan 20 07:50 Penumbral Lunar 1.04 2.2� n/a n/a
1981 Jul 17 04:47 Partial Lunar 0.55 -5.0� 02h 44m 07s n/a
1982 Jan 09 19:56 Total Lunar 1.34 31.1� 03h 24m 30s 01h 18m 26s
1982 Jul 20 19:36 Partial Solar 0.22 5.4� 01h 01m 35s n/a
1982 Dec 15 08:25 Partial Solar 0.38 -0.3� 02h 07m 20s n/a
1983 Dec 04 11:59 Annular Solar 0.03 14.3� 00h 46m 13s n/a
1983 Dec 20 01:49 Penumbral Lunar 0.91 54.7� n/a n/a
1984 May 15 04:40 Penumbral Lunar 0.83 -3.0� n/a n/a
1984 May 30 18:06 Annular Solar 0.46 17.6� 01h 45m 32s n/a
1984 Nov 08 17:55 Penumbral Lunar 0.93 11.8� n/a n/a
1985 May 04 19:56 Total Lunar 1.24 1.8� 03h 19m 39s 01h 08m 39s
1985 Oct 28 17:42 Total Lunar 1.08 7.8� 03h 35m 34s 00h 45m 11s
1986 Oct 17 19:18 Total Lunar 1.25 19.2� 03h 37m 27s 01h 14m 32s
1987 Apr 14 02:19 Penumbral Lunar 0.80 19.8� n/a n/a
1987 Oct 07 04:02 Penumbral Lunar 1.01 20.9� n/a n/a
1988 Mar 03 16:13 Partial Lunar 0.00 -13.4� 00h 13m 13s n/a
1989 Feb 20 15:35 Total Lunar 1.28 -14.7� 03h 43m 44s 01h 19m 17s
1989 Aug 17 03:08 Total Lunar 1.60 12.5� 03h 34m 57s 01h 36m 29s
1990 Feb 09 19:11 Total Lunar 1.08 17.6� 03h 24m 58s 00h 43m 44s
1991 Jan 30 05:59 Penumbral Lunar 0.91 15.9� n/a n/a
1991 Jun 27 03:15 Penumbral Lunar 0.34 2.1� n/a n/a
1991 Dec 21 10:33 Partial Lunar 0.09 -10.4� 01h 06m 08s n/a
1992 Jun 15 04:57 Partial Lunar 0.69 -9.7� 03h 00m 34s n/a
1992 Dec 09 23:44 Total Lunar 1.28 59.1� 03h 29m 25s 01h 14m 43s
1993 Nov 29 06:26 Total Lunar 1.09 12.0� 03h 31m 26s 00h 47m 54s
1994 May 10 18:33 Annular Solar 0.52 10.2� 01h 56m 01s n/a
1994 May 25 03:30 Partial Lunar 0.25 3.7� 01h 46m 00s n/a
1994 Nov 18 06:44 Penumbral Lunar 0.91 6.9� n/a n/a
1995 Oct 08 16:04 Penumbral Lunar 0.85 -11.4� n/a n/a
1996 Apr 04 00:10 Total Lunar 1.38 29.8� 03h 37m 47s 01h 26m 29s
1996 Sep 27 02:54 Total Lunar 1.25 26.6� 03h 23m 59s 01h 10m 07s
1997 Mar 24 04:39 Partial Lunar 0.92 12.6� 03h 23m 45s n/a
1997 Sep 16 18:47 Total Lunar 1.20 3.1� 03h 17m 10s 01h 02m 34s
1998 Mar 13 04:20 Penumbral Lunar 0.74 20.0� n/a n/a
1998 Aug 08 02:25 Penumbral Lunar 0.15 15.4� n/a n/a
1999 Jan 31 16:18 Penumbral Lunar 1.03 -5.0� n/a n/a
1999 Aug 11 10:18 Total Solar 0.92 45.4� 02h 32m 21s n/a
2000 Jan 21 04:44 Total Lunar 1.33 29.3� 03h 23m 59s 01h 17m 46s
2001 Jan 09 20:21 Total Lunar 1.19 35.2� 03h 17m 01s 01h 02m 04s
2001 Dec 30 10:29 Penumbral Lunar 0.92 -10.2� n/a n/a
2002 Jun 24 21:27 Penumbral Lunar 0.23 3.3� n/a n/a
2002 Nov 20 01:47 Penumbral Lunar 0.89 48.7� n/a n/a
2003 May 16 03:40 Total Lunar 1.13 3.9� 03h 14m 38s 00h 52m 41s
2003 May 31 03:39 Annular Solar 0.92 -2.0� 01h 50m 34s n/a
2003 Nov 09 01:19 Total Lunar 1.02 48.8� 03h 32m 03s 00h 24m 28s
2004 May 04 20:30 Total Lunar 1.31 5.3� 03h 23m 54s 01h 16m 20s
2004 Oct 28 03:04 Total Lunar 1.31 34.5� 03h 39m 19s 01h 21m 15s
Here's "top ten" quakes:
This list isn't so good because big earthquake can happen in remote place without victims. (like that 8.1 between Antarctica and NZ two days before Sumatra's quake)

PS. Precisely astrology is that "area" which doesn't have much anything in common with real science.

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